Using Google Maps in the HTML Composer


This topic describes how to integrate Google Maps with reports generated from the HTML Composer. A Google Map is a Google service offering powerful, user-friendly mapping technology that can be customized to show points on a map with drill-down capabilities. You can customize the Google Map properties and bind them to a WebFOCUS report. The Google Map tool is available from the HTML Composer.

Note: Google Maps are only available if you have a Google Maps license key. For more information, see the Google Maps API section of the Google Web site.

In order to present points on a map generated by a WebFOCUS report, data needs to be in geocode. In other words, data needs to be enriched with geographical data. When binding WebFOCUS to Google maps, the sources used to bind WebFOCUS reports need to be defined by latitude and longitude coordinates and a marker value associated to a group of data in order for the Google Map to launch properly. For more information, see Creating WebFOCUS Procedures for Google Maps.