Tracing Server Activity

In this section:



You can activate traces at server startup or while the server is running. Information Builders recommends starting the server with traces active so that a full set of traces can be sent to Customer Support Services to help diagnose issues that arise. If you need to contact Customer Support Services for assistance, you can use a facility called savediag to expedite the transmission of server information. For details about using savediag, see Gathering Diagnostic Information for Customer Support Services. Refer to the Installation manual for your platform for more information on starting the server with traces active.

To activate traces for a running server, a server administrator can quickly enable or disable traces at any point in a work process by clicking Workspace, Enable (or Disable) Traces from the Web Console menu bar.

The server administrator can use the Web Console to initiate and control a wide range of traces, and dynamically turn traces on or off for a running server. To see a list of traces, select Configuration/Monitor from the Workspace menu. Open the Logs and Traces folder on the navigation pane, right-click Traces, and select View.

The Web Console displays the following list of traces: Workspace Manager, Data Services, Java Services, Special Services, Listeners. (The traces that are active varies depending on the types of requests that have been made against the server.)

Right-clicking a trace displays the follow options:

Note that the selected trace file is displayed with any active filtering applied.

Once traces have been configured and turned on by a server administrator, they can be viewed by application administrators and server operators.

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Reference: SET TRACEUSER Commands

If you want to turn dynamic traces on or off for one user, you can include the command SET TRACEUSER={ON|OFF} in a user profile or in an individual procedure.

You can also use the SET TRACEUSER=tracename command turn dynamic traces on and send the trace to a named file. The file must specify a .trc extension and use a full path name for server traces so the traces are retained after server execution.

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Configuring Traces

How to:


You can configure traces to limit their size and select the components to activate.

Procedure: How to Configure Traces
  1. From the Workspace menu, select Configuration/Monitor.
  2. Open the Logs and Traces folder on the navigation pane, right-click Traces, and select Configure.

    The Traces Configuration page opens.

  3. Optionally, set the trace size limit to a specific number of lines. After the limit is reached, trace data is dumped to an alternate file with the extension TRB. Logging continues into the trace file with extension TRC. For related information, see Limiting the Size of a Trace File.

    A blank entry indicates no trace size limit.

  4. Select an option from the Choose the trace components to activate drop-down menu. The selections you make here are written into a file called ibitrace.fex. The settings take effect on the next server start/restart.

    Note that Customer Support Services may request that you change from the default trace setting to a custom setting to facilitate their research.

    Default Components

    • R1H
    • QOPSYS
    • PRH
    • NWH
    • NLS

    All Components

    • All traceable server components.

    Typical Components

    • CEH
    • NWH2
    • PRH

    Custom Components

    This option allows you to select the specific components to activate.

    The components are categorized as follows (each category has a list of trace options within it):

    • XFOCUS
  5. Click the Save or Save and Restart Server.

Tip: If you wish to restore default settings or choose typical settings, select these options, then click Save Settings. The selected group will be checked when you reopen the Custom Components list.

Reference: Limiting the Size of a Trace File

You can use set the size limit of the trace files. The trace size limit specifies the maximum number of lines in the trace files. The value is written into the IBITRACE.FEX file as SET TRACESIZE = value and requires a server restart to activate. After the size limit is reached for a particular trace, the trace data is redirected to an alternate file with an extension of .TRB. When the size limit is reached in the .TRB version of the file, then writing resumes with the .TRC version of the file. A trace cycles between the two matched sets of files to alleviate maxing out a disk drive with large individual traces. Each cycle starts a fresh file (versus an append). If there are intermediate traces that need to be saved, it is up to the site to monitor and implement specific methods to save traces based on their needs and capabilities. For example, copying to an archive disk or secondary machine and possibly using compression.

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Filtering Traces

How to:

Filter allows you to limit the types of errors or components that are included in the traces.

Procedure: How to Filter Traces
  1. From the Workspace menu, select Configuration/Monitor.
  2. Open the Logs and Traces folder on the navigation pane, right-click Traces, and select Filter.

    The Traces Filter page opens.

  3. Select an option from the Trace components to filter drop-down menu:
    • No Filtering (the default) displays all trace information.
    • Errors displays only errors, crashes, errno, abort or fail conditions.
    • Typical Components displays trace information from typical components.
    • Custom Components displays trace information from components which you select.

  4. Click Set Filter. The filters take affect when you enable and run traces.

Procedure: How to Capture Traces in a Script File

Capturing traces in a script file enables you to isolate server problems. Specifically, you can enable this type of custom trace, then reproduce the problem and capture the input commands issued from a front-end tool (such as WebFOCUS Developer Studio) to the server. Customer Support Services can then isolate debugging for the server only, instead of having to recreate a whole complex environment.

  1. From the Workspace menu, select Configuration/Monitor.
  2. Open the Logs and Traces folder on the navigation pane, right-click Traces, and select Configure.
  3. Select Custom Components from the Trace components to filter drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Unselect All button.
  5. Choose AJ - NWHSIM/1 under Communications and Systems.
  6. Click Set Filter.

The trace setting will be active the next time the server is started.

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Showing the Session Log

In this section:

How to:

The Session Log records the activity that takes place between the current Web Console session and the server. For example, when a procedure or DataMigrator job is run, the Session Log records the WebFOCUS code and SQL statements that are sent from the console to the server for execution on the server.

The log also records the response that the server returns, in addition to the answer set, such as error messages and informational messages.

Changing the Size of the Session Log Buffer

By default, the Session Log holds 500 lines. You can increase or decrease the number of lines.

Procedure: How to Change the Size of the Session Log Buffer
  1. From the Workspace menu, select Configuration/Monitor.
  2. In the navigation pane, right-click Miscellaneous Settings, and click Configure.
  3. On the Miscellaneous Settings page, locate the seslog_max_lines field, and type the number of lines to assign to the buffer for the Session Log.

    In the following image, the value for seslog_max_lines is set to 750.

  4. Click Save. You do not need to restart the server for the new setting to take effect.

Procedure: How to Show the Session Log
  1. On the Web Console menu bar, click the Show Session Log Window icon, as shown in the following image.

    Tip: After you open the Session Log, the Show Session Log Window icon disappears from the menu bar. When you hide the Session Log, as described in step 6, the icon reappears.

    A small pane opens near the bottom of the window, similar to the one shown in the following image.

  2. Click the Maximize button at the upper-right of the pane to enlarge it.
  3. Click the Refresh button on the left of the Session Log menu bar to display the current contents of the log.
  4. Optionally, click the Filter drop-down list to select only those commands or data that you want to include in the Session Log. You can select:
    • Focus, to display WebFOCUS commands sent to the server for execution.
    • Sql/mdx, to display SQL or MDX code that is generated by an adapter and sent to a relational database or OLAP database, respectively.
    • Transform, to display the result of transforming the user-supplied code in a procedure, into WebFOCUS code that is supported on the server. This option is useful for DataMigrator jobs that require transformation.
    • Errors, to display error messages returned from the server.
    • Messages, to display informational messages returned from the server, for example, NUMBER OF RECORDS IN TABLE, SVG FILE SAVED, and others.
    • Timestamp, to display the date and time at which a command or message was exchanged. For example, if you select Errors and Timestamp, the Session Log displays the time at which an error message was returned from the server.
    • No Delay, to display the Session Log while a request is still running, not after it has finished running. This option is recommended for long-running requests.

    In the following image, the check boxes for Focus, Messages, and Timestamp are selected to include the display of WebFOCUS commands and messages, and to include the date and time of each entry in the log.

    When you filter the Session Log, its contents automatically refresh to reflect the last criterion that you specified.

  5. Optionally, you can do one of the following:
    • Click the Clear Messages button on the left of the Session Log menu bar to remove the current contents of the log.
    • Click the Refresh button on the left of the Session Log menu bar to update the log.
    • Use standard editing functions, such as:

      Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V to select all the contents of the log, copy it, and paste it into another file.

      Ctrl-click to highlight a line.

      Shift at the beginning of a block of lines, and Shift-click at the end of the block of lines, to highlight the lines.

  6. When you have finished reviewing the messages in the Session Log and want to close it, click Hide on the right of the Session Log menu bar.

Procedure: How to Show the Log for a Web Session

You can display a log of the activity that takes place in an individual Web Session.

  1. From the Workspace menu, select Configuration/Monitor.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand the Special Services and Listeners folder.
  3. Right-click HTTP, and from the menu, click Web Sessions.

    The Performance Report for all Web Sessions is displayed.

  4. On the report, right-click a row for an individual Web Session, and from the menu, click View Session Log.

    The log for the selected Web Session opens, as shown in the following image.

iWay Software