Managing Content

In this section:

How to:

Content management enables you to create pointers to the following:

PMF has several predefined categories for administrator-distributed content, including Administration, Analysis, Audit, CPM/BPM Practice, History, Measures Detail, Objective, Perspective, Projects & Processes, Saved, and Today. You can categorize content to control where it appears on the Today page for an administrator, or on the Document List of the Action gadget for a user.

You can also create up to 10 custom categories for the content that you manage.

Parameter sets saved from the Analysis Designer are also stored as content under the Saved category. Content contains references to stored procedure names and, for Saved views, stores blocks of parameters and controls how PMF distributes and manages these views.

When creating access to content, make sure to click the Preview button. If the content pointed to is valid, PMF launches that content in a new window. This is a good way to test the content before making it available to administrators on the Today page or users in the Document List.

For details about the fields and options available in the New Content and Edit Content panels, see Manage Tab - Content.

Procedure: How to Add Content by Linking to a WebFOCUS Procedure

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Content panel opens, as shown in the following image.

    New Content panel
  3. In the Name field, type the name of the content you wish to create.
  4. From the Content Type drop-down menu, select WebFOCUS Procedure.
  5. From the Content drop-down menu, select the name of the WebFOCUS procedure for the view that you want to add.
  6. Select the check box for each category from which the procedure can be accessed.

    An administrator will see the category listed in the side bar under the Content panel button of the Today page.

    A user accesses the content of a selected category through the Document List of the Action gadget.

  7. Optionally, create one or more custom categories from which administrators and users can access the WebFOCUS procedure. To create a custom category:
    1. Click a User Type field, type a name for the custom category, and press Enter.
    2. Select the check box next to the new custom category to associate the content with it.

    For more information and an example of a selected custom category, see Creating a Custom Category.

  8. Make any other changes in the New Content panel, as needed.

    For more information about the fields in the New Content panel, see Manage Tab - Content.

  9. Click Save to save the specified access to the content.

Procedure: How to Add Content by Linking to a Website

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Content panel opens.

  3. Select Web Site from the Content Type drop-down menu.
  4. In the URL field, type the exact URL to the web content that you want to add.

    Note: The URL field is named Parameters before you select the Web Page check box.

  5. Type a name for the web content in the Name field.
  6. Select the check box for each category from which the web content can be accessed.

    On the Today page, an administrator will see the category under the Content panel button.

    A user accesses the content of a selected category through the Document List of the Action gadget.

  7. Optionally, create one or more custom categories from which administrators and users can access the web content. To create a custom category:
    1. Click a User Type field, type a name for the custom category, and press Enter.
    2. Select the check box next to the new custom category to associate the content with it.

    For more information and an example of a selected custom category, see Creating a Custom Category.

  8. Make any other changes in the New Content panel, as needed.

    For more information about the fields in the New Content panel, see Manage Tab - Content.

  9. Click Save to save the specified access to the content.

Procedure: How to Add Existing Content to Analysis Categories

You can add existing content to categories on the Analysis panel button on the Today page.

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Navigate to the Content tree, expand the desired folder, and select the content that you want to add to categories on the Analysis panel button.

    The Edit Content panel opens.

  3. Select one or more of the following check boxes for the categories from which the content can be accessed.
    • Administration
    • Analysis
    • Audit
    • CPM/BPM Practice
    • History
    • Measures Detail
    • Objective
    • Perspective
    • Projects & Processes
    • Saved
    • Today
  4. Optionally, create one or more custom categories from which administrators and users can access the content. To create a new custom category:
    1. Click a User Type field, type a name for the custom category, and press Enter.
    2. Select the check box next to the new custom category to associate the content with it.

    For more information and an example of a selected custom category, see Creating a Custom Category.

  5. Click Save to save the specified access to the content.

To verify, navigate to the Analysis panel button on the Today page, and click one of the categories that you selected previously on the Edit Content panel. Repeat for each selected category.

Procedure: How to Add an Operational Report as Content

You can add an operational report as content and link it to any measure, objective, project, or process defined in PMF. Doing this makes the operational report available through the Operational Report option when you click the measure, objective, project, or process in any PMF view.

  1. You must first link the desired operational report to one or more categories shown in the following list. To do this, see How to Add Existing Content to Analytics Tab Categories.
    • Measures Detail, to link the operational report to a measure.
    • Objective, to link the operational report to an objective.
    • Projects & Processes, to link the operational report to a project or process.
  2. Navigate to the Author page and click the Measures, Objectives, Projects, or Processes panel button.
  3. Select the desired measure, objective, project, or process.
  4. Depending on the panel that opens, select the desired operational report from the Measure Report, Objective Report, Project Report, or Process Report drop-down menu.
  5. Click Save to save the specified access to the content.

To verify, click the desired measure, objective, project, or process in any PMF view and select the Operational Report option. The operational report that you specified in this procedure is displayed in a new window.

Procedure: How to Link Content to Scorecards

You can link any content, including Reports and Dashboards, to specific Scorecards. This allows the content to only be displayed when that Scorecard is selected to be displayed.

When you create new content, such as creating a Dashboard or linking a WebFOCUS report, it is automatically linked to all Scorecards. When you create a Scorecard, how content is linked to it depends on how it was created. For example:

  • If you create a top-level Scorecard, with no parents, the new Scorecard is automatically linked to all Content in the system.
  • If you create a child-level Scorecard, with a parent, the new Scorecard is automatically linked to the same content as its parents.

To link content to a Scorecard:

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Navigate to the Content tree, expand the desired folder, and select the content that you want to link to a Scorecard.

    The Edit Content panel opens.

  3. Select the Scorecards that you want linked to this content. Deselect any Scorecard that you do not want linked to this content.
  4. Click Save.

Procedure: How to Convert a Saved View Into a Today Page

  1. In the Today page, click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon. Click Content, select Analysis, and then click Analysis Designer.

    The Analysis Designer opens, as shown in the following image.

    Analysis Designer
  2. Specify parameter values and optionally run the view to display the results.
  3. Type a Report Name for the view and click Save to save the view and its specified parameter values as content.
  4. Navigate to the Manage page and click the Content panel button.
  5. Navigate to the Content tree, expand the desired folder, and select the content that you saved.

    The Edit Content panel opens.

  6. Select the Today check box.

    Edit the other fields and options as needed. For more information about the fields in the Edit Content panel, see Manage Tab - Content.

  7. Click Save.

The content is now available as a Today page and can be assigned to specific users.

Creating a Custom Category

How to:

You can create up to 10 custom categories for the content that you manage. Administrators can see the custom categories and their associated content in the Content panel button on the Today page. Users can see the custom categories and the content on their Dashboard in the Document List, which is accessed through the Action gadget.

Procedure: How to Create a Custom Category

In this procedure, you will create a custom category and associate content with it, using the New Content panel.

You can also create a custom category using the Edit Content panel. For instructions, see How to Add Existing Content to Analytics Tab Categories.

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Content panel opens. The User Type fields enable you to create custom categories for the content that you manage.

  3. Click a User Type field, type a name for the custom category, and select the Save icon next to the field.
  4. Click the check box next to the new custom category to associate content with it.
  5. In the applicable fields, supply the information for the content that will be associated with the custom category.
  6. If applicable, select the check box for each additional category from which users can access the content.
  7. Make any other changes to the New Content panel, as needed.

    For more information about the fields on the New Content panel, see Manage Tab - Content.

  8. Click Save to save the specified access to the content.

    As an administrator, you can see the custom category in the Content panel button on the Today page.

Working with Private Dashboards

How to:

From the Today page, an Owner can only view the private Dashboards that they currently own. Administrators cannot view or run a private Dashboard on the Today page that belongs to someone else. They can, however, view the private Dashboard references of another Owner by going to the Content page.

Procedure: How to Delete the Private Dashboard from a PMF Owner

To delete one or more private Dashboards from PMF Owners, use the following procedure.

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Click the Dashboard you want to delete from the PMF Owner.
  3. From the Owner drop-down menu, change the ID to your Owner ID.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go to the Today page and click the Refresh icon.
  6. Click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon and click Private.
  7. Click the Dashboard that you want to delete.

    The selected Dashboard opens.

  8. Click the dashboard icon again, and click the Edit Dashboard icon Edit Dashboard icon.
  9. Click the Delete Dashboard icon and confirm the deletion.

    The Private Dashboard is now deleted.

Procedure: How to Publish the Private Dashboard of a PMF Owner as Public

To make the private Dashboard of a PMF owner public, so that all Owners can see it, use the following procedure.

  1. In the Manage page, click the Content panel button.
  2. Click the private Dashboard you want to make public.
  3. From the Owner drop-down menu, change the ID to your Owner ID.
  4. Select the check box for each Category or Scorecard from which the Dashboard can be accessed by Owners.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Go to the Today page and click the Refresh icon.
  7. Click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon and click a category where you saved the Dashboard.
  8. Click the Dashboard you want to view.

    The selected Dashboard opens.

  9. Click the dashboard icon again, and click the Edit Dashboard icon Edit Dashboard icon.
  10. Click the Look & Properties panel button.
  11. Select the Public check box.
  12. Click the Exit Edit icon Exit Edit icon and save your changes.

    The private Dashboard is now under your management and is publically available.

Mapping Parameters to an Operational Report

You can drill to any WebFOCUS operational report from a PMF view by mapping PMF parameters.

PMF automatically passes the following information from drill-down contexts:



Scorecard Name


Scorecard ID


Perspective Name


Perspective ID


Measure Name


Measure ID


Dimensional values

&[dimension name]_LEVEL[level #]_VALUE

To use these parameters in your operational reports, you may need to map the parameters passed from PMF to the parameters used in your report.

For example, suppose you have an operational report that displays outage data for all regions and warehouses, and you would like to drill out to this report from a PMF view and pass the region and warehouse information to select the proper filters in the operational report. You already have WHERE clauses embedded in the operational report to filter by the REGION and WAREHOUSE fields in your operational data. The operational report is already set up to receive the &REGN parameter for the region and the &WHOUSE parameter for the warehouse.

In PMF, you already store information about your warehouse locations in a location dimension, which has Region as Level 1 and Warehouse as Level 2. You select a PMF view and drill to a particular warehouse location. Next, you click a measure and select the Operational Report option. You want PMF to filter the designated operational report for just the warehouse displayed in the current PMF view.

You need to edit your operational report using WebFOCUS code, Developer Studio, or a GUI, such as Power Painter. Start by adding -DEFAULT commands at the top of the report as follows:


Next, add a utility program and parameters to the top of the report to allow it to receive the parameter values from PMF, as follows:

-INCLUDE gadg_dim_parms

The first -SET command provides the dimension name for the utility program to use for outbound parameters. The second -SET passes a fully qualified internal dimension filter value to the utility program.

Finish by mapping the fields to your variables, as follows:


Note: The WebFOCUS TRUNCATE function is used in the preceding code to remove the trailing spaces that are automatically added to all parameters being passed out of PMF.

The following image shows an example of an operational report that was mapped to PMF parameters, saved as content, and made available. To open this report from the Today page, click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon. Click Content, select Projects & Processes, and then click Order Process Outages.

Order Outages Report

Note: You can use the logic described in this topic to pass parameters from the PMF gadget layer to an operational report. As a result, you can place the operational report on a PMF dashboard as a gadget. For more information, see Turning a WebFOCUS Report Into a Gadget.