In this section: |
The following topics describe dimension related concepts including designing a simple dimension load, interpreting a Dimension Loader report, and running and scheduling a dimension load.
How to: Reference: |
As you load dimensions, ensure that the metrics in PMF show the correct level of responsibility in the hierarchy. The Dimension Loader tools allow you to quickly map the tables and fields that will serve as the source for the dimensions you will need to load.
The Dimension Loader controls the levels for dimensions used throughout PMF. When you first create a new dimension, determine its logical levels. For example, a Customer dimension might include country, region, state, and city.
The mainstreet_century data mart supplied with PMF uses four typical business dimensions: Location, Organization, Product, and Time. All PMF applications must include a Time dimension.
Important: If you have existing measures, and dimensions are loaded or reloaded, changing this information has a ripple effect throughout the system, so make changes carefully. If you change the intended value member or number of levels in any dimension, you will probably need to reload all data for that dimension, as well as reload all measures.
Note: If your procedures and metadata are not located in the Mainstreet application, make sure you have added the WebFOCUS application containing them to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server APP PATH setting before you attempt a load operation. You can do this using the Web Console.
The following procedure outlines the steps required when designing a simple dimension load. For information about designing a complex dimension load when customizing the Time dimension, see Designing a Custom Time Dimension Load.
The Edit Dimension panel opens, as shown in the following image.
Note: The Dimension Loader automatically loads and displays the levels defined for the metadata and checks the dimension to make sure it is correctly set up. If anything is wrong, the Load status list displays the error.
Note: To change the order of the dimension levels,
place the mouse over the dimension you wish to move and use the icon
to drag the dimension up or down.
Note: This field is only available if you have selected the Loaded from Data Source option from the first drop-down menu.
To view, and optionally edit, multiple lines of code displayed at the top of the Dimension Loader, click the Edit button. Click the OK button to save any changes, otherwise click the Cancel button.
Note: Whenever you make any changes in the Dimension Loader, the changes will not be effective until you save the changes and load the dimension and any associated measures.
When you design a dimension load, the following options are available in the Dimension Loader.
Option |
Description |
New |
This button opens a new DImension loader. |
Save |
This button saves metadata information for this dimension. You must save any changes you make before you can perform a dimension load. |
Load |
This button performs the dimension load. Use this to load dimensions after you add new or edit existing information in the Dimension Loader. |
Delete |
This button deletes the selected dimension. |
Schedule |
This button opens the dimension load schedule form where you can schedule a one-time or recurring dimension load. For more information, see Running and Scheduling a Dimension Load. |
Sample Data |
This button displays a report in a new browser window, showing sample data for the source table you selected in the Source Table drop-down menu. For more information, see Sample Data From Source Tables. |
Advanced Tab | |
Description |
This button opens a field box in which you can type a description of the dimension load. Click OK to save the description or Cancel to close the field box without saving your changes. |
Dimensional Tolerances (check box)
Selecting this check box activates dimensional tolerances for this dimension. This enables you to select a measure and configure tolerances for each dimension level value. Note: This option will only be available if Dimensional Measure Tolerances in the Tolerances settings is enabled. For more information, see How to Set Dimensional Measure Tolerances. |
Dimensional Weighting (check box)
Selecting this check box activates dimensional measure-to-objective weighting for this dimension. This enables you to select an objective and configure tolerances for each dimension level value. Note: This option will only be available if Dimensional Measure Weights in the Tolerances settings is enabled. For more information, see How to Set Dimensional Measure-to-Objective Weighting. |
Distinct Count Aggregation (check box)
Enable this option to allow aggregate measure values with distinct Dimension counts for higher-level aggregation. |
If data changes | |
Also use surrogate keys (check box)
| |
Prefix Code |
In the field box type FOCUS or SQL code that will run before the dimension is loaded. Click OK to save the code or Cancel to close the field box without saving your changes. If the table you are using is DBA protected, you can type the command SET USER = user_DBA_ password before you select the source table. For example, the sample Century Corp data uses the password WEBFOCUS. |
Preview Tab | |
This tab runs and displays the Dimension Loader report in the Data for tab of the Dimension Loader. This report shows you how the load will be performed. For more information, see Interpreting the Dimension Loader Report. Note: You must select at least a Level 1 field in order to activate this option. |
Note: As you load dimensions, make sure to document them in the Description field box.
How to: |
Dimensional measure tolerances enable you to set different measure tolerances for different dimension levels. Setting dimensional measure tolerances controls how threshold and flex values are applied to percent reached values in measure calculations. This functionality enables you to vary targets and the amount of difference from targets for each level in a dimension. By default, PMF uses global measure tolerance settings unless you have set tolerances for specific measures at specific dimension levels.
This functionality is only available for new dimensions created in PMF Release 5.
The Edit Dimension panel opens.
How to: |
Dimensional measure-to-objective weighting enables you to set different weighting values for different dimension levels. Weighting determines the proportional contribution of measures linked to an objective. This functionality enables you to vary the degree each linked measure contributes to an objective at specific dimension levels. By default, PMF uses global dimensional weight settings unless you have set specific objective weighting at specific dimension levels.
This functionality is only available for new dimensions created in PMF Release 5.
Use the sliders or type in weighting values. Weights must total exactly 100%.
After you have designed the dimension load, click the Preview tab to open the preview of the Dimension Loader report.
Note: You must select at least a Level 1 field in order to activate the Preview option.
The following is an example of the Dimension Loader report.
The Dimension Loader report displays the hierarchy of dimension values to be loaded. The report compares data to be loaded to what is already loaded so you can tune Dimension loads. The report shows you the changes you will make when you load the new data.
Minus (-) signs appear next to records to indicate that the records will be deleted. Plus (+) signs appear next to records to indicate that the records will be added. If a record does not have a plus or a minus sign, it means that the record already exists for the dimension. You can sort on the signs so that the records appear in ascending or descending order.
After you are finished tuning the dimension load and are satisfied that the data to be loaded is correct, click Save to save the metadata. You cannot perform a new dimension load unless the metadata has been saved. However, you can load an existing dimension load provided no changes have been made since the last time it was run. If changes are made, save the changes first, then load the dimension.
How to: |
After you have designed, tuned, and saved your dimension load, you can load the data by clicking the Load button in the Dimension Loader. A message appears, informing you that the dimension you loaded is completed (for example, Dimension successfully loaded).
You can automatically run a saved dimension load during specified time intervals using ReportCaster.
For the dimension you selected, for example, Location, the New Schedule panel opens, as shown in the following image.
Note: The New Schedule panel generates Interval, Start Date, and Start Time values based on the values you specified for the load. The schedule is active by default. You can edit these values as needed.
For information on editing a saved schedule, see Manage Tab - Schedules.
How to: |
You can control how PMF displays the values for months, text, or numeric labeling (for example, Jan… Feb, or January… February, and so on), and the order these components display (for example, 2009/December or December/2009).
Month Names to be displayed are actual data that is stored in the PMF data mart. To set up Month Name display, you can use the Dimension Loader for the Time Dimension.
Option |
Description |
Number (default) |
Displays the month as (most typically) a two-digit number. |
Abbreviation After Year |
Displays the month as a name, using the standard three-character abbreviation for the month (for example, Jan, Feb, Mar, and so on). Position the month name after the Year (for example, 2009/Jan, 2009/Feb, 2009/Mar, and so on). Note: If you are using PMF configured for another language other than English, the length of the Abbreviation could vary, or be the same as the full length. |
Abbreviation Before Year |
Displays the month as a name, using the standard three-character abbreviation for the month (for example, Jan, Feb, Mar, and so on). Position the month name before the Year (for example, Jan/2009, Feb/2009, Mar/2009, and so on). Note: If you are using PMF configured for another language other than English, the length of the Abbreviation could vary, or be the same as the full length. |
Full Name After Year |
Displays the month as a name using the long version of the name of the month (for example, January, February, March, and so on). Position the month name after the Year (for example, 2009/January, 2009/February, 2009/March, and so on). Note: If you are using PMF configured for another language, the length of the Full Name could vary, or be the same as the Abbreviation. |
Full Name Before Year |
Displays the month as a name using the long version of the name of the month (for example, January, February, March, and so on). Position the month name before the Year (for example, January/2009, February/2009, March/2009, and so on). Note: If you are using PMF configured for another language, the length of the Full Name could vary, or be the same as the Abbreviation. |
Note: The position you select does not affect how the dates sort in any PMF Views or Gadgets.
After you have configured Month Name display, Month Names display in your PMF Views and Gadgets the way you have configured them, as shown in the following examples. The following examples use the data from the PMF manufacturing demo data mart.
Rolling 5 Periods. The following is an image which displays View drilled to Month level, with the current date set to Feb 2006.
Measure Details. The following is an image which displays the Month Names of the Measure Details drill for 2005/Q1.
In this section: |
Time dimensions provide time-based views of your data. PMF has default Time dimensions that are available, or you can create custom Time dimensions. The Dimension Loader enables you to specify a custom Time dimension that supports any regular or irregular time period, which can be greater than or less than 12 months. You can specify custom start and end dates for each period, and you can choose between weekly or monthly rollups at the lowest dimension level.
Performance Management Framework 5.1.3 now supports up to five levels of logical Time. This provides you with the ability to create a Time Dimension that goes down to display more detail as needed.
You can specify Time in many more flexible ways. You can split Time at up to six levels. For example, you could create a calendar that specifies weeks, months, quarters, half-years, and years.
Some examples of possible configurations include:
To configure PMF to support more Time levels, follow the same directions as you would for Alternate Time Dimensions in the PMF documentation. The Time Dimension Loader will allow you to specify up to five levels. You will need to build and deploy your Calendar file to contain the specific dates that map to your Time Dimension levels.
Time dimensions must be three levels, and can represent the standard Y/Q/M (Year/Quarter/Month) time structure, or any other non-standard time structure.
You can configure any arbitrary custom calendar, regardless of regularity, where you define the three-level Time dimension and the trending time parameters. PMF automatically generates the Time dimension values and adjusts inbound dates for measures to map to the correct fiscal periods you specified. If you are setting the default Today date to use the system clock date, PMF automatically maps the current system date to the correct fiscal time period when you run views.
Examples of custom fiscal calendars include the following:
If you select a start month other than January, for example, April, then month 01 of the calendar would be April, month 02 would be May, and so forth. The fiscal year of a custom calendar is the calendar year of fiscal month 12. If April of 2006 is month 01, then April is treated as month 01 of fiscal year 2007, since month 12 is March 2007.
PMF can create almost any arbitrary three-level Time dimension provided that the data is properly defined in an accessible data source. Non-standard Time dimensions can be either regular or irregular. A regular Time dimension always has the same number of lower level entries for each and every upper level entry.
If your year is structured into 13 fiscal periods and every fiscal period always has exactly 4 fiscal weeks, then your data is regular. If you occasionally have a fiscal year with 14 fiscal periods or a fiscal period with 5 fiscal weeks (which can happen in situations where you need to adjust for extra days in the year), then your data is irregular.
PMF can work with both regular and irregular calendars. Irregular calendars require you to set up a custom data source that details how the calendar works.
PMF can create a custom Time dimension from an external data source, provided that the external data source is accessible to the PMF environment and is properly configured. The WebFOCUS adapter must be set up to access the external data source before mapping the dimension.
The external data source can contain regular or irregular time data. PMF determines regularity or irregularity by inspecting the data. If the time data is regular, PMF computes the prior time periods automatically. PMF defines a prior time period as a time period with identical second and third-level values when the year (first level) is one year earlier. If the time data is irregular, you must add prior time period information to the time source. For example, if you have a custom calendar with 53 weeks, PMF cannot determine how to map a 53 week year onto the prior 52 week year, and you must define the prior time period information in the source data. If PMF determines that data is irregular and prior date information is missing, the system issues an error message.
All fields and data values must be the same length, in alpha format. For example, if the source data has single digit low values and double digit high values, the single digit values must have leading zeros to make the values equal in length.
The external data source must be a standard WebFOCUS Master File located in the WebFOCUS application path (APP PATH). The following fields must be defined in the WebFOCUS Master File for both regular and irregular Time dimensions.
Field Name |
Description |
Key field used to join to the measures source data. |
Data value of the first level in the Time dimension hierarchy. |
Data value of the second level in the Time dimension hierarchy. |
Data value of the third-level in the Time dimension hierarchy. |
Calendar date of the first day of the time period. |
Calendar date of the last day of the time period. |
The following fields must be defined in the WebFOCUS Master File for only irregular Time dimensions.
Field Name |
Description |
Data value of the first level of the prior period. |
Data value of the second level of the prior period. |
Data value of the third-level of the prior period. |
The PMF sample data directory includes examples of external time data. The following five (.csv) sample files include Master File definitions and comma-delimited data files: time_source_reg1, time_source_reg2, time_source_irreg1, time_source_irreg2, and time_source_irreg3.
If you want to use these sample files, you must add the appropriate WebFOCUS FILEDEF statement into your WebFOCUS profile. In addition, you must use the alternate Master File definitions for the source of the measure data (centord) for the sample measures. Examples of the appropriate code to use are contained in the following source files: centord_reg1, centord _reg2, centord _irreg1, centord _irreg2, and centord _irreg3.
Once you have correctly set up a non-standard Time dimension data source, perform the following steps to load the time data into the PMF database.
The form displays the default settings for the custom Time dimension.
These names are displayed on most standard views.
For standard Time dimension data in the Y/Q/M (Year/Quarter/Month) format, PMF displays quarterly data in the format yyyyQq, where yyyy is the four digit year, and q is the actual quarter number, for example, 2006Q1. PMF displays monthly data in the format yyyy/mm, where yyyy is the four digit year, and mm is the actual month number, for example, 2006/01. Note that the letter Q in the quarterly data example, and the forward slash in the monthly data example, were assigned using the Abbr. column in the Dimension Loader for the Time dimension.
For non-standard Time dimension data, you can choose alternate abbreviations of up to 5 characters for each level, or you can leave them blank. For standard Y/Q/M time, when you are displaying information at the monthly level, there is no need to display the value of the quarter. Months 01-03 are quarter 1, months 04-06 are quarter 2, and so on. However, in other situations, the value of the second level might not be obvious. For example, if you are using 13 fiscal periods and 52 weeks in the year, it may not be obvious that week 45 is in fiscal period 12. In these situations, you have the option to always display the second level when viewing at the third-level, by selecting the check box in the Req. column for time level 2 in the Dimension Loader for the Time dimension.
If PMF determines that time level 3 has repetitive information and the combination of time level 1 and time level 3 is not unique, then time level 2 is automatically required for all views. In these situations, the Req. check box is activated by default and is not displayed in the Dimension Loader for the Time dimension.
After you create a custom calendar, the Dimensions tab of the Measure Loader displays the custom time levels you entered when you specified a custom time source. In most situations, the Measure Loader determines the time values from a custom time source, and PMF automatically calculates the measure date from the Time dimension. In the Field maps tab of the Measure Loader, the Date Mapping drop-down menu displays the correct selection automatically.