Creating a Master Data Layer Model

In this section:

How to:

A Master Data Layer model defines how data is mastered and provided to consuming systems and connected applications. The interface of data-providing services is derived from the master data model. For more information on approaches to modeling and importing models, see Creating a Logical Model.

To create a master data model from scratch:

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Procedure: How to Add a Master Data Layer

To add a Master Data Layer:

  1. In the Model Explorer, double-click Logical Model and select Master Data Layers.

    The Master Data Layers dialog box appears, as shown in the following image.

  2. Click Add or provide the information requested in the cells for each column.

    The following list describes the columns.

    • Name. Name of the master data layer.
    • Description. Description of the master data layer.
    • Relationships. Instance entities containing relationships.
    • Master Tables. Instance entities containing master tables.
    • Instance Tables. Entities containing tables.
  3. Click OK. A new master layer appears under Master Data Layers.

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Procedure: How to Add a Master Entity

To add a master entity:

  1. Double-click the newly added layer (for example, masters) under the Master Data Layers node to start modeling on the canvas.
  2. Click Master Table in the top left corner and then click on the canvas to create a blank master entity, as shown in the following image.

  3. Using tooltips, open the entity and edit the fields in the General tab.

    The primary key column must have id entered in the Name column, as shown in the following image.

  4. Click the Advanced Settings tab for custom filtering and Special Columns definitions. You can use the tooltips for help within the configuration fields.

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Procedure: How to Add Virtual Instance Entities

The virtual entities enable viewing the source, cleansed, and matched data for the given entity in online web services. The following image shows an example of two virtual instance entities (in blue) added to the Master Layer Model.

  1. To add a virtual instance entity, select Instance Entity in the top left corner of the modeling canvas.
  2. Double-click the entity to configure it.

    The General tab opens, which is similar to that of a master entity.

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Adding Relationships

To add relationships between the added entities, follow the steps found in Creating an Instance Layer Model.

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Adding Associative Tables and Relationship Bridges

Similar to the Instance Layer, an associative table and two 1:N relations has to be defined every time you need to express an M:N relationship between two entities.

The following image shows an M:N relationship example of the party entity and the virtual contract instance entity connected with the rel_party_contract_instance associative table.

iWay Software