XML Digital Signature Verify Service

In this section:




This service is used to validate an XML Digital Signature.


The following tables describe the parameters for the XML Digital Signature Verify service. Each table is followed by a discussion of that parameter group.

Signature Location

Parameter Name


XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the mapping between XML namespace prefix and namespace URI. If left blank, the XPath expression in the Element Path and Required Signature Coverage parameters cannot contain namespaces.

XPath Syntax

Determines which syntax level of XPath should be used. You can select the iWay abbreviated syntax or the XPath 1.0 full syntax. The default option selects the syntax level as set in the General Settings area of the iSM Administration Console.

Signature Element Path

Path to the signature XML element. If left blank, the service will search throughout the document for an element named Signature in the namespace http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#.

ID Attributes

Space-separated list of attributes that are considered type ID. The value of an ID attribute can be used in a same document reference with a URI of the form #idvalue. Each attribute declaration has the form ns:*/@ns1:attrib or @ns1:attrib where ns: and ns1: are optional. If used, the ns and ns1 prefixes must be declared in the XML Namespace Provider. The form @ns1:attrib means an Attribute named attrib in XML Namespace ns1. The form ns:*/@ns1:attrib is similar except the attribute must also appear on an element of any name in the XML Namespace ns. The default value is xml:id ds:*/@Id wsu:Id.

Remove Security Parent Element

If set to true, the WSSE Security parent element is removed from the document after the verification is successful.

The Signature Element Path parameter is an XPath expression that evaluates to the Signature node. For example, for a SOAP message, the XPath expression would be a path somewhere within the SOAP Headers. The XPath expression can be the union of two paths if the application is expecting signatures in one of two locations. An XML Namespace Provider is needed if the XPath expression contains namespaces.

The Remove Security Parent Element boolean parameter is a way to remove a SOAP header from the document after the verification is successful.

Acceptance Criteria

Parameter Name


XML Digital Signature JCE Provider

JCE Provider for the XMLSignatureFactory service.

TrustStore Provider

Provider for the keystore containing the Certificate Authorities.

Certificate Store Providers

Comma-separated List of Keystore, Directory CertStore or LDAP providers for the certificate stores used to complete signer certificate chains when the signature contains fewer certificates than needed.

PKIX Signature JCE Cryptography Provider

JCE Provider for Signature Objects created by the PKIX Certificate Path Builder.

PKIX JCE Provider

JCE Provider for PKIX services. If left blank, the default JCE provider for PKIX will be used.

Enable Certificate Revocation

If set to true, use the CRLs from the CertStore to check whether the certificate of the signer has been revoked.

Enforce KeyUsage Extension

If set to true, verify certificates used for signing allow the digitalSignature KeyUsage extension. Select true or false (default) from the drop-down list.

Acceptable Transforms

Space-separated list of transforms that can appear in the XML Digital Signature. Other transforms will cause a validation failure before being evaluated. If this field is left blank, all transforms are accepted.

Required Signature Coverage

An XPath expression that returns a node-set, where each node in the set must have been signed by the Signature to be considered valid.

Unsigned Attachment

Action to perform when a document contains an unsigned attachment. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

  • Keep Unsigned Attachment {keep} (default)
  • Remove Unsigned Attachment {remove}
  • Fail Validation {fail}

The JCE Provider for the XMLSignatureFactory service must be set to XMLDSig to select the XML Digital Signature implementation.

The service recovers the signer public key based on the information it finds in the KeyInfo element. To begin, the service collects all the X509Certificates and X509CRLs under the X509Data element and creates a certificate store. This store together with the certificate store providers will be used to complete the certificate chain. The service then iterates through the KeyInfo content. The service understands X509IssuerSerial, X509SubjectName and X509SKI (for example, the Subject Key Identifier). The service also understands a wsse:SecurityTokenReference pointing to a wsse:BinarySecurityToken holding an X509 certificate encoded in base64. The service iterates in order of appearance and works with the first item it understands ignoring subsequent ones. A Certificate selector is created and the CertStores are queried to complete and validate the chain.


The following table lists and describes the edges that are returned by the XML Digital Signature Verify service.




The Signature is valid.


An iFL or XPath expression could not be evaluated.


The validation could not be performed.


The XML document is not signed.


The Signature is invalid.


The application specified a node or attachment that should have been signed but was not covered by the Signature.

If the signature validates, the service will continue on the success edge. If validation fails because of Unsigned Attachments or incomplete Required Signature Coverage, the service will follow the fail_coverage edge. If validation fails for other reasons, the service will follow the fail_verify edge. If there is no signature, the flow will continue on the fail_unsigned edge.

When the Tree level is selected in the trace settings, the service will log the referenced data that was actually digested. It will also show whether core validation passed, and the validation status of each reference.

Special Registers

The following table lists and describes the special registers assigned upon successful validation of the signature.

Special Register



Holds the signer Distinguished Name.


Holds the signer Common Name found in the signer Distinguished Name.


The examples in this section are specific to the XML Digital Signature Verify service. For your convenience, the sample input and output documents are attached to the PDF in unabbreviated form.

For PDF-compatibility purposes, the file extension of the xmldsig.zip file is temporarily renamed to .zap. After saving this file to your file system, you must rename this extension back to .zip before the file can be used.

Example 1: Completing the Certificate Chain

The verification of a digital signature involves the following steps:

  1. The Signature element is retrieved and its syntax is checked.
  2. For each Reference, its transforms are evaluated and the output digested into a hash. The hash is compared against that Reference DigestValue in the signature.
  3. The signer certificate is retrieved and the certificate chain is validated.
  4. The signature is recomputed over the SignedInfo and compared against the SignatureValue in the document.

These steps can be performed by the XDXMLDSigVerifyAgent with very little configuration because the signature contains the necessary information. This makes the service more adaptable to different signature formats it may receive. By default, the service searches the whole document for an element named Signature in the namespace http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#.

The Reference URI instructs the service where to find the referenced data. The signature declares the algorithms used for hashing and signing. The KeyInfo element provides the hints to find the signer certificate. The only necessary configuration is the TrustStore used to validate the certificate chain. The TrustStore parameter gives the name of the KeyStore provider that declares a KeyStore file containing the certificates of the Trusted CAs. It is highly recommended to use this KeyStore exclusively as a TrustStore. It should not contain private keys or any other unrelated certificates. The JRE includes a sample TrustStore, which is located in the following directory:


This file is convenient to retrieve the certificates of some well known CAs. It is not recommended to use the JRE sample TrustStore directly. It is better to restrict the contents of the TrustStore to the small list of Trusted CAs the application is willing to trust.

In this example, the flexibility of the service is demonstrated by validating various signatures showing multiple ways the certificate chain can be completed.

The following table lists the parameter values for the XDXMLDSigVerifyAgent. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



TrustStore Provider


This assumes trustprov is the name of a KeyStore provider that contains the certificates of the Trusted CAs.

The simplest case is when the Signature contains the complete certificate chain, though this produces documents that are slightly bulkier. The certificates appear in X509Certificate elements under the KeyInfo in no particular order. The verify service needs an extra hint to determine which one is the signer certificate. For example, the SubjectName can also be added to the KeyInfo.

The XDXMLDSigCreateAgent can create this signature by setting the Include Certificate Chain parameter to Complete Certificate Chain and setting the Include Subject Name parameter to true.

In this sample signature, the certificate chain contains two certificates: the signer certificate and the issuer CA. The TrustStore must contain the certificate of the issuer CA to validate the chain.

A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

Since the issuer CA is already in the TrustStore, many applications choose to omit the CA certificate in the signature KeyInfo. The service is able to complete the certificate chain because it adds the TrustStore to the list of CertStores to search for certificates. The service still needs an extra hint to recognize that the certificate in the signature is the signer certificate. This example includes the certificate IssuerName/SerialNumber in the KeyInfo. In general, the IssuerName/SerialNumber is better than the Subject DN because it uniquely identifies the certificate (even if it is renewed later).

The XDXMLDSigCreateAgent can create this signature by setting the Include Certificate Chain parameter to Signer Certificate Only, the Include Issuer Serial parameter to true, and the Include Subject Name parameter to false.

A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

Some web service security standards advocate that the certificate should be passed in a BinarySecurityToken within the SOAP Headers. The KeyInfo element should contain a SecurityTokenReference pointing to the BinarySecurityToken. The service is able to follow the URI in the SecurityTokenReference to retrieve the certificate in the BinarySecurityToken. It is recommended to include the BinarySecurityToken within the signed data by declaring a signature Reference that covers that element.

For more information on how to create this signature, see Example 3: WSSE SecurityTokenReference.

A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

Example 2: Omitting the Certificate Chain

If the originator is sending many signed documents to the application, it might be more efficient to send the certificate chain out of band and let the application retrieve it locally. The signer certificate must be added to one of the CertStores accessible to the service. Intermediate CAs must also be added to the CertStores if the chain has a depth of 3 or more. The Trusted CA must be in the TrustStore as always. The service uses the hints in the KeyInfo to query its CertStores to find the signer certificate. The service completes the chain by querying for the parent certificates.

The Certificate Store Providers parameter accepts a comma-delimited list of Keystore, Directory CertStore, or LDAP providers. The TrustStore is implicitly used as a CertStore so the Trusted CA certificates are not required to be duplicated in one of those CertStores. A certificate can be added to a Keystore using the JDK keytool. To add a certificate to a Directory CertStore, save the certificate file in the file system directory. To add a certificate to LDAP, consult your system administrator. The LDAP database must conform to the schema described in RFC2587.

The following table lists the parameter values for the XDXMLDSigVerifyAgent. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



TrustStore Provider


Certificate Store Providers


This assumes that trustprov is the name of a KeyStore provider that contains the certificates of the Trusted CAs and that ksprov is the name of a KeyStore provider that points to a keystore file that contains the signer certificate. The Certificate Store provider could also be a Directory CertStore or an LDAP Provider.

The XDXMLDSigCreateAgent can create this signature by setting the Include Certificate Chain parameter to No Certificates, the Include Issuer Serial parameter to true, and the Include Subject Name parameter to false.

A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

Example 3: Certificate Revocation

For a variety of reasons, the certificate issuer might revoke a certificate before its expiration date. For example, this can happen if the private key is compromised, an employee has left the company, and so on. The issuer publishes a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to instruct applications that these certificates are no longer valid. The service can validate the signer certificate chain against a CRL if Certificate Revocation is enabled. The service will query its CertStores for the CRL from that issuer. If there are no revoked certificates, a CRL that contains no certificates is required. If the CRL is not found, then the service takes the conservative approach and assumes that the certificate might be invalid and rejects the signature as a result. Since a KeyStore cannot contain a CRL, the CRL must be stored in another provider, such as a Directory CertStore or LDAP. The simplest solution is to store the CRL file in the file system directory of a Directory CertStore.

The KeyInfo element may also contain X509CRL elements to include CRLs within the Signature. The service can use the CRLs in X509CRL elements if present. In practice, this is rarely used since CRLs can become quite large compared to the size of the message.

The following table lists the parameter values for the XDXMLDSigVerifyAgent. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



TrustStore Provider


Certificate Store Providers


Enable Certificate Revocation


This assumes that trustprov is the name of a KeyStore provider that contains the certificates of the Trusted CAs; ksprov is the name of a KeyStore provider that points to a keystore file that contains the signer certificate; and certprov is the name of a Directory CertStore provider that points to a directory that contains the issuer CRL in a file.

Any signature example you have seen so far can be validated by this service. The signature will fail if the signer certificate was revoked, and succeed otherwise.

Example 4: Signature Coverage

A signature can be valid and still be useless. The application must also verify that all sensitive information in the document has been covered by the signature. Otherwise, the information could be modified after the fact without affecting the signature. The service can verify the signature has appropriate coverage.

The Required Signature Coverage parameter is an XPath expression that returns a NodeSet. Each node in the NodeSet must have been signed to consider the signature valid. For every sensitive node, the XPath expression should return that node or one of its ancestors. Notice that the parameter does not demand the presence of a node. If a node is missing in the document, then it does not matter whether that node has been signed or not because there is no possibility the application could use that node anyway. The application can reject the incomplete message at a later time, but that is unrelated to the signature.

For example, if the application expects a SOAP message with a BinarySecurityToken in a SOAP Header, it can specify the union of the path to the security token and the SOAP Body in the XPath expression. Since a Signature never covers itself, the Signature element should never be returned by the XPath expression.

To avoid the dual evaluation of the transforms, that feature assumes the transforms are hierarchical starting at the node pointed to by the Reference URI. The inclusive and exclusive XML canonical transforms are supported, but the XPath Filter and XSLT transforms are not.

If the application accesses the attachments, then it should ensure they have been covered by the signature. The Unsigned Attachment parameter determines what action to perform when there are unsigned attachments. The service can keep the unsigned attachments and accept the signature, remove the unsigned attachments and accept the signature, or fail validation. There is no option to demand the presence of an attachment since there is no possibility the application could use an unsigned attachment if that attachment is absent. Again, the application can reject incomplete messages at a later time.

It is assumed that the XML Namespace provider xmlnsprov defines the following prefixes:


XML Namespace





The following table lists the parameter values for the XDXMLDSigVerifyAgent. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



TrustStore Provider


XML Namespace Provider


Required Signature Coverage



Unsigned Attachment

Fail Validation

The service will fail the following signature because the BinarySecurityToken in the SOAP Header is not covered by any Reference. The Signature would have been valid if the Required Signature Coverage parameter had been left blank.

Example 5: Reducing Risks

By default, the service looks throughout the document for the Signature element. A clever attacker could add a second Signature to confuse the service. It is more secure to declare the location where the application expects to find the signature. The Signature Element Path parameter is an XPath expression that evaluates to the Signature node. For example, for a SOAP message, the XPath expression would be a path somewhere within the SOAP Headers. The XPath expression can be the union of two paths if the application is expecting signatures in one of two locations. An XML Namespace Provider is needed if the XPath expression contains namespaces.

Some transforms are very powerful, for example, the XSLT transform describes an engine that is highly programmable. This makes the signature verification process vulnerable because it is the equivalent of running code provided by the peer. An attacker can easily write a transform that adversely affects the server, for example by running an infinite loop. To counter these threats, the Acceptable Transforms parameter can be set to a space-separated list of transform names. The service will accept to execute a transform only if it appears in this white list. If another transform is encountered, then the validation fails before the transform is evaluated. By default, the service accepts to execute any transform available to the server. The service treats the Signature canonicalization method as just another kind of transform with respect to this parameter, and therefore its algorithm must also be present in the white list.

The service can verify an encryption key has not been used inadvertently for signing. When the Enforce KeyUsage Extension parameter is set, the service checks the KeyUsage extension in the signer certificate for the presence of the digitalSignature and/or nonRepudiation flags. The validation fails if the KeyUsage extension is missing or the chosen combination of the flags is off. An application interested in these features will also be interested in the Signature Coverage feature, which is discussed in Example 4: Signature Coverage.

It is assumed that the XML Namespace provider xmlnsprov defines the following prefixes:


XML Namespace







The following table lists the parameter values for the service. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



TrustStore Provider


Enforce KeyUsage Extension


XML Namespace Provider


Signature Element Path


Acceptable Transforms





The following signature is rejected by the service because it is not in the expected location within the document:

The following signature is rejected because the Reference includes a transform that is not listed in the list provided by the Acceptable Transforms parameter:

iWay Software