Designing JavaServer Pages

In this section:

To change the appearance of the mainframe application more significantly than by using templates, the Telnet Designer in web mode allows you to change the look and feel of the captured mainframe application, as well as enhance the functionality. You can move fields, extract screen data, and combine one or more screens into one HTML screen.

The purpose of using JavaServer Pages is to convert mainframe legacy screens using web elements. The result is an XML rules file as discussed previously, as well as a JSP file for each screen to which you want to apply a custom HTML page. The XML file contains all the identification rules and the name of the JSP file associated with the emulated screen.

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Creating JavaServer Pages

The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) and its user-defined JSP capability is an extension of the HTML translation capability. With default HTML translation, you cannot control the appearance of the HTML page. However, with JSP, you can customize an HTML page so the screens on your mainframe system appear as a web application. For example, you can add images, combo boxes, and check boxes to customize your application.

You can create a JSP for every screen you want to change. The adapter automatically translates screens you want to leave alone using the default translation. For instance, if you want to change the user ID and password screen and a menu screen, but leave all other screens alone, you simply create two Java server pages. All other screens accessed by the user appear in default HTML.

The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) enables you to control the mainframe emulation session by associating one JavaServer Page to many mainframe screens.

Note: You can also integrate other applications and data sources with your existing mainframe system to add limitless functionality.

When the application finishes using the Telnet Designer, you can click WEB3 to view the CICS menu screen JSP. All previous mainframe screens are hidden.

You must add a JSP for each screen that is revamped and displayed during a browser session. Use the Add JSP option to associate a JSP with a mainframe screen or a set of mainframe screens.

As described previously, all screens for which you add a screen identifier are hidden until the application displays a screen with an associated JSP. After you add the JSP using the GUI Developer, the JSP can be edited manually or used as input to any HTML editor.

Note: Use caution, because the JSP is not a pure HTML file. It contains JSP-specific properties as well as iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) commands that must not be removed or modified.

The following procedure describes the steps required to create a web application called WEB3.

Procedure: How to Identify a JavaServer Page in a Web Application

To identify a JSP in a web application:

  1. Open the iWay Emulation Adapter.
  2. Right-click the Sessions folder and select Emulation.

    An emulator session starts. The Terminal Emulator appears with the Connection tab active where you enter the connection parameters, as shown in the following image.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. In the Host field, type a name for the host.
    2. From the Terminal drop-down list, select the terminal.
    3. In the Port field, type the port number.
    4. Click the Web option.
    5. For more options, click the Advanced tab.

      The Advanced tab of the Terminal Emulator opens. Make a selection from the Language drop-down list. The Language selection determines the national language character set that will be used in your emulation session.

      If you want to use a specific terminal name (LU) or pool name (LU pool) with your mainframe connection, type this value in the LU Name field. This option allows the mainframe to dedicate specific connections and privileges to specific telnet ports.

  3. Click Run.

    This enables you to navigate through each mainframe screen.

  4. When you come to a screen for which you want to create a JSP (for example, the MENU screen), right-click anywhere in the screen and select Add JSP.

    Note: The Add JSP option is only available if you have identified the screen or if it has been previously identified, as indicated in the left pane as screen 8(OPERATOR). This indicates that the adapter database was updated.

    The following image shows Telnet Designer with the Explorer session in the left pane and a mainframe screen and its options in the right pane.

    The Add JSP dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

  5. In the JSP Name field, type a name to identify the JSP, for example, WEB3.
  6. Click Ok.

    The web application file is created, for example WEB3.JSP.

    Upon deployment of the application (also called WEB3), the JSP is placed into a directory called ibitelnet/WEB3 within the webapps directory of the web server. All JSP that you create for the WEB3 application are placed in the WEB3 folder when you deploy.

    To ease development, other options are available to identify the fields on a screen, including the option to rename the PF/PA and AID keys associated with the mainframe screen.

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Creating a Field Map and a Key Map

The Create Field Map option is available only after you add a JSP. The GUI Developer enumerates the fields on a screen.

The generated JavaServer Page has the default keyboard. After you add a JSP, the Create Key Map option also is available. You can redefine any key on the keyboard. The default keyboard is suppressed after you create the first key map.

Procedure: How to Create a Field Map

To create a field map:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the screen and select Create field Map.

    The Field Map dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    To work with a particular field in a mainframe screen, you must know the field number. This information can be viewed in the pop-up menu in any development mode.

    To facilitate the development of custom HTML pages (as JavaServer Pages), this option enables you to associate a name to the field number.

  2. In the Field parameter Name field, type the field number and click Ok.

    The information is placed in the generated JavaServer Pages for further reference.

Procedure: How to Create a Key Map

To create a key map:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the screen and select Create Key Map.

    The Key Mapper dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    1. In the Button Name field, type a button name, for example, Process.
    2. From the Key map drop-down list, select a key, for example, ENTER, to associate with the button.
  2. Click Ok.

When the web user clicks a button named Process, the ENTER key is executed.

The following image shows another example of the Key Mapper dialog box that assigns a Button Name of Leave to the CLEAR function.

Procedure: How to View the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) Web Application

To view the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) web application:

  1. In a web browser, enter the appropriate URL to access the machine where the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) web application is deployed, for example:

    For deployment instructions, see Deploying Your Application on a Web Application Server.

    The default HTML window for the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) opens.

  2. Click the Management Console link and log on using admin as the user name and password.

    The following page is displayed.

  3. Click the Templates tab.

    The Templates tab is displayed, which contains a list of any available iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) web applications. For example:

  4. Click the web application you want to view, for example, WEB3.xml.

    A screen opens that enables you to edit the JSP or redesign the application menu. The following image shows the WEB3 JSP and the resulting CICS menu.

    The VTAM screen, CICS logon screen, and other screens were eliminated from view. The following default message appears on the screen:


    The message means that the screen uses the JSP called WEB3.JSP. Now you can edit the WEB3.JSP to completely redesign the look and feel of this CICS menu screen.

Example: The Default WEB3.JSP File

The following is the default WEB3.JSP file. Upon deployment using the Telnet Designer, the file is located in the directory called ibitelnet/WEB3 within the webapps directory of the web server.

<%@ include file="../templates/beginTemplate.jsp" %>
<!-- Default Translation -->
<%= screen.paintHtml() %>
<!-- Default keyboard -->
<%= screen.paintKeyboard(emulation) %>
<%@ include file="../templates/endTemplate.jsp" %>

Making modifications to the JSP can change the look and functionality of the original CICS menu screen as shown in the following image and as illustrated by the example that follows.

The screen:

Example: The enriched WEB3.JSP File

The following sample code for the enriched WEB3.JSP file illustrates the enhancements in the previous example. The supplied JSP is called cicsMenu.jsp and is located in the directory called ibitelnet/cicsdemo within the webapps directory of the web server.

<TITLE>CICS Demo Main Menu</TITLE>
<!-- ------------------------ -->
<!-- ------------------------ -->
<%@ include file="../templates/beginTemplate.jsp" %>
     creating hyperlink that will be equivalent to
     - Entering "brws" in the field 10
     - Issuing the attention key "ENTER"
<br><%= screen.paintHyperlink("Click here to browse records", "ENTER", 
10, "brws") %>
     Using the combo box to enter the transaction name to field 10
<p><b>Transaction:</b><select name="10">
                      <option value="inqy">Inquiry
                      <option value="adds">Add
                      <option value="updt">Update
<!-- Painting field 12, which is an unprotected field for entering number 
<p><b>Number:</b><%= screen.paintField(12) %>
    String message = screen.getField(8).getValue().trim();
    if (message.startsWith("PRESS CLEAR TO EXIT"))
     message = "";
<font color="#FF0000">
<b><%= message %></b>
<%= screen.paintButton("Process", "ENTER") %>
<%= screen.paintButton("Leave", "CLEAR") %>
<!-- ------------------------ -->
<!-- ------------------------ -->
<%@ include file="../templates/endTemplate.jsp" %>

iWay Software