GETCOOKI: Retrieving a Browser Cookie Value

How to:

Security credentials for WebFOCUS can come from many sources and be provided in several different formats. Some security credentials from third-party single sign-on products are passed to WebFOCUS in the form of a browser cookie. The WebFOCUS Reporting Server can use the GETCOOKI function to retrieve the value of a browser cookie passed to it by the WebFOCUS Client.

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Syntax: How to Retrieve a Cookie Value
GETCOOKI('cookie_name', output)




Is the name of the browser cookie whose value is being retrieved.



Is the name of the field that contains the result, or the format of the output value enclosed in single quotation marks.

Example: Retrieving the Value of a Browser Cookie

The following function call retrieves the value of the ObSSOCookie created by Oracle Access manager (formerly Oblix):

GETCOOKI('ObSSOCookie', 'A400')