Log Samples

In this section:

The Log directory contains sample Java Applications that show how to use the ReportCaster logging features in the API. As with all the samples, it uses the ReportCaster authentication and context information contained in samples.properties. These sample Java applications are presented as examples for learning purposes and are not represented as production quality applications.

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Writes a list of log owners to standard out.

Usage: java G10_Get_OwnerList

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This application does a number of things in an attempt to give examples of functionality. It accepts two arguments, a schedule owner and the Job Description of the schedule. Given the owner and the schedule description, it first runs the specified job. It then waits for the job to be complete and displays the log information.

Usage: java G11_Get_LogByJobId <owner> <scheduleDescription>

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This application gets the last log for a specified owner and job description and displays the information to standard out. It accepts two arguments: the schedule owner and the job description.

Usage: java G12_Get_LastLog <owner> <scheduleDescription>

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This application writes log information to standard out for all logs generated by the specified schedule. It accepts two arguments: the schedule owner and the job description.

Usage: java G13_Get_LogListBySchedule <owner> <scheduleDescription>

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This application writes log information to standard out for all the logs belonging to a particular owner. It accepts one argument: the owner of the schedule(s).

Usage: java G14_Get_LogListByOwner <owner>

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This application writes log information to standard out for all the logs belonging to a particular owner that ran on or after a specified date. It accepts two arguments: the owner of the schedule(s) and the start date.

Usage: java G15_Get_LogListByOwnerByCalendar <owner><startDate>

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This application deleted all logs for a specific schedule. It accepts two arguments: the owner and Job Description.

Usage: java G30_Delete_LogListBySchedule <owner> <scheduleDescription>