Usage Notes and RIA Example


This section describes usage notes for creating a RIA and provides steps to create a RIA example.

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Reference: Matching RIA Themes and StyleSheets/Templates

The RIA look and feel that is inherited when a RIA theme is applied can be matched by the Report or Chart StyleSheet/Template in order for the styling to match the theme. The table below describes the RIA themes and the StyleSheets/Templates that correspond to the theme for each tool.

RIA Theme

Corresponding Style: Graph Tools

Corresponding Style: Power Painter

Corresponding Style: InfoAssist


Manual Styling

Manual Styling

Manual Styling

Ocean Rounded

RIA Ocean Rounded



Carbon Rounded

RIA Carbon Rounded



Dark Ocean Rounded

RIA Dark Ocean Rounded



Olive Rounded

RIA Olive Rounded




RIA Blue




RIA Charcoal




RIA Gray



High Contrast

Manual Styling

Manual Styling

Manual Styling


RIA Ruby



When applying StyleSheets and Templates it is important to note the following:

Reference: Usage Notes For Creating a RIA

The following apply when creating a RIA in the HTML Composer.

Example: Creating a RIA With the HTML Composer

Suppose you want to create a RIA that shows:

This example assumes that you are familiar with the basic Developer Studio features. The following example creates a RIA by:

  1. Create a graph to be used in the RIA.

    Create the sales graph to be used as a target from a drill-down report in the RIA.

    1. Create a new procedure in Developer Studio:
      • With the Procedures folder highlighted, select New/Procedure from the File menu.


      • Right-click the Procedures folder and select New/Procedure from the context menu.

      The Add Procedure dialog box opens.

    2. Enter graphbyproduct as the name for the new procedure in the File name field and click Open.

      The Procedure Viewer opens.

    3. Click and hold a component connector (yellow diamond) and select Advanced Graph.
    4. Select the ggsales.mas Master File and click Open.

      Tip: The Gotham Grinds Sales data source (ggsales.mas) is available from the ibisamp Applications on localhost folder of Developer Studio. You may copy this source file to the project directory of your choice.

      The Advanced Graph Assistant opens.

    5. Select Pie from the Chart type subtab.

      The available pie chart types appear.

    6. Select the Pie as the type of Pie chart.

      The Advanced Graph Assistant refreshes showing a sample pie chart.

    7. Click the Data selection subtab.
    8. Click and drag ST as the Pie slices and click and drag BUDUNITS as the Measures, in the Available Fields area.
    9. Select the Header ellipsis button from the Chart Properties window and type By Product: and double-click PRODUCT from the Field Tree in the Heading window.

      The heading appears as By Product: <GGSALES.SALES01.PRODUCT. Click Apply and OK to close the Heading window.

    10. Select the Filters folder from the Available Fields area and create the following parameter: WHERE PRODUCT EQUAL to Product Name.
    11. Click the Chart editor subtab and select Quick chart from the Chart folder.
    12. Type Budget Unit Sales by State in the Chart title field of the Quick chart properties window.
    13. Select Left from the Legend position drop-down list.
    14. Save and close the graph and Procedure Viewer.
  2. Convert an existing HTML page to a RIA and add objects to the page.
    1. Create a copy of chaining_example.htm, that was created in Applying Conditions to a Chain of this manual, and rename it to ria_example.htm.
    2. Open ria_example.htm in the HTML Composer.
    3. Select DOCUMENT from the Properties window drop-down list.

      The available properties for the document object appear.

    4. Select Clean from the RIA Theme drop-down list.

      The RIA theme is applied to all components on the page and the RIA Components toolbar is added to the HTML Composer.

    5. Move the report and form control down the page, as we will use those components later.
    6. From the Insert menu, select Components, then click Image.

      The cursor changes into a crosshair. Click and drag the crosshair to create the image object and size, and select an image from the Get source file dialog box.

    7. Select Push button from the Components toolbar and drag it onto the Design canvas underneath the image.
    8. Rename the button by selecting the Push button on the Design tab and double-click in the field next to Value in the Properties window.

      Tip: The button object appears as button1<DIV> in the Properties window drop-down list.

    9. Type Animate Sales Report in the Value property field and press the Enter key.
    10. Click the Animation Properties ellipsis button from the Properties window.

      The Animation Properties dialog box opens.

    11. Select the Opacity Animator check box to enable the opacity settings.
    12. Select blink as the Type, and leave the Control to activate as <Auto Start>.

      This indicates that the blinking animation for the push button will start automatically in the RIA page.

    13. Click OK to close the Animation Properties dialog box.
  3. Create and animate a RIA window component.
    1. Select the Window button from the RIA Components toolbar.
    2. Left-click and drag the window onto the Design canvas.
    3. Release the mouse and resize the object.
    4. Rename the window by typing Sales Report in the Caption properties field of the Properties window.

      Tip: The RIA window component appears as window1<DIV> in the Properties window drop-down list.

    5. Select the Report button from the Components toolbar and drag it into the window object on the Design tab, release the mouse, and resize the report object within the window component.
    6. Double-click the report object and select ggsales.mas to open the Report Painter.

      Tip: The Gotham Grinds Sales data source (ggsales.mas) is available from the ibisamp Applications on localhost folder of Developer Studio. You may copy this source file to the project directory of your choice.

    7. Create the sales report, with a drill down on the Product field, to be used in the RIA window:
      • Insert CATEGORY,PRODUCT, REGION, and ST as the By fields, hiding the ST field.
      • Insert DOLLARS as the Sum field.
      • Add Sales by: <GGSALES.SALES01.ST in the Page Heading.
      • Select the Product field, right-click, and select Options to open the Field Properties dialog box.
      • Select the Drill Down tab to apply a drill down to the Product field column data, that executes a procedure in a frame.

        Select Column Data as the active object. Select Execute Procedure as the Drill Down Type. Select graphbyproduct.fex as the Procedure name (which we created in step 1 of this example). Enter iframe1 as the Target Frame location, which we will add later in the HTML Composer.

      • Select Add from the With Parameters section of the Drill Down tab, and select PRODUCT from the Parameter name drop-down list. This is the parameter that we created in the graph. Leave Field as the Parameter value and select GGSALES.SALES01.PRODUCT from the drop-down list.
      • Close and save the report.

        The drill down report appears in the RIA window component.

    8. Select the report component and set the Auto Fit property field to True in the Properties window.
    9. Select the RIA window component on the Design tab and click the Animation Properties ellipsis button from the Properties window.

      Tip: The RIA window component appears as window1<DIV> in the Properties window drop-down list.

      The Animation Properties dialog box opens.

    10. Select the Location Animator check box to enable the location settings.
    11. Select button1 from the Control to activate the drop-down list.

      This indicates that clicking the Push button will activate this window at run time.

    12. Type the From Position Left value as 10.

      This indicates that the location of the window will start the animation 10 pixels from the left position of the page when the window is animated.

    13. Click OK to close the Animation Properties dialog box.
  4. Create a RIA accordion control component.
    1. Select the Accordion Control button from the RIA Components toolbar.
    2. Left-click and drag the accordion control onto the Design canvas underneath the RIA window component.
    3. Release the mouse and resize the object.
    4. Rename the selected page of the accordion by typing Sales Graph in the Selected Page Title properties field of the Properties window.

      Tip: The RIA accordion control component appears as accordion1<DIV> in the Properties window drop-down list.

    5. Select the Frame button from the Components toolbar and drag it into the accordion object on the Design tab, release the mouse, and resize the frame object within the accordion page.

      Note: The frame component appears as iframe1<IFRAME> in the Properties window drop-down list. This is the name that we assigned as the Target Frame location for the drill-down report that appears in the RIA window.

    6. Select the Frame component and set the Auto Fit property field to True in the Properties window.
    7. Right-click the accordion component and choose Select next page from the context menu.

      The next page in the accordion control is selected.

    8. Type Sales by Region in the Selected Page Title properties field of the Properties window.
    9. Scroll down the Design tab and select the existing report and form control by using the Shift key on your keyboard.
    10. Press and hold the Alt key, drag the selected components onto the accordion page, and release the mouse.

      The report and form control are added within the Sales by Region accordion page. Resize the objects if necessary.

    11. Remove any unused pages from the accordion control by selecting and removing pages from the right-click context menu.
  5. Save and run the RIA.

The following image shows the RIA at run time.