Pie Chart Options

How to:

Pie chart options are available in the Graph Editor menu when a pie chart is selected in the Graph Type menu.

Pie Chart options enable you to:

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Procedure: How to Define Pie Chart Slices
  1. Select the General tab from Pie Chart Options.
  2. Use the option buttons to enable or disable the display of feelers and text labels. Select a slice in the pie chart in the editor window and select the Delete Selected Slices check box to remove the selected slice from the chart. The Restore All Slices check box restores any deleted slices.
    Show Pie Titles

    Select this field if you want to display pie titles in a pie chart.

    Show Slice Labels

    Select this field if you want to display slice labels in a pie chart. This is the default value for all pie chart types.

    Show Feeler Lines & Labels

    Select this option to display the feeler lines and text labels in a pie chart. This is the default value for all pie chart types.

    Labels Only, No Feeler Lines

    Select this option if you want to display text labels in the pie chart. Feeler lines will not be drawn.

    Labels On Slices

    Select this option if you want to display text labels only on slices in the pie chart.

    Slice Label

    Select this option to display slice labels in a pie chart.

    Slice Label and Percent Value

    Select this option to display slice labels and the percent value in a pie chart.

    Percent Value of Slice

    Select this option to display the percent value in a pie chart.

    Absolute (true) Value of Slice

    When the Slice Label and Percent Value, or Percent Value of Slice option is selected, use this field to specify the format of text labels that appear: General, 0, 0%, 0.0%, $0, $0.00, and so on. The default value is 0.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for Pie Chart Slices

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Show Slice Labels


Labels Only, No Feeler Lines


Labels On Slices


Slice Label

getPieSliceLabel ( int s, int g);

Slice Label and Percent Value


Percent Value of Slice

value = getPieLabelDisplay();

Absolute (true) value of Slice

0 for the absolute (true) value of the slice.

Procedure: How to Define Pie Chart Settings for Tilt, Rotation, and Depth
  1. Select the Look tab from Pie Chart Options.
  2. Use the slider bars in this dialog to adjust the tilt, rotation and depth of the chart.
    Pie Tilt

    Tilts a pie chart a specified number of degrees. The default value is 10.

    Pie Depth

    Specifies the depth of the pie crust in a pie chart. The default value is 10.

    Pie Rotation

    Rotates a pie chart a specified number of degrees. The default value is zero.

    Detach Selected Slice

    Slides the selected slice out of the pie.

    Delete Selected Slices

    Select a slice in a pie chart, and select this field to delete the slice from the chart. If a multiple pie chart type is selected, all slices for the respective series will be deleted.

    Restore All Pie Slices

    When the Delete Selected Slices field has been used to delete one or more slices from a pie chart, this field will restore all of the deleted pie slices.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for Tilt, Rotation, and Depth

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Pie Tilt

setPieTilt ( value );

Pie Depth

setPieDepth ( value );

Pie Rotation

setPieRotate ( value);

Detach Selected Slices


Delete Selected Slices

setPieSliceDelete ( getSeries(#), true | 
false );

Restore All Pie Slices

void restoreAllSlices ( );

Procedure: How to Define Pie Chart Ring Settings
  1. Select the Ring tab from Pie Chart Options.
  2. You must have previously selected a ring pie chart type in the Graph Type Menu. Use the slider bar to adjust the size of the ring in a ring pie chart. Use the check box to enable/disable the display of a total value in the center of the ring in a pie chart. When this check box is selected, use the Format field to select the format of the total value.
    Pie Ring Hole Size

    This field determines the relative size of the ring (inner circle) in a ring pie. The default value is 55.

    Show Pie Ring Total

    This field enables and disables the display of a total value in the center of a pie ring chart. The default value is enabled (ž).


    When Show Pie Ring Total is selected (ž), use the field to specify the format of total value: General, 0%, 0.0%, $0, $0.00, and so on. The default value is General.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for Pie Chart Ring Settings

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Pie Ring Hole Size

setPieRingSize ( value );

Show Pie Ring Total

setDisplay ( getPieRingLabel(), true | false);


setTextFormatPreset ( getPieRingLabel(), value );

Procedure: How to Define Multiple Pie Charts
  1. Select the Multi tab from Pie Chart Options.
  2. You must have previously selected a Multi Pie chart type in the Graph Type menu. Use the slider bar in this dialog to select the number of pies per row in a Multi Pie chart.
  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for Multiple Pie Charts

Selections in this dialog add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Pies Per Row

setPiesPerRow ( value );

Procedure: How to Define the Legend of a Pie Chart
  1. Select the Legend tab from Pie Chart Options.
  2. Use the check boxes to enable or disable the legend settings and the text location in a pie chart.
    Show Legend

    Select this field if you want to display a legend in a pie chart.

    Use Marker Shapes in Legend

    Select this field if you want to display marker shapes in the legend of a pie chart.

    Reverse Order of Legend

    Select this field if you want to reverse the order of the legend in a pie chart.

    Square Markers

    Select this field if you want to display square markers for the legend in a pie chart.

    Text Location

    Use the option buttons to enable or disable the display of the text location in a legend.

    Right Side of Marker

    Displays the text to the right side of the marker.

    Left Side of Marker

    Displays the text to the left side of the marker.

    Below Marker

    Displays the text below the marker.

    Above Marker

    Displays the text above the marker.

    On Top of Marker

    Displays the text on top of the marker.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for the Legend of a Pie Chart

Selections in this dialog add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Show Legend

setLegendDisplay(), true | false);

Use Marker Shapes in Legend

setMarkerShape(), true | false);

Reverse Order of Legend

setLegendReverse(), true | false);

Square Markers

setSquareMarkers(), true | false);

Right Side of Marker


Left Side of Marker


Below Marker


Above Marker


Procedure: How to Define the Order of a Pie Chart
  1. Select the Order tab from Pie Chart Options.
  2. Use the check boxes to enable or disable the order settings in a pie chart.
    Reverse Order of Series

    Select to enable or disable the drawing of series in reverse order.

    Reverse Order of Groups

    Select to enable or disable the drawing of groups in reverse order.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for the Order of a Pie Chart

Selections in this dialog add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Reverse Order of Series

setReverseSeries(), true | false);

Reverse Order of Groups

setReverseGroups(), true | false);