3D Chart Options

How to:

3D chart options are available in the Graph Editor menu when a 3D graph is selected in the Graph Type menu. 3D Chart Options enable you to define:

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Procedure: How to Set Square Markers, Autoshading, and Light Source (3D)
  1. Select the General tab from 3D Chart Options.
  2. Select the following parameters from the dialog box:
    Force Risers to Square Dimensions

    This selection enables and disables square risers. If selected (ž), this property forces the aspect ratio of 3D risers to be perfectly square regardless of the dimensions of the cube. When this field is not selected, risers are drawn using the riser width and the aspect ratio of the cube. You can use the RiserWidth property to set the width of risers. For ribbons and floating graph types, you can use the Riser3DThicknessY property to set the height of the risers. The default value is not selected.


    This selection enables and disables automatic shading of risers and the 3D cube. When this field is selected (ž), light source settings are used to automatically shade the faces of a 3D graph, simulating a cast light beam. If this field is not selected, all sides of 3D risers or the 3D cube are the same color. It is not possible to color each face separately. The default value is selected (ž).

    Light PositionX/Y/Z

    When Autoshading is selected (ž), use the Light Position sliders to change the shading of the 3D cube. These selections set the cube light source for the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinate (unit space). The default values are: Light Position X=0, Light Position Y=40, Light Position Z = 100.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these parameters to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for Square Dimensions, Autoshading, and Light Source

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties to the code that define this chart:

Editor Field


Force Risers to Square Dimensions

setCubeSquareRisers ( true | false );


setAutoshading ( true | false );


setCubeLightSourceX/Y/Z ( value );

Procedure: How to Define Scaling Parameters (3D)
  1. Select the Combo tab from 3D Chart Options.
  2. Select the properties that you want to apply to the numeric axis of the chart:
    Always Include Zero on Scale

    Selects whether or not the Y1 axis must include a zero value. If the Log Scale field is selected, or the Max Value or Min Value is greater than zero, this field will be grayed-out. It is not valid when the logarithmic scale is used or Min and Max Values are greater than zero. The default value is not selected.

    Use Manual Setting for Maximum

    Selects manual and automatic calculation of the maximum scale value on the Y1 axis in the chart. If this field is selected (ž), enter the maximum allowable scale value on the Y1 axis in the Max Value field. The default value is not selected (let the charting engine automatically calculate the maximum value on the Y1 Axis).

    Max Value

    When the Use Manual Setting for Maximum field is selected (ž), use this field to specify the maximum allowable scale value on the Y1 axis. The default value is 70.0.

    Use Manual Setting for Minimum

    Selects manual or automatic calculation of the minimum scale value on the Y1 axis in the chart. If this field is selected (ž), enter the minimum allowable scale value on the Y1 axis in the Min Value field. The default value is not selected (let the charting engine automatically calculate the minimum value on the Y1 Axis).

    Min Value

    When the Use Manual Setting for Minimum field is selected (ž), use this field to specify the minimum allowable scale value on the Y1 axis. The default value is 0.0.

    Log Scale

    Selects logarithmic or linear scale for the numeric Y1 axis. When the scale range is set to automatic, any data items with Y1 values less than or equal to zero are graphed as null for log scale. If a manual scale range is specified to include negative values (Min Value is less than or equal to zero), the request for log scale is ignored. The default value is linear scale (this field is not selected).

    Draw from Zero Line

    In applications where the data range can include negative numbers, this field determines whether the risers are drawn pointing up and down from a zero line or whether all risers are drawn straight up from the "bottom" of the graph. The default value is draw from a zero line (this field is selected).

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for 3D Scaling

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Always Include Zero on Scale

setScaleMustIncludeZero(getY1Axis(),true | 

Use Manual setting for Maximum

setScaleMaxAuto( getY1Axis(), true | false );

Max Value

setScaleMax( getY1Axis(), value );

Use Manual setting for Minimum

setScaleMinAuto( getY1Axis(), true | false );

Min Value

setScaleMin( getY1Axis(), value );

Log Scale

setLogScale(getY1Axis(), true | false );

Draw From Zero Line

setScaleFromZero( true | false );

Procedure: How to Define 3D Y1 Axis Labels
  1. Select the Extrude tab from 3D Chart Options.
  2. Use the check boxes to enable or disable the display of all numeric axis labels, the minimum value, or the maximum axis label. When axis labels appear with Show Axis Labels, select the format of label values in the Format field.
    Show Axis Labels

    Enables and disables the display of labels on the Y1 axis in the chart. The default value is enabled (axis labels appear). Use the Format field to define the format of numeric labels. The location of Y1 labels can be controlled by the setY1AxisSide() property (that is, setY1AxisSide(2) will display Y1 axis scale on both sides of the cube).


    When Show Axis Labels is selected (ž), select the drop-down list box in this field to select a label format: General, 0%, 0.0%, $0, $0.00, and so on. The default value is General.

    Hide Minimum Value

    When Show Axis Labels is selected (ž), this field can be used to include or exclude the minimum value on the Y1 Axis. The default value is not selected (include the minimum label).

    Hide Maximum Value

    When Show Axis Labels is selected (ž), this field can be used to include or exclude the maximum value on the Y1 Axis. The default value is not selected (include the maximum label).

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for 3D Y1 Axis Labels

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Show Axis Labels

setDisplay ( getY1Label(), true | false);


setTextFormatPreset ( getY1Label(), value );

Hide Minimum Value

setExcludeMinLabel ( getY1Label(), true | false );

Hide Maximum Value

setExcludeMaxLabel ( getY1Label(), true | false );

Procedure: How to Define 3D Group Axis Labels
  1. Select the Options tab for Group Axis labels from 3D Chart Options.
  2. Use the check boxes to enable or disable the display of all group labels, the first group label, and/or the last group label.
    Show Group Axis Labels

    Enables and disables the display of labels on the O1 axis in the chart. The default value is enabled (axis labels appear).

    Hide First Group Label

    When Show Group Axis Labels is selected (ž), this field can be used to include or exclude the first label on the O1 Axis. The default value is not selected (include the first label).

    Hide Last Group Label

    When Show Group Axis Labels is selected (ž), this field can be used to include or exclude the last label on the O1 Axis. The default value is not selected (include the last label).

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for 3D Group Axis Settings

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Show Group Axis Labels

setDisplay ( getO1Label(), true | false );

Hide First Group Label

setExcludeMinLabel ( getO1Label(), true | false );

Hide Last Group Label

setExcludeMaxLabel ( getO1Label(), true | false );

Procedure: How to Define 3D Series Axis Settings
  1. Select the Options tab for Series Axis labels from 3D Chart Options.
  2. Use the check boxes to enable or disable the display of all series labels, the first series label, and/or the last series label.
    Show Series Axis Labels

    Enables and disables the display of labels on the O2 axis in the chart. The default value is enabled (axis labels appear).

    Hide First Series Label

    When Show Series Axis Labels is selected (ž), this field can be used to include or exclude the first label on the O2 Axis. The default value is not selected (include the first label).

    Hide Last Series Label

    When Show Group Series Labels is selected (ž), this field can be used to include or exclude the last label on the O2 Axis. The default value is not selected (include the last label).

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for 3D Series Axis Settings

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Show Series Axis Labels

setDisplay ( getO2Label(), true | false );

Hide First Series Label

setExcludeMinLabel ( getO2Label(), true | false );

Hide Last Series Label

setExcludeMaxLabel ( getO2Label(), true | false );

Procedure: How to Display Grid Lines (3D)
  1. Select the Markers tab from 3D Chart Options.
  2. Use the check boxes to enable or disable the display of grid lines.
    Display Y Axis Grids on Left Wall

    Shows/hides Y-axis grid lines on the left wall of the cube.

    Display Y Axis Grids on Right Wall

    Shows/hides Y-axis grid lines on the right wall of the cube.

    Display Y Axis Grids on Risers

    Shows/hides Y-axis grid lines on risers in a 3D graph.

    Display Series Axis Grids on Right Wall

    Shows/hides X- and Y-axis grid lines on the right wall of the cube.

    Display Group Axis Grids on Floor

    Shows/hides X- Y-, and Z-axis grid lines on the floor of the cube.

    Display Group Axis Grids on Left Wall

    Shows/hides Y- and Z-axis grid lines on the left wall of the cube.

  3. Select the Apply button to add these selections to the chart.

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Syntax: How to Add Properties and Methods for 3D Grid Lines

Selections in the associated dialog boxes add the following properties and methods to the code that defines this chart:

Editor Field


Display Y Axis Grids on Left Wall

setGrid3DLeftWallDisplayY(), true | false );

Display Y Axis Grids on Right Wall

setGrid3DRightWallDisplayY(), true | false );

Display Y Axis Grids on Risers

setGrid3DRiserDisplayY(), true | false );

Display Series Axis Grids on Right Wall

setGrid3DRightWallDisplayX/Y(), true | false );

Display Group Axis Grids on Floor

setGrid3DFloorDisplayX/Z(), true | false );

Display Group Axis Grids on Left Wall

setGrid3DLeftWallDisplayY/Z(), true | false );