Field Selection Tab in the Developer Studio Environment


The following image shows the Field Selection tab in the Graph Assistant.

Fields window
Displays a list of field names from the selected data source.
Field Value Plotted on X Axis
Lists the horizontal (X-axis) field that has been selected from the Fields window.
Field Value(s) Plotted on Y Axis
Lists the vertical (Y-axis) fields that have been added from the Fields window.

To move the position of the field within the graph, select the field in the Value (Y) Axis list and click the Up or Down button.

To delete a field, select the field in the Value (Y) Axis list and click the Delete button.

Create a Separate Graph for Each Value of this Field
Lists the field that will generate a separate graph.

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Reference: Field Selection Tab: Display Tab and Visualize Tab for Y-Axis

The following image shows the Display subtab for the Y-axis field name in the Field Selection tab.

For the Y-axis field name Display subtab:

Make this field invisible
Check to temporarily hide the display of a Y-axis field.
Conditional Styling
Click to open the conditional styling dialog box shown in the following image which you use to add conditional styling in a graph.

Conditonal Styling dialog box

Field label
Lists the highlighted field selected from the Y-axis.
Field Color
Select the display color for the field currently selected in the Y-axis value list.
Summary Type
Select a summary type for the Y-axis field selected in the Y-axis value(s) list.

The following image shows the Visualize subtab for the Y-axis field name in the Field Selection tab.

For the Y-axis field name Visualize subtab:

Force the values of this field to be plotted in the following manner
Choose bar, line, or area.
Place this field on the specified axis
Choose 1st axis or 2nd axis, for dual-axis graph types.

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Reference: Field Selection Tab: General Tab for X-Axis

The following image shows the General subtab for the X-axis field name in the Field Selection tab.

For the X-axis field name:

Sorting order
Click ascending or descending.
X-axis field label
Field name is entered.

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Reference: Field Selection Tab: General Tab for Separate Graph

The following image shows the General subtab for the Separate Graph field name in the Field Selection tab.

For any additional graph field name(s):

Sorting order
Click ascending or descending.
Display graphs in number of columns
Enter a number in the text box.
Merge graphs into a single graph
Click this option button to activate.
Axis label
The field name is automatically entered in this text box.