Retrieval PIDT Name Confirmation in InfoMan

In this section:

The confirmation screen displays the choices you have made during your AUTOIMAN session and permits you to either confirm them or change them. AUTOIMAN displays the Retrieval PIDT name in the screen heading.

 AUTOIMAN                  TS0032R Confirmation
 Total fields selected :   8
 Child fields selected :   2
 Master File  :  AAA
    Location  :  qualif.MASTER.DATA
 Access File  :  AAA
    Location  :  EDABXV.ACCESS.DATA
    DBID            =  5                Session Member  =  BLGSES00
    Inquiry PIDT    =  TS0032I          Application ID  =  SAMPID
    Retrieval PIDT  =  TS0032R          Class Name      =  MASTER
 ENTR=Confirm     PF12=Cancel

Only the F12 key (Cancel) is active, which takes you to the previous screen. To confirm your selections, press Enter.

Changing Your Selections in InfoMan

The following table provides descriptions of the fields on the Retrieval PIDT Name Confirmation panel.



Total Fields Selected

If you want to change the total number of fields you have selected, press F12 to return to the Field Selection screen, and reselect your choices.

Child Fields Selected

Of the total number of fields selected, this field displays the number of child fields. On the Field Selection for Retrieval PIDT Name screen, child fields are identified with a Y in the Child column. In the newly created Master File, each child field is placed in its own segment.

Master File Name and Location

To change the Master File name and its location, use the F12 key to return to the AUTOIMAN Main Menu.

Access File Name and Location

To change the Access File name and its location, use the F12 key to return to the AUTOIMAN Main Menu.

DBID, Session Member, Application ID, Class Name

To change the DBID, Session Member, Application ID, and Class Name, use the F12 key to return to the AUTOIMAN Main Menu.

Confirming Your Choices in InfoMan

To confirm your choices, press Enter. The message

Generating Master/Access File Description

displays, and AUTOIMAN returns to the Main Menu.

iWay Software