Schedule Samples

In this section:


This section provides sample Java Applications that show how to create and manipulate ReportCaster schedules using the API. As with all the samples, it uses the ReportCaster authentication and context information contained in These sample Java applications are presented as examples for learning purposes and are not provided as production quality applications.

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This application creates a default schedule instance (a run once, e-mail, WebFOCUS server procedure) and modifies it to distribute to the library. It accepts four arguments: the Job Description, the name of the FEX on the reporting server, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, and the password for access to the reporting server.

Usage: java S01_Add_Library <scheduleDescription> <fexFileName> <execId> <execPassword>

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This application creates a default schedule instance of a WebFOCUS Procedure through e-mail. It accepts five arguments: the Job Description, the name of the FEX on the reporting server, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, the password for access to the reporting server, and a single e-mail address for distribution.

Usage: java S02_Add_Email <scheduleDescription> <fexFileName> <execId> <execPassword> <emailAddress>

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This application creates a default schedule and modifies it to distribute a Managed Reporting Standard Report to the library. It also queries the FEX in Managed Reporting for parameter values and shows how to submit these values into the schedule. It accepts five arguments: the Job Description, the Folder HREF in Managed Reporting that contains the FEX, the HREF representing the name of the FEX that is stored in Managed Reporting, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, and the password for access to the reporting server.

Usage: java S03_Add_StandardReport <scheduleDescription> <folderHREF> <procedureHREF> <execId> <execPassword>

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This application creates a schedule that distributes a Managed Reporting Standard Report to the library. It queries the FEX in Managed Reporting for parameter values and then shows how to use the optionValue class to obtain an acceptable range of input values for the parameters. It accepts five arguments: the Job Description, the Folder HREF in Managed Reporting that contains the FEX, the HREF representing the name of the FEX that is stored in Managed Reporting, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, and the password for access to the reporting server.

Usage: java S04_Add_AmperParameter <scheduleDescription> <folderHREF> <procedureHREF> <execId> <execPassword>

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This application creates a default schedule (a run once, e-mail, WebFOCUS server procedure) and changes it to distribute library and run every minute. It accepts four arguments: the Job Description, the name of the FEX on the reporting server, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, and the password for access to the reporting server.

Usage: java S05_Add_TimeInfo <scheduleDescription> <fexFileName> <execId> <execPassword>

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This application creates a default schedule (a run once, e-mail, WebFOCUS server procedure) and changes it to distribute library. It then turns on full and brief notification for all distributions. It accepts five arguments: the Job Description, the name of the FEX on the reporting server, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, the password for access to the reporting server, and the e-mail address that will be used for both the full and brief notification.

Usage: java S06_Add_Notification <scheduleDescription> <fexFileName> <execId> <execPassword> <notificationAddress>

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This application creates a default schedule and modifies it to distribute a Managed Reporting Standard Report to the library, run in minute intervals, and schedule it as an alert. It accepts five arguments: the Job Description, the Folder HREF in Managed Reporting that contains the FEX, the HREF representing the name of the FEX that is stored in MR, the execution ID for access to the reporting server, and the password for access to the reporting server.

Usage: java S07_Add_Alert <scheduleDescription> <folderHREF> <procedureHREF> <execId> <execPassword>

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This application creates a default schedule and modifies it to distribute a Reporting Server Procedure to the library that is protected by an access list. It accepts five arguments: the Job Description, the procedure name, the execution ID for the reporting server, the password for the reporting server, and the name of the access list.

Usage: java S08_Library_AL <scheduleDescription> <fex name> <execid> <password> <access list name>

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This sample displays a list of schedules owned by the designated owner to standard out. It accepts one argument: the owner of the schedules.

Usage: java S10_Get_ScheduleList <owner>

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This application returns a list of all the owners of schedules in the repository to standard out.

Usage: java S11_Get_OwnerList

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This sample runs a specified schedule. It accepts two arguments: the owner of the schedule and the Job Description.

Usage: java S21_Run <owner> <scheduleDescription>

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This sample runs a specified schedule and allows parameters to be passed to the schedule. It accepts four arguments: the schedule owner, the Job Description, and a parameter name and value.

Usage: java S22_Run_Parms <owner> <scheduleDescription> <firstParm=firstVal,secondParm=secondVal,...>

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This sample deletes a specified schedule. It accepts two arguments: the owner of the schedule and the Job Description.

Usage: java S31_Delete <owner> <scheduleDescription>

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This application accepts an owner and a Job Description and updates the frequency information in the specified schedule. This application can be modified to accept multiple parameters for update, or to update different fields or values. It accepts two arguments: the owner of the schedule and Job Description.

Usage: java S31_Update <owner> <scheduleDescription>