Core Server and Clients

In this section:

This section provides detailed descriptions of new features for the core server and clients.

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Passthru Servlet Affinity in the Cluster CLM

Passthru servlet mode supports the targeting of a CLASS=CLUSTER node. This provides dynamic dispatching according to the cluster type (alternate, clm, remote clm) and establishes affinity using the wcAffinityToken cookie. The affinity is reset on explicit logoff from the server or on a connection failure.

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New Scheduler Actions on Failed Scheduled Agents

How to:

Users have the ability to set the action that will occur when a scheduler agent fails. Actions can include:

The new edaserve.cfg parameter, sched_restart_failed, is used to set these actions.

Procedure: How to Set the Action for Failed Scheduled Agents
  1. From the Workspace menu, select Configuration/Monitor.
  2. Open the Special Services and Listeners folder.
  3. Right-click SCHEDULER and select Properties.

    The Scheduler Configuration page opens, as shown in the following image.

  4. Enter a value in the sched_restart_failed field.

    The settings are:


    Failed agents will be restarted indefinitely. This is the default value.


    Failed agents will not be restarted.


    Failed agents will be restarted at most n times.

  5. Click Save and Restart Scheduler.

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Deferred Management and DataMigrator Schedulers Merged

The Deferred Management (DFM) and DataMigrator Scheduler processes have been merged to simplify the configuration and to reduce the overhead of running two processes that perform similar functions.

The start and stop for the process is managed by the dfm_autostart parameter, and Scheduler scanning is triggered by the sched_autostart parameter.

A user can employ the Submit option for procedures and jobs, even when scanning is not active. This allows users to run procedures and jobs without waiting for completion and at specific times. E-mail can also be sent when a procedure starts or upon completion of its execution.

All submissions provide log information and output that is available from the Deferred list and the Scheduler Log and Statistics pages. This method can be used instead of deferred execution from the Web Console and Data Management Console.