Working With Application Files

In this section:

The options available for a file depend on what type it is and on what kind of operation is being performed. Similar files can be copied and pasted between applications on the same server or on different servers. If a file with a long name is being copied to an MVS environment, a message appears and the operation is cancelled. FOCUS data files can only be copied between locations on the same server because they are platform specific binary files. You can also copy certain files from Data Servers to a domain, such as procedure files.

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Viewing Application Files in Virtual Folders in Developer Studio

How to:

You can view application files in the Data Servers area of Developer Studio in virtual folders. Following are the virtual folders and the types of files they contain:

The option to view virtual folders in the Data Servers area is available when you select an application. The view you select propagates to all applications in the Data Servers area and is saved as the default view unless it is changed.

The virtual folders in the Data Source area are fixed folders, therefore you cannot rename folders or control the file types visible in each folder. When the virtual folder view is selected, options to create new files are available at the virtual folder level.

Procedure: How to View Application Files in Virtual Folders in the Data Servers Area

Select an application and then click the Show/Hide Application Virtual Folders icon in the Object Explorer toolbar.

The following image shows the Show/Hide Application Virtual Folders icon and the virtual folders in an application.

The Show Hide Application Virtual Folders icon

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Application File Options in Developer Studio

The following image shows the Applications node expanded with contents for the ibinccen appearing in the right pane of the window. The selected Data item opens a pop-up menu, which lists the available options.

The applications node expanded

The following table describes the available operations for application files as they appear in Developer Studio.



Master File (mas)

Edit in Synonym Editor, Edit in Text Editor, Edit in Notepad, Export to Sources, Refresh Synonym (Replace or Create New), Impact Analysis, Check, Edit Access File As Text, Print, Copy, Delete, Rename, Properties

HTML Document (htm)

Edit in HTML Composer, Edit in Text Editor, Run, Print, Copy, Delete, Rename, Properties

FOCUS Database (foc)

Edit in Text Editor, Print, Copy, Delete, Properties

FOCUS Executable (fex)

Edit in Text Editor, Edit in Auto Detected Tool, Edit in Notepad, Edit As Resource Layout, Run, Print, Copy, Delete, Rename, Properties

WebFOCUS StyleSheet Document (sty)

Edit in Text Editor, Print, Copy, Delete, Rename, Properties

GIF Image (gif)

Edit in Text Editor, Print, Edit in Paint, Copy, Delete, Properties

Other Items

Edit in Text Editor, Print, Edit in Notepad, Copy, Delete, Properties

Note: These options appear only for file types recognized by the WebFOCUS Server and with the following extensions: BMP, FOC, FTM, PDF, TXT, XML, XLS. Otherwise, the file appears with no options. Files of unsupported types can sometimes appear because someone used operating system commands to put the file into the server Application directory or because the WebFOCUS Server is configured on the same machine as the WebFOCUS Client and the two share the same Application Root (APPROOT) directory.

Application File Options in the Browser

The following image shows the HPUXTEST data server that has the Application node expanded with an opened employee application containing six sub folders, Data, GIF Images, HTML Forms, Other, Procedures, and WebFOCUS StyleSheets. Within the Data sub folder is a list of data items, one of which displays a pop-up menu which lists Open, Edit Source, Cut, Copy, and Delete as the available options.

The HPUXTEST data Server

The following table describes the available operations for application files and folders as they appear in the browser.



Data Folder

Create Synonym, Open/Close.

Create Synonym launches an HTML window with the Server's Metadata Management page in it, except for the server for MVS which launches the traditional Java Synonym Wizard instead.

Data Item

Open, Edit Source, Rename, Cut, Copy, Delete

GIF Images Folder


GIF Item

Cut, Copy, Rename, Delete

HTML Forms Folder

New HTML Form, Open/Close

HTML Forms Item

Open, Edit Source, Cut, Copy, Delete

Other Folder

Open/Close, Paste, Rename, Edit Source

Other Item

Cut, Copy, Delete

Note: These options appear only for file types recognized by the WebFOCUS Server and with the following extensions: BMP, FOC, FTM, PDF, TXT, XML, XLS. Otherwise, the file appears with no options. Files of unsupported types can sometimes appear because someone used operating system commands to put the file into the server's Application directory or because the WebFOCUS Server is configured on the same machine as the WebFOCUS Client and the two share the same Application Root (APPROOT) directory.

Procedures Folder

New, New Procedure, Open/Close

Procedures Item

Open, Edit Source, Run, Cut, Copy, Delete

WebFOCUS StyleSheets Folder

New, New WebFOCUS StyleSheet, Open/Close

WebFOCUS StyleSheets Item

Open, Edit Source, Rename, Cut, Copy, Delete