Creating Groups

How to:

Managed Reporting groups are used to associate users with domains. Users cannot access domain resources, including report procedures and some Report Library content, unless they belong to groups that include those domains. An exception is users with Managed Reporting administration privileges, who always have access to all groups and domains in the system.

You can also create a customized Dashboard view for each group if you want to present tailored presentation and content to users of these groups. For more information, see Creating Public and Group Views.

The Groups tab is used to create, edit, and delete groups. The capabilities you have in this tab depend on your role, as follows:

Procedure: How to Create a Group
  1. In the Managed Reporting Administration interface, click Groups.
  2. Click the New New button button.
  3. Type a name for the Group.
  4. Click Save.

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Procedure: How to Add Users to a Group
  1. In the Managed Reporting Administration interface, click Groups.
  2. In the Existing Groups list, double-click the group to which you want to add users.

    The right pane shows the properties of the selected group.

  3. In the Member Information area, click the Add Members tab.
  4. Double-click users in the All available users list to move them to the Add users to group list.
  5. When you are finished selecting users, click the Add Add button button.
  6. Click Save.

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Procedure: How to Remove Users From a Group
  1. In the Managed Reporting Administration interface, click Groups.
  2. In the Existing Groups list, double-click the group from which you want to remove users.
  3. In the Member Information area, click the Members tab.
  4. Double-click users in the This group's members box to move them to the Members to remove from this group box.
  5. Click Save.

Note: The Add and Remove buttons, which are located above the Members to remove from this group box, can only add or remove users from that box. Users are not added or removed from the group until you click Save.

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Procedure: How to Add or Remove Domains in a Group
  1. In the Managed Reporting Administration interface, click Groups.
  2. In the Existing Groups list, double-click the group to which you want to add or remove domains.
  3. In the Domain Information area:
    • To add domains, double-click the domains in the Available Domains box to add them to the This group's domains box.
    • To remove domains, double-click the domain in the This group's domains box.
  4. Click Save.

Note: The Add and Remove buttons, which are located above the This group's domains box, can only add or remove domains from that box. Domains are not added or removed from the group until you click Save.