Searching With Magnify


In addition to the typical features of a search interface, Magnify can include a drop-down menu of collections to search, and options to retrieve public or secured content. Collections are groups of logically partitioned information that help to narrow your search. For instance, information from an enterprise might be grouped into collections titled Sales, Marketing, Inventory, Employees, and so on. A single collection can also be a combination of two or more collections, for example, Sales and Marketing.

You can return to the Magnify search home page by clicking the Magnify button located at the top-left of the page.

To initiate a search:

In the query search input box, type a word, phrase, or number that is contained in or related to the information you want to locate. For syntax guidelines, see Search Syntax Rules.

The following image shows the initial Magnify search page with a query for dvd.

Magnify search page image

  1. Select a collection from the drop-down list to the right of the search input box. Selecting a collection will narrow your search to that specific data.


    The following image shows an example of a collections drop-down list with the Vendor Groups collection selected. The default collection in this example is Century Electronics KB.

    example of a collections drop down list

  2. Designate whether you want to search public or secure information by selecting one of the following options:
  3. Click Search.

The following image shows our example query search results and identifies the main features of the results display.

example of query search results

Note: If search results are not found for your query, then (depending on your configuration of Magnify) you could be redirected to another page, receive a message, or be provided with alternative search queries to enter.

The main features provided in a Magnify search results page are:

The following image shows the bottom of the Magnify search page. When there are multiple pages of search results, a series of page numbers appears at the bottom of the search page. Click Next or a specific page number to view the next group of search results. For your convenience, the criteria of your search (query, collection, and security option) are also displayed.

bottom of the Magnify searcg page image

The following image shows the message displayed when there are no search results. If spell checking is enabled, a search suggestion is made instead.

Magnify message when no results are found

For more information on enabling the spell checker, see the Magnify Security and Administration manual.

Top of page

Reference: Search Syntax Rules

This section provides the basic syntax rules for a search query.