Controlling the Visible Map Viewing Area

In this section:

By passing values to the WebFOCUS GIS Adapter it is possible to control how much of the map is visible or to move to a completely different section faster than the pan control or the navigation arrows.

Because these URL keywords are unique to the WebFOCUS GIS Adapter, they all begin with "IBIESRI_." The rest of the keyword is appended to the end as "mapminx," "mapminy," "mapmaxx," and "mapmaxy."

For example:

http://localhost/ibi_apps/esri/esri_index.jsp?IBIAPP_app=splychain& continued…

Invoking this URL will cause the view to change to the area around Southern California. One method of gathering these values is to pass your cursor over the map and make note of the X: and Y: values. In the western hemisphere, the “minx” and “miny” values are typically to the lower-left of the viewable area and the “maxx” and “maxy” values are to the upper-right of the viewable area.

Instead of creating bookmarks, you can create "map-markers" that allow the user to move from one part of the globe to another with the click of a button.

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Adding Additional Attributes to the URL

You can also add the following attributes to the URL for greater control.