Using IBI Custom Event Listeners and Functions

In this section:

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The ibiHttpEvent event listener captures and displays the HTTPService fault (httpFaultEvent) and result information (httpResultEvent), and error messages from the WebFOCUS Reporting Server (ibiServerMessage). This event is used to trap and handle these error messages internally using ActionScript.

The ibiHttpEvent.HTTP_FAULT and ibiHttpEvent.HTTP_RESULT return the default Adobe Flex FaultEvent and ResultEvent, respectively. These messages are displayed in the applications Show Message Window option that is available from the right-click context menu.




This event is dispatched when a remote procedure call has a fault.


This event is dispatched when a remote procedure call operation has successfully returned a result.


This event captures error messages returned by the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

Example: Using the ibiHttpEvent

If the seturl is specified in ibiDataGrid to retrieve the data from WebFOCUS, such as in this example, you can add the ibiHttpEvent listener to call the function to handle error messages returned when the application initializes.

In order to use the ibiHttpEvent, you need to add the ibiHttpEvent listener to the application when the application initializes, as shown in the example below.

private function creationCompleteHandler():void

The following function captures the messages returned by httpFaultEvent and ibiServerMessage.

private function ibiHttpFaultHandler (event:ibiHttpEvent):void
  //If HTTP Fault occurs, you can capture error message,
  //fault code, and details of the error via event.httpFaultEvent...
  logEventOutput( 'HTTP FAULT Errors Returned' ); 
  if (event.httpFaultEvent){
  //If for example an incorrect fex was referred to, the server
  //message will be returned via the event.ibiServerMessage variable. 
  if (event.ibiServerMessage){
  logEventOutput( 'WebFOCUS Reporting Server Messages Returned' );

The following function captures the messages returned by httpResultEvent.

private function ibiHttpResultHandler(event:ibiHttpEvent):void
  //HTTP Result messages are returned as long as there is
  //some type of result information returned.
  logEventOutput( 'HTTP RESULT Messages Returned' ); 
  if (event.httpResultEvent){

This example displays all the returned messages in a text box.

private function logEventOutput(msg:String):void
  this.httpEventOutput.htmlText += msg+'\n';

If the application uses the WebFOCUS Enable API, as in this example, you can add the ibiHttpEvent listener to call the function to handle error messages returned when the ibiObject initializes instead of the application.

public function initApp():void
  basedataarray.useXMLparser = false;

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This event is dispatched when the data becomes available. Using this event allows the user to execute functions when the data is loaded or updated and the latest set of data becomes available.

You can execute function on a specific component when the data becomes available as shown below.

canvas_id.addEventListener(ibiDataEvent.DATA_LOADED, function_name);
private function function_name(e:ibiDataEvent):void
  var component_id:String = e.componentID;

Example: Using the ibiDataEvent Listener

Using ibiDataEvent listener, you can add a loading image (or message) to your application while the data is being loaded. The image (or message) will be displayed in the application while the data is being retrieved from WebFOCUS and loaded into data grid. Because ibiDataEvent is listening, it will disappear exactly when the data has finished loading.

The following function sets the loading image to disappear when the data has finished loading.

private function dataIsLoaded(e:ibiDataEvent):void
  PleaseWaitCanvas.visible = false;
  PleaseWaitCanvasImage.visible = false;

The loading image is embedded inside a canvas as shown below.

<mx:Canvas id="PleaseWaitCanvas" backgroundColor="#000000"
   verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0" width="100%" height="100%"
   alpha="0.30" left="0" top="0" visible="false">
<mx:Image source="WF_ENable_load.jpg" id="PleaseWaitCanvasImage"
   verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0" visible="false"/>

In order to use the ibiDataEvent, you need to add the ibiDataEvent listener to the application when the application initializes.

private function init():void
  this.addEventListener(ibiDataEvent.DATA_LOADED, dataIsLoaded);
  PleaseWaitCanvas.visible = true;
  PleaseWaitCanvasImage.visible = true;

In this example, the loading image is set to be displayed when the application initializes, as shown in the following image.

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ibiFilterEvent is an internal event dispatched when the filter has completed filtering data. It is no longer needed when developing Enable applications. You can use ibiDataEvent instead to make sure that the filtered data is loaded. If you have used this event with the previous Beta Enable build, you need to replace this event with ibiDataEvent to accurately determine when the data has finished updating.

For example, if you have added the ibiFilterEvent to determine when the filter has completed using filtering component ID similar to the following:

private function init():void
  this.addEventListener(ibiFilterEvent.FILTER_COMPLETED, filterIsComplete);
private function filterIsComplete(e:ibiFilterEvent):void
  if(e.currentFilterID == 'filter_component_id'){

You need to replace them with ibiDataEvent instead to determine when the specific data grid has finished updating data based on the filter applied as shown below:

private function init():void
  this.addEventListener(ibiDataEvent.DATA_LOADED, dataReadyHandler);
private function dataReadyHandler(e:ibiDataEvent):void
  if(e.componentID == 'grid_to_be_filtered_id'){

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Using IBI Custom Functions

In this section:


The reloadData function will reload the data from the server and refreshes all the components in ibiCanvas. This function will reset the filters applied except for ibiFilterDefault values. This function is particularly useful when the seturl property is dynamically changed on the ibiDataGrid or when you need to re-run seturl to retrieve a new set of data from the server.



The reloadDataOnly function will only reload the data from the server and refreshes all the components in ibiCanvas. This function will not reset the filters but keep all the filters already applied to the application. This function is particularly useful when the seturl property is dynamically changed on the ibiDataGrid or when you need to re-run seturl to retrieve a new set of data from the server.



refreshDP refreshes the individual component specified, such as ibiDataGrid or ibi chart components. refreshDP does not reload the data from the server. This function is particularly useful when you need to change ibiGroupBy and ibiUseColumns properties on ibiDataGrid or ibiXField and ibiYField properties on ibiColumnChart dynamically in the application.




Is True or False.


This property is available only in the ibiCanvas component. It calls a custom function specified when all the data has finished loading. When a filter is applied the function will be called after all the components in ibiCanvas have been updated with the filter. Starting in release 2.0.0, you can use ibiDataEvent instead to make sure that the filtered data is loaded before calling a custom function.


You can use the doFilter function to manually apply a filter using a filterable component such as ibiTextInput, ibiComboBox, and so on.


getMinValue and getMaxValue

You can access the getMinValue and getMaxValue methods directly on the ibiDataGrid component, in addition to accessing them using iArray of ibiDataGrid. You use these methods to retrieve minimum and maximum values from the data grid component.

You can call these methods as follows, using either:




Where data_grid_id is the ibiDataGrid component ID with getMinValue or getMaxValue methods.

For example, the following function retrieves the minimum value of the Sum.DOLLARS column from the data grid component with ID grid_1 and displays it in a text box.

private function minVal():void
  //the original way to access the getMinValue method via iArray still
  //var val:String = grid_1.iArray.getMinValue('Sum.DOLLARS');
  //You can now access the getMinValue method directly on ibiDataGrid - 
  var val:String = grid_1.getMinValue('Sum.DOLLARS');
  if( val ){
       minValOutput.text = val;