Compatibility Features

How to:

The WebFOCUS Enable .SWC file is backward compatible. If a new version of the file is released, you can simply import it into an existing Flex project.

WebFOCUS Enable is independent of any WebFOCUS release.

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Procedure: How to Update WebFOCUS Enable in an Existing Flex Project
  1. Download the latest version of WebFOCUS Enable.
  2. Open an existing Flex project.
  3. Right-click the project folder and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  4. In the project Properties dialog box, select Flex Build Path.
  5. On the Library path tab, click Add SWC, then browse to and select the WebFOCUS Enable .SWC file.

    The file is added to the Build path libraries list, as shown in the following image.

    Build path libraries list

  6. Click OK.

    You will see a Flex Builder message, indicating that the project was updated.

  7. You may need to refresh the project to see all the updates. Click the project folder, and from the right-click menu, select Refresh.
  8. You may also need to refresh Design view. With Design view selected, click Design on the menu bar, and then select Refresh.

    If new components were added to WebFOCUS Enable since you last downloaded it, you will see them in multiple WebFOCUS Enable component folders.

    Tip: If the Components pane is not displayed, select Window on the Flex Builder menu bar, and then click Components.

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Procedure: How to Obtain WebFOCUS Enable Release and Gen Information
  1. After updating any Flex Project with new SWC files, run the Application.
  2. Right-click on any of the Information Builders components and select Built with WebFOCUS Enable.

    Built with WebFOCUS Enable option

  3. Take note of the Release number and Gen number when contacting support.