Protecting WebFOCUS Variables

In this section:

WebFOCUS scripts allow you to specify options for controlling variable processing. One of these options is the protect option, which prevents the variable from being set from the browser using the following syntax:

<SET> variable_name (protect)

WebFOCUS script commands are described in detail in WebFOCUS Script Commands.

Variables you may want to protect include IBIF_adhocfex and IBIF_raw, both of which otherwise allow WebFOCUS to stream FOCUS commands to the Reporting Server on the URL.

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Developer Studio HTML Composer

In WebFOCUS Version 7 Release 6.9 and earlier, if the IBIF_adhocfex variable is protected in a runtime environment, the Developer Studio HTML Composer controls cannot be accessed as those report requests do not run. Additionally, if the IBIF_adhocfex variable is protected, the Saved Parameter control does not function. In a development environment, the IBIF_adhocfex variable cannot be protected as it is needed for most of the Developer Studio tools. In Version 7 Release 6.10, HTML Composer and Saved Parameter Reports use the RemoteValues servlet configured in the WebFOCUS web application web.xml file to run report procedures. This enables a site to use IBIF_adhocfex(protect) without affecting any functionality in the HTML Composer and allows Saved Parameter Reports to run. The RemoteValues servlet uses the following parameter values to run Saved Parameter Reports or report requests using the HTML Composer controls:

    <description>Gets values for the HTML controls</description>


Enables using Master File Description (.mfd) and modifying the report procedure as a datasource.
Enables using an external procedure as a datasource.
Enables using a Master File Description (.mfd) as the datasource.

By default, if all parameter values are removed, all options are enabled in HTML Composer and Saved Parameter Reports run. To disable a specific option in Developer Studio HTML Composer, remove the corresponding parameter value. To disable all of the options, specify disabled as the parameter value for the RemoteValues. Allow initialization parameter.