Tracing WebFOCUS Processing


Traces can be generated and viewed in the WebFOCUS Administration Console for the Servlet implementation of the WebFOCUS Client. Each of these traces can be turned on and off on its trace page.

Note: Only administrators can enable traces.

Tracing is only recommended for troubleshooting as it affects performance. When you are confident that you have configured WebFOCUS properly, turn traces off and reload your Web application.

To access the trace files, click Diagnostics. You can select any trace listed under the Traces menu:

The initial location for all traces is install_dir:/ibi/WebFOCUS/logs. You can change the location of trace files by specifying a new location in the TRACE_LOCATION setting under the Startup Parameters menu. If a trace location is not specified, the trace files are written to install_dir:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\client\wfc\web\cgi.

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Reference: All Clients

Selecting the All Clients trace option, rather than one particular trace, displays a list of all trace files for all activated traces.

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Reference: Advanced Web Tools Log

All activities from the Advanced Graph Assistant, Power Painter, and InfoAssist tools are tracked and appended to the log file named advwebtools.log, which is located in drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS/logs. The following trace levels are available:

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Reference: Client Connector Trace

This traces client connections to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The type of trace that appears (NGXXJ or JLINK) depends on the IBI_EDACONNECTOR setting.

Trace file names are of the following form:


A new sequence number is generated with every trace file that gets created and helps determine the order of processing when reviewing traces for more than one component.

The type of trace is NGXXJ or JLINK.

The date and time portions specify the date and time the file was created.

Important: This setting updates the CONNECTOR_TRACE setting in the Startup Parameters section of the Configuration menu of the WebFOCUS Administration Console. However, setting TRACE=ON overrides the CONNECTOR_TRACE setting. When TRACE=ON is set, the Client Connector trace information is included within the trace file of the component (for example, WFServlet) that uses the WebFOCUS API (WFAPI) to make use of the client connector.

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Reference: Dashboard Log

All Dashboard activities are tracked and appended to the log file named dashboard.log, which is located in drive:/ibi/WebFOCUS/logs. The log file contains the following information:

date time thread_number level userid location message



Is the date when the line of trace code is created. The format is MM/DD/YYYY.


Is the time when the particular trace code has been written to the log file. The format is hh:mm:ss:nnn.


Is the number generated for each new task performed in the servlet.


Is the TRACE_LEVEL defined in the Servlet parameters. Valid values are OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE. TRACE turns on tracing, OFF turns off tracing, FATAL produces minimum tracing, ERROR logs information only if an error occurs and is the default value, WARN captures only warning messages, INFO captures only informational messages, and DEBUG produces maximum tracing.


Is the ID of the user who is accessing Dashboard.


Is the internal location called by Dashboard. The format is:

Java class name.Java method name.

Is the internal trace text.

Note: A daily backup of the dashboard.log file is created automatically. The name of the backup log file is dashboard.log.yyyy-mm-dd. This file can be deleted from within the WebFOCUS Administration Console.

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Reference: Geographic Information Systems Trace

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) trace shows the steps taken in processing requests to draw maps or run reports.

Level 1 gives the least detail, level 4 the most. It is recommended to always use level 4.

The trace provides the following information:

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Reference: Graph Trace

Information about server side graphics (SSG) is available using the Graph trace option under the Diagnostics menu in the WebFOCUS Administration Console. The information that is displayed depends on whether SSG_EXTERNAL=YES (process-based) or SSG_EXTERNAL=NO (thread-based).

When SSG_ENABLE=YES and SSG_EXTERNAL=YES (these settings are accessible in the Graph section of the Configuration menu), WFServlet launches a new java process to invoke the graph engine. SSG_EXTERNAL=YES always requires start up time since it parses all the graph properties when the Graph Engine is loaded. If tracing is enabled and you execute a graph request, three trace files are displayed in the following format:

When SSG_ENABLE=YES and SSG_EXTERNAL=NO, a single trace file is displayed in the following format:

sequence number_graph_date_time.trace - Similar to sequence number_SSGexternal_date_time.trace, this trace file provides all the trace information related to the execution of the graph request.

Note: When SSG_ENABLE=NO, no trace files are created since applet graphs are executed in the browser rather than created on the application server.

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Reference: HTML Tools Trace

The HTML Tools trace provides information about the JavaBeans used by the Report Assistant and the Graph Assistant. The Report Assistant is an HTML-based reporting tool that allows you to select a data source, specify sorting or grouping information, and display the report in your browser or another desktop application. The Graph Assistant is an HTML-based graphical tool that enables you to create a graphical representation of your data. The Graph Assistant is accessible through Dashboard and Managed Reporting.

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Reference: HTTP Trace for Tools

It provides tracing of all HTTP calls and parameters for each JSP call.

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Reference: MR Administration Trace

This traces all activity in the MR Administration Interface, for example, creating a user, assigning roles, adding the user to a group, and so on.

Trace file names are of the following form:


A new sequence number is generated with every trace file that gets created. The date and time portions specify the date and time the file was created.

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Reference: MR Applet Interface Trace

This logs all activity in the MR Applet Interface, for example, adding a domain, creating and running a procedure, and so on.

MR Applet Interface log file names are of the following form:


A log file is created for each user on a daily or hourly basis.

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Reference: MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility Trace

You can view log and trace file information for the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in the WebFOCUS Administration Console.

Note: For information about the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility, see the Managing Deferred Tickets chapter in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual.

MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility Log File

The MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility creates a log file each time the utility is executed. Log files can be viewed by clicking the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility option on the Traces menu under the Diagnostics section of the WebFOCUS Administration Console.

The file name of the log file is in the following form:




Is the date the log file was created in Year Month Day (YYYY-MM-DD) format.


Is the time the log file was created in Hour Minute Second (HMS) format.

For example, a log file created on Friday, August 18, 2006 2:46:52 PM appears as mrdtcleanup_060818_144354.log, as shown in the following image.

created log file example

Click the link, for example mrdtcleanup_060818_144354.log, to display the log file information. To delete the log file, select the check box next to the log file and click Delete. You can also use the Select All and Deselect All options as needed, or click the Refresh option to ensure that the latest information appears in the console.

MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility Trace File

To view trace file information for the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in the WebFOCUS Administration Console, you must first turn tracing on for the WFServlet trace option (this is turned off by default). With WFServlet tracing turned on, upon running the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility, you can view the resulting trace files by clicking the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility option on the Traces menu under the Diagnostics section of the console. A trace file is created each time the utility is executed.

The file name of the trace file is in the following form:




Is the date the trace file was created in Year Month Day (YYYY-MM-DD) format.


Is the time the trace file was created in Hour Minute Second (HMS) format.

For example, a trace file created on Friday, August 18, 2006 2:50:35 PM appears as 00100_mrdtcleanup_WFAPI_060818_144958.trace, as shown in the following image.

created log file example

Click the link, for example 00100_mrdtcleanup_WFAPI_060818_144958.trace, to display the trace file information. To delete the trace file, select the check box next to the trace file and click Delete. You can also use the Select All and Deselect All options as needed, or click the Refresh option to ensure that the latest information appears in the console.

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Reference: MR Realm Driver Trace

This traces external authentication and external authorization when the MR Realm Driver is configured.

Tracing is only recommended for troubleshooting as it affects performance. When you are confident that the Realm Driver is configured properly, turn traces off and reload your Web application.

Trace files are created in the log directory with names of the form mrrealm_yymmdd_hhmmss.log. The Realm Driver log service writes useful troubleshooting messages to the file. It appends new messages to the existing information in the file.

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Reference: NLS Trace

Turning NLS traces ON through the WebFOCUS Administration Console displays the following information:

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Reference: OLAP Transformations Trace

The OLAP Transformation trace provides the content sent from the browser to the WebFOCUS Client, such as the query and resulting answer set.

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Reference: OLAP Values Trace

It provides similar information in the OLAP Transformation trace and is used to track the query when the user requests data values from the OLAP Pane or OLAP control panel to do record selection.

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Reference: Procedure Trace

These traces enable you to see the syntax that was sent to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server for processing. When procedure traces are enabled, the PROCEDURE_LOG setting in the Startup Parameters section of the WebFOCUS Administration Console is automatically set to on.

The trace file name format is as follows:


The subcomponent is the component used to make the request at the time the log was generated. The date and time specify the date and time the file was created.

Information is appended to the log on a daily basis.

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Reference: Monitor Log

The Monitor Log options provides information about one or more active sessions. Logging is enabled using the Session Monitor option under the Diagnostics menu for all sessions or for each individual session. The Monitor log provides the following levels of diagnostics information:

The information that is written to the log file is based on the log level that is set. For example, the INFO log level provides the following information in the log:

[2010-01-07 16:29:14,235] INFO ReqEnd MonID=12150b6mc7uzf ClientUser=admin ReqID= 
Node=EDASERVE ServerUser= Completed= TimeUsed=10247 ReqInfo=Run:App=IBISAMP:Fex=ADHOCRQ



Is a unique identifier for each session.

Client User

Is the WebFOCUS user ID that is running the request.


Is a unique request identifier for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.


Is the name of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server that is running the request.

Server User

Is the WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID.


Is the time, in milliseconds, in which the request was complete.


Is the length of time, in milliseconds, that it took to run the request.


Provides information about the request, such as the application name and the report procedure name.

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Reference: Web Services Trace

WebFOCUS Web Services allow you to develop applications in the .NET or Java environments and perform WebFOCUS functionality from those environments.

Each trace file is a separate Web Service function call which traces the SOAP messages. This is important when programmers want to debug their .NET or Java programs when calling WebFOCUS Web Service functions.

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Reference: WFServlet Trace

This trace tracks requests processed by the WFServlet implementation of the WebFOCUS Client. The trace file name is of the form:


A new sequence number is generated with every trace file that gets created. The date and time portions specify the date and time the file was created.