Product Requirements for Using Active Technologies

In this section:


In some cases, additional products are required in order to use Active Technologies.

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Reference: Active Technologies for Adobe Flash Player Installation Requirements

The following additional installations are required:

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Reference: Active Technologies for PDF Installation Requirements

Adobe Reader® 9 or higher is required so that the Adobe Flash Player run-time code included in the Adobe client can render the SWF content compatible with Adobe Flash Player.

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IBM JVM Considerations

An active report for Adobe Flash Player is generated using a Java-based compiler engine that is included with the Adobe Open Source Flex SDK for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. There is a known issue with the Adobe Flex compiler not working properly with the IBM® version of Java, due to a conflict between the version of Xerces that Flex uses and the one that is included with the IBM JVM. As a work-around, ensure that the JVM loads the version of Xerces supplied with Flex instead of the version supplied with the IBM JVM.

Make sure that the Flex compiler uses the xercesImpl.jar file that is provided in the Flex library folder under the ibi folder. Add the following syntax to the user ID profile that starts the WebFOCUS Reporting Server:

export CLASSPATH=/ibi/srv77/home/etc/flex/lib/xercesImpl.jar:$CLASSPATH

You must set this value in the CLASSPATH since the Flex compiler does not read the IBI_CLASSPATH when it is executed.

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Traditional MVS Considerations

SSCTL (traditional MVS) users must allocate their temporary HTML data sets so that the data sets have a wider LRECL to use HOLD FORMAT AHTML syntax.

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Language Requirements

On some UNIX® systems, such as Linux and Oracle® Solaris, the system locale may be set by default to a UTF-8 encoding value, such as en_US.UTF-8.

Unless you are running the WebFOCUS Reporting Server in Unicode, this setting causes JSCOM to run in UTF-8 mode and corrupts the buffer.

On these systems, you can check the language that is set by typing:


Make sure that the setting reflects the language that you are planning to use on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. For example, if the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is set to 437 English only, make sure that the server is started with the correct English system locale.

You can add the LANG setting to the edastart shell script, or you can add it to the profile of the user ID that starts the server. For example, add the following to set the language to English on Linux:

export LANG=en_US.iso88591

On Oracle Solaris, you need to set LC_ALL, in addition to LANG. For more information, contact your UNIX administrator.

If data in active reports contains National Language Support (NLS) characters, you must configure the server for NLS in order to display the correct characters. For more information, see the WebFOCUS Server Administration for UNIX, Windows, OpenVMS, i5/OS, and z/OS manual.