Updating Lawson Security Information

How to:

Every time you change Lawson security information, you need to update the server files.

The update process is similar to the one you use for the initial extraction of Lawson security information.

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Procedure: How to Update Lawson Security Information
  1. Run lawsdmp.sh (or lawsdmpu.sh) to extract the latest changes to the Lawson Security System in the ibi_officer user ID home directory.
  2. If the server with the Adapter for Lawson is on the same machine as the Lawson System, copy the extracted files, *.ftm and *.cvs, from the lawsdmp run home directory of ibi_officer to the Lawson Security Directory (the lawsec directory in APPROOT) on the server. You can find these files in the lawsec directory.

    If the server is not on the same machine, run ftp with lawsftp.dat as input used to ftp the extracted files to the Lawson Security Directory (the lawsec directory in APPROOT). This should be done as follows:

    ftp -niv < lawsftp.dat
  3. Start the server and the Web Console or Data Management Console.
  4. Click Data Adapters.
  5. On the navigation pane, click the configured Lawson adapter and select Refresh Security Extract from the menu.

iWay Software