The USE Command


When you issue a command to access a FOCUS data source, such as TABLE FILE filename, WebFOCUS searches for a Master File with the specified file name, and then searches for a data source with the same name. The USE command specifies the name and location of a FOCUS data source. This is useful under the following conditions:

The USE command can be issued in a procedure with the Use tool in Developer Studio, or with the USE command in Developer Studio or WebFOCUS. When you identify a FOCUS data source with the USE command or tool, a USE directory is created, which is a list of data source definitions. When a USE directory is in effect, WebFOCUS locates a data source using the information in the directory instead of searching for it using the default name and search path. A USE directory enables you to access up to 1022 data sources and applies only to FOCUS data sources. You can simplify the creation of a USE directory in the following ways:

The DATASET attribute in the Master File can perform some, but not all, of the same tasks as the USE command. For information on DATASET, see the Describing Data With WebFOCUS Language manual.

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Reference: Additional File Specifications for FOCUS Data Sources

On some operating systems, WebFOCUS also uses additional file specifications to identify a FOCUS data source:

  • On Windows and UNIX, the FOCUS data source has a default file extension of .FOC. For example, the command TABLE FILE EMPLOYEE uses EMPLOYEE.FOC.
  • On z/OS, additional specifications are not required. The command TABLE FILE EMPLOYEE uses the data source allocated to ddname EMPLOYEE.