Domain Analysis Report

In this section:

The Domain Analysis Report provides information on the usage of the WebFOCUS domans and their reports and users.

To access the Domain Analysis report in the Web Console, click Resource Management on the toolbar and expand the Reports and Resource Analyzer folders. Expand the Domain Analysis folder. Right-click the available report, and select Run from the context menu.

The available report is the Domain Usage Report. It provides a summary line of each domain that has been monitored. This report supplies you with information that helps you understand the usage of the domain reports and the users that run them.

Note: In the tables of drill-down links, terms shown in italic represent placeholders, indicating the term can have different values, depending on the selections for that report.

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Domain Usage Report

The summary version of the report displays the Domain name, the number of reports from the Domain that have been monitored, the number of users that have run Domain reports that have been monitored, the average execution time of all of the monitored reports in the Domain, and the average CPU time used by all of the monitored reports in the Domain.

Right-click Domain Usage and select Run. Select the column for which you want to examine information under the Column name drop-down menu and click View Report. Any use of a column with that name in any monitored table is reported.

The report window opens, as shown in the following image.

Domain Summary Report

This report has two hyperlinks that allow you to drill down to additional reports summarized in the following table.

Drill-Down Hyperlink: Click...

Report Generated


A value under the Number Monitored Reports column.

Domain by Report Summary report

provides the names of the reports that have been monitored, the number of times the report has been run, the average execution time the used, the average CPU time used, the total number of rows returned by all of the executions and the number of database records processed by all executions of the report. Also allows you to drill down further to view the user names that have executed the report.

A value under the Number Monitored Users column.

Domain by Users Summary report

The report provides the user names that have been monitored, the number of reports the user has run, the average execution time the used, the average CPU time used, the total number of rows returned by all of the executions and the number of database records processed by all executions of the report. Also allows you to drill down further to view names of the reports that the user has run.

iWay Software