Visual Discovery - Outlier Finder

How to:

The Visual Discovery Outlier Finder performs analysis to quickly identify over-achieving and under-achieving measures along any of the dimensions you have configured. The resulting analytical data is displayed in multiple graphs on the Outlier Finder panel. These graphs include:

When analyzing the graphs, you can interactively change the data displayed in these graphs by changing the selected Measure, Dimension, and Time range criteria. To find outlier data, use the True Histogram chart by selecting and dragging a range of values from either the trailing left edge of the chart to see underachieving outliers or the leading right edge to see overachieving outliers. The Pie chart identifies which Dimension groupings hold those values, and the Bar and Line charts show the relationships of actual to targets for those values.

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Procedure: How to Use Outlier Finder

To use the Outlier Finder:

  1. Select the Analytics tab.
  2. Select Analysis or Measures Detail from the Type drop-down list, select Visual Discovery - Outlier Finder from the View drop-down list, and click Run.

    The Outlier Finder interface appears.

  3. Select the desired metric to analyze from the Measure drop-down list. Only metrics with a sufficient amount of data values are made available for you to perform this type of analysis.
  4. Select the desired dimension to analyze from the Dimension drop-down list, then select a dimension value from the drop-down list to the right, or select All to analyze data at the top level of the selected dimension.
  5. Select the desired time range to analyze from the Time range drop-down list. (The default time range value is All.)
  6. Click Discover.

    PMF displays data in multiple graphs in the output area below the Outlier Finder interface.