Creating Accordion Reports That Expand by Row

How to:

Accordion By Row reports are HTML reports that offer an interactive interface to data aggregated at multiple levels by presenting the sort fields within an expandable tree. The initial view presents the highest dimension or sort field (BY value) and the aggregated measures for each value. The tree control can be used to open each dimension and view the associated aggregated values. Clicking the plus sign next to a sort field value opens new rows that display the next lower level sort field values and subtotals. The lowest level sort field, when expanded, displays the aggregated data values.

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Procedure: How to Create Accordion Reports That Expand by Row
  1. From the Procedure Viewer in Developer Studio, click and hold a component connector (yellow diamond), then click the Set button on the Component Connector toolbox.

    The Set tool opens.

  2. Select EXPANDBYROW from the Available Settings list and click Add.


    Double-click EXPANDBYROW.

    EXPANDBYROW is added to the Used Settings list.

  3. Select a value from the Current Value list to set the EXPANDBYROW command.

    You may select from the following options:

    • ALL. Creates an accordion report in which all sort field levels are initially expanded. To roll up a sort field level, click the minus sign next to one of the sort field values on that level.
    • OFF. Does not create an accordion report. OFF is the default value.
    • ON. Creates an accordion report which initially displays only the highest sort field level. To see rows on lower levels, click the plus sign next to one of the displayed sort field values.
    • n. Creates an accordion report in which n sort field levels are initially expanded. To roll up an expanded sort field level, click the minus sign next to one of the sort field values on that level.

    Note: Accordion By Row reports require that the HTMLCSS parameter be set to ON.

    The following image is an example of the EXPANDBYROW command in the Set tool.

  4. Click OK to save the SET EXPANDBYROW command and close the Set tool.

    The corresponding syntax is: