Magnify Diagnostics Pages

In this section:

The Magnify Console provides several diagnostic pages that provide more information while working within the Magnify platform. You can access the Magnify console using the following URL:




Is the server name of where Magnify is installed and the HTTP port of the application server. For Tomcat stand-alone configurations, the default port number is 8080. If you require SSL, use HTTPS instead of HTTP.


Is the alias of the WebFOCUS Web application specified during the installation. The default is ibi_apps.

The following image illustrates the Magnify Console.

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General Settings

The General section of the Magnify Console allows you to set the following features:

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Setting Timers

You can incrementally commit data into the Lucene index so that it is available for searching while the indexing process is ongoing. This is useful when indexing large amounts of data that can take a long time before it is available for search. For more information on setting timers when loading data to the Lucene index, see Setting Timers For Feeding Data.

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Creating a Magnify Spelling Dictionary

How to:

A Spelling Dictionary can be used to make spelling suggestions when a user is specifying a search query to guarantee search results. You can create a dictionary file for an index or a collection by selecting the Spell Check Setup link on the Magnify Console page. Additionally, the spellchecker feature is enabled in the Magnify stylesheet by default. To modify the spellchecker setting in the Magnify stylesheet, see How to Enable Spell Checking.

To increase the effectiveness of the spell checker functionality, it is recommended that a large pool of words are collected and used for the dictionary. This can be obtained after a large first-time, historic, or batch indexing process.

The following image displays a spelling suggestion for a search term that did not find any matches in the default collection:

Magnify Spelling Suggestions

When spell checking is enabled and a collection is searched without a collection dictionary created, the default dictionary is the first index library referenced.

Dictionaries are indexes that become locked while in use. To backup or remove a dictionary, you must unlock the dictionary index files by clicking the Close Open Dictionaries checkbox.

Procedure: How to Enable Spell Checking
  1. Edit the included_stylesheet.xslt in the \ibi\WebFOCUS\config\magnify directory.
  2. Search for the following syntax in the included_stylesheet.xslt file:
    <input type="hidden" name="spelling" value="false"/>
  3. Change the value attribute to true as follows:
    <input type="hidden" name="spelling" value="true"/>
  4. Issue the &clearcache=1 API parameter in the URL to reflect the changes to the stylesheet.

Procedure: How to Create a Spelling Dictionary
  1. Click Spell Check Setup on the Magnify Console homepage.

    The Creating Spelling Words Dictionaries page displays with a list of available index libraries and collections.

  2. Select the index or indexes under the Check to update column to create a dictionary of words.

    To create a spelling dictionary for a collection, select the collection(s) under the Collections column.

    Note: Before creating a collection-level dictionary, you must first create a dictionary for each index in the collection(s). Collection dictionaries are created by creating its own dictionary from combining all referenced index libraries' dictionary.

  3. Click the Create Dictionary button.

    The dictionary is created in the spellchecker directory under the Lucene index. For example, \ibi\WebFOCUS\magnify\lucene_index\centurycustomers\spellchecker. A Dictionary up to date message displays under the Status column to indicate that the dictionary was successfully created.

    Note: This process may take some time depending on the size of the index.

  4. Issue the &clearcache=1 request parameter in the URL to start using the spelling dictionary.

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Testing Analyzers

How to:

Each analyzer provides different functionality for manipulating the query during a search or the data during the feed process. To test the behavior of each analyzer, you can use the test analyzer page accessible in the Magnify Console. All analyzers that are configured in the collections.xml are available for testing. When testing an analyzer, the following information is provided:

Procedure: How to Test an Analyzer
  1. Click the Test Analyzer link on the Magnify Console page.
  2. Select an analyzer from the 1- Select Analyzer drop-down list.

    Every analyzer that is configured in the collections.xml file is available in the drop-down list.

  3. Type the query string to test in the Enter several words of text to Analyze input box.
  4. Select the Post or Get radio button.

    Note: The GET method is the default when using Latin-1 encoding for all application servers. If your browser is using the Chinese, Japanese or Korean language the POST method becomes the default.

  5. Click Analyze Text.

    The result for the analyzer and each of its filters is displayed.

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Securing the Feed Process

How to:

You can restrict which servers can access Magnify and therefore prevent updates to the Lucene index from other servers. To configure the feed restrictions, you must access the Feed Security Setup Console by clicking the IP Restrictions link on the Magnify Console. Alternatively, you can specify the following URL:


The following illustrates the Feed Security Setup Console.

Magnify Feed Security Console

To remove any restrictions specified in the Feed Security Setup Console, you must edit the /ibi/WebFOCUS/config/magnify/magnify_feed_properties_defaults.xml and manually remove the syntax that contains the restriction information.

Procedure: How to Configure Feed Security
  1. Access the Feed Security Setup Console by specifying the following URL:
  2. Select ON in the Security enable is: drop-down box.
  3. Specify the name of the server that is allowed to feed data to the Lucene index file in the Host name input box.
  4. Alternatively, specify the IP address that is allowed to feed data to the Lucene index using the Enter IP input boxes.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Restart the application server.

Procedure: How to Remove Feed Security
  1. Edit the \ibi\WebFOCUS\config\magnify\magnify_feed_properties_defaults.xml file.
  2. Delete the server(s) information contained in the <feed_security hostname=" "/> syntax.
  3. Delete the IP address(es) contained in the <feed_security ip_address=" "/> syntax.
  4. Restart the application server.

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Optimizing a Lucene Index

How to:

Magnify enables you to maintain a Lucene index to improve search performance. To optimize one or more indexes, click Optimize on the Magnify Console homepage.

Optimization provides the opportunity to reduce the number of segments an index library is spread across, as well as reclaim space from deleted records.

Procedure: How to Optimize Lucene indexes
  1. Click Optimize on the Magnify Console homepage.
  2. Select the index to optimize (only one index can be optimized at a time).
  3. Specify the number of segments to create for each index selected in the Index partitions to create: input box and click submit.

    The following status displays.

  4. When the optimization process is complete, click the Properties button to view information on any changes to the index. The index partitions change to segments (.cfs files). The process of optimization rebuilds the entire index and thereby uses disk I/O. Additionally, the size of the index during the optimization process can temporarily grow to 2-3x times its original size until the optimization process is complete. This can vary based on server configurations.

    It is recommended to perform optimization after large-batch indexing and after long periods of incremental indexing. This reorganizes the index of words in the Lucene index and optionally reclaims space of deleted, unsearchable documents. Lucene may not delete all documents, but will reclaim the space automatically when needed by new documents.

    Note: If a segment is still in reference by Magnify it will remain undeleted on Windows, but will automatically be cleaned up later by Lucene.

    The following image displays information about the centuryemployees index after it has been optimized.

    Index libraries can be searched while being optimized.

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Monitoring the Indexing Process

You can monitor the performance of the index process by clicking Index Monitor in the Magnify Console. Information such as the number of records indexed per minute is provided.

By default, this page refreshes every two minutes. The refresh rate can be changed by updating the refresh parameter in the \ibi\WebFOCUS\webapps\webfocus\search\jsp\loadperformance.jsp page as follows:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="120;"/>

The content value is in seconds.

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Magnify Traces

In this section:

Magnify provides the ability to trace activity when performing a search and feeding documents to the Lucene index. The granularity and type of information written to the log files can be set using the Trace page. You can access the Trace page by clicking the Log Settings link on the Magnify Console. Alternatively, you can specify the following URL in the browser address bar:


The following page displays.

The following log levels are available for search and indexing traces:


No activity from the search and/or feed process is written to the log file.


Logs all types of messages.


Logs messages at a high level.


Logs messages at a moderately detailed level.


Logs messages at a very granular level and provides the most information.


Logs information regarding the current configuration settings.


Logs informational messages.


Logs messages that indicate a potential problem.


Logs messages that indicate a fatal problem.

The log files are located in \ibi\WebFOCUS\logs and have following file format:

Each file name contains unique numbers to avoid being overwritten.

Additionally, you can trace the amount of time it takes to complete a search query by specifying On in the Performance Timing Trace drop-down box.

Alternatively, you can add the following parameters to the search URL:




Is the location where Magnify displays the trace information. By default, if a trace location is not specified, the trace output is written to the application server log file. The following values are valid:

console displays the trace information in the application server log file.

path is the directory path and name of the log file to which the trace information is written. For example, c:/temp/magnify_log.txt.

destroy closes the log file. This parameter is specified after the path information.

/directory saves the trace information to the directory specified.


Sets the granularity of the trace information. Valid values include fine, finer, finest, and info. Setting the log_level to finest provides you with the most information. To reset the logging, specify info for the log_level.

Note: When tracing is enabled, several files with a .lck extension are created and can be removed only when the application server is restarted.

Logging Information About Indexed Documents

You can review information about each document that is indexed in Lucene by configuring Magnify to log information about each record. The log information is written into the \ibi\WebFOCUS\logs\magnify\feedDump directory and may be encoded. For example, the contents of the following record in the log file is encoded.

<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <record action="add" mimetype="text/plain" lock="false"
        <content encoding="base64binary">PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS

There are free third-party tools available on the Internet that can be used to decode the information within the content element. For example, the following information is available after it has been decoded.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       Catalog Item: EasyShot Digital Camera 6.1 Megapixel(DC-610)
    <META name="WF_INDEX_UNIQUE_KEY" content="21749"/>
    <META name="C_SYSTEM_SOURCE" content="Product Catalog"/>
    <META name="C_PRODUCT_TYPE" content="Cameras"/>
    <META name="C_PRODUCT_CATEGORY" content="Digital Cameras"/>
    <META name="PRODUCTNAME" content="EasyShot Digital Camera 6.1 
    <META name="PRODUCTNUMBER" content="3004"/>
    <META name="HTML_LEFT_OF_SNIPPET" content="<p><img
          images/17.png" style="float:left margin:2px 18px
          5px 8px border:0"></p>"/>
    <META name="TITLE_URL" content="http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/
    <META name="LINK_DISPLAY_NAME1" content="<img
          images/format_flex_16.png" border="0">
          <img src="http://localhost:8080/approot/magnify_demo/
          images/spacer.gif" VSPACE=5px HSPACE=3px border="0">
          See Similar Products <img src="http://localhost:8080/
          VSPACE=5px HSPACE=15px border="0">"/>
    <META name="LINK_URL1" content="http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/
          &IBIAPP_app=magnify_demo&IBIF_wfdescribe=OFF&FXK= 21749"/>
    <META name="LINK_DISPLAY_NAME2" content="<img
          images/active_reports_16.png" border="0">
          <img src="http://localhost:8080/approot/magnify_demo/
          images/spacer.gif" VSPACE=5px HSPACE=3px border="0">
          Return Trends <img src="http://localhost:8080/
          approot/magnify_demo/images/spacer.gif" VSPACE=5px
          HSPACE=15px border="0">"/>
    <META name="LINK_URL2" content="http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/
          &IBIAPP_app=magnify_demo&IBIF_wfdescribe=OFF&FXK= 21749"/>
    <BODY>3004 Cameras Digital Cameras With Century Electronic Digital
          Cameras you get exceptional picture quality and value for your
          money. Century Electronic Cameras continue to be one of the
          most easy to use lines of digicams. Visit to view the Century
          Electronic Camera model list, and compare different cameras
          at a glance. With Century Electronic Digital Cameras you get
          exceptional picture quality and value for your money.
          Century Electronic Cameras continue to be one of the most easy
          to use lines of digicams. Visit to view the Century Electronic
          Camera model list, and compare different cameras at a glance.
          EasyShot Digital Camera 6.1 Megapixel DC-610 21749 Summit
          Century Product Catalog

Procedure: How to Log Information About Indexed Documents
  1. Click the Log Settings link on the Magnify Console. Alternatively, you can specify the following URL:
  2. Select ON in the Incoming_Document_storage_is_currently: drop-down box.

    Real-time logging begins immediately and does not require restarting the application server.

  3. Specify the trace directory location in the Incoming Document are stored here: input box.

    By default, the log information is written into the \ibi\WebFOCUS\logs\magnify\feedDump directory.

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Testing the Feed Process

The Servlet Form Feed page enables you to:

To access the Servlet Form, click on Servlet Form from the Magnify Console homepage. For each document you want to add, delete or verify, you must specify the following information:

Name of datasource:

Source of the data to be fed to the search engine.


Specify whether to add, delete or verify the document specified in the input box.


Specify the correct encoding for the document. For example, UTF-8.

Content Type:

MIME type of the document to be added, deleted or verified in the Lucene index.


Specify full to replace all previous data in the index from the data source specified in the Name of datasource: input box. Specify incremental to add new data to the existing index specified in the Name of datasource: input box.

Record URL

URL to the WebFOCUS servlet (WFServlet), which runs WebFOCUS reports, followed by the meta tags to build the category tree. For more information on the available meta tags, see the Magnify Developer's Guide.

Feed URL

URL to the xmlfeed servlet that feeds data to the search engine.


Optionally, you can verify a particular record by specifying a unique value. To verify a record using the WF_INDEX_UNIQUE_KEY value, click Submit Verify via GET operation. This verification method uses the URL and datasource values defined at the top of the page.

For more information on the required document structure, see the Magnify Developer's Guide.

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Quiescing indexes

How to:

To backup a Lucene index, all indexing transactions must be stopped or quiesced. When the indexing process is paused, Magnify finishes any processes that have already been started and prevents any new ones from occurring. Records that are available for indexing are saved to the feedcache directory location specified by the magnify_feed_cache_dir parameter in the Magnify menu of the WebFOCUS Administration Console. The default value is \ibi\WebFOCUS\magnify\feedcache. The search is not available when an index is quiesced. Instead, the following message displays:

The Search system is unavailable it is currently down for System maintenance
There is a quiesce in progress, Please try again later

Once all backup/recover operations are complete, all paused indexing transactions resume when Magnify is restarted.

Procedure: How to Quiesce a Lucene Index
  1. Navigate to the following page:

    Is the name of the server and its port number where Magnify is installed.


    Is the WebFOCUS web application alias.

  2. Click the Pause button.

    Any records that are available to be indexed are saved to the \ibi\WebFOCUS\magnify\feedcache directory.

  3. When the backup process is complete, click the Resume button to index the data in the feedcache directory.
  4. If the application server is restarted, the load-on-startup parameter for the Magnify servlet (xmlfeed) in the \ibi\WebFOCUS\webapps\webfocus\WEB-INF\web.xml file must be uncommented to index the data in the feedcache folder.