Compiling SWF Files

How to:

After you complete your project, you can compile the SWF files that are Adobe Flash Player compatible in Flex Builder using Release Build.

By default, Flex Builder 3 treats projects as debug versions and outputs the .SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible to the bin-debug folder. This is not the final or live version that you deploy as your application. The debug version of your application contains debugging information and is used for debugging purposes. The Export Release Build version does not include the additional debugging information and is therefore smaller in size than the debug version. You can export an optimized release-quality version (non-debug SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible) of your application using the Export Release Build Wizard.

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Procedure: How to Compile Release-Quality SWF Files
  1. Select Project from the toolbar and then select Export Release Build.

    Export Release Build in Flex Development toolbar

  2. Navigate to:
    …\My Documents\Flex Builder 3\project_name\bin-release


    Is the name of your project.