GREGDT: Converting From Julian to Gregorian Format

How to:

The GREGDT function converts a date in Julian format (year-number_of_the_day) to Gregorian format (year-month-day). A date in Julian format is a five- or seven-digit number. The first two or four digits are the year; the last three digits are the number of the day, counting from January 1. For example, January 1, 1999 in Julian format is either 99001 or 1999001; June21, 2004 in Julian format is 2004173.

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Syntax: How to Convert From Julian to Gregorian Format
GREGDT(indate, output_format)



I5 or I7

Is the Julian date. If the date is invalid, the function returns a 0.


I6, I8, I6YMD or I8YYMD

Example: Converting From Julian to Gregorian Format

GREGDT converts JULIAN to YYMD (Gregorian) format. It determines the century using the default DEFCENT and YRTHRESH parameter settings. The result is stored in a column with the format I8.


For 82213, the result is 19820801.

For 82004, the result is 19820104.

iWay Software