DMY, MDY, YMD: Calculating the Difference Between Two Dates

How to:

The DMY, MDY, and YMD functions calculate the difference between two legacy dates in numeric format.

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Syntax: How to Calculate the Difference Between Two Dates
function(from_date, to_date)



Is one of the following:

DMY calculates the difference between two dates in day-month-year format.
MDY calculates the difference between two dates in month-day-year format.
YMD calculates the difference between two dates in year-month-day format.


I6xxx or I8xxx, where xxx corresponds to the specified function (DMY, YMD, or MDY).

Is the beginning legacy date.


I6xxx or I8xxx where xxx corresponds to the specified function (DMY, YMD, or MDY).

Is the end legacy date.

Example: Calculating the Number of Days Between Two Dates

YMD calculates the number of days between the dates in HIRE_DATE and DAT_INC.


iWay Software