FIND: Verifying the Existence of a Value in an Indexed Field

How to:

The FIND function determines if an incoming data value is in an indexed FOCUS data source field. The function sets a temporary field to a non-zero value if the incoming value is in the data source field, and to 0 if it is not. A value greater than zero confirms the presence of the data value, not the number of instances in the data source field.

You can also use FIND in a VALIDATE command to determine if a transaction field value exists in another FOCUS data source. If the field value is not in that data source, the function returns a value of 0, causing the validation test to fail and the request to reject the transaction.

You can use any number of FINDs in a COMPUTE or VALIDATE command. However, more FINDs increase processing time and require more buffer space in memory.

Limit: FIND does not work on files with different DBA passwords. FIND only works on FOCUS files.

The opposite of FIND is NOT FIND. The NOT FIND function sets a temporary field to 1 if the incoming value is not in the data source and to 0 if the incoming value is in the data source.

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Syntax: How to Verify the Existence of a Value in an Indexed Field
FIND(fieldname [AS dbfield] IN file);




Is the name of the field that contains the incoming data value.

AS dbfield


Is the name of the data source field whose values are compared to the values in the incoming field. This field must be indexed. If the incoming field and the data source field have the same name, omit this phrase.



Is the name of the indexed FOCUS data source.


Example: Verifying the Existence of a Value in an Indexed Field

FIND determines if a supplied value in EMP_ID is in the EDUCFILE data source.


iWay Software