DataMigrator Workspace

In this section:

Flows are built and modified in the DataMigrator workspace. Objects can be dragged into the workspace from the navigation pane, and, when in process flow mode, from the process flow toolbar.

For data flows and process flows, the workspace consists of the following tabs:

Other tabs are available when creating different types of data flows:

Note: When building different types of data flows, a Process Flow and Text View tab are also available.

For synonyms, the workspace consists of the following tabs:

For details about synonyms, see Working With Synonyms.

Top of page

Data Flow Tab

How to:


The Data Flow tab is where you build data flows to extract and move data from data source objects to data target objects. Arrows connect the objects and support the flow.

This is a sample of a simple data flow in the Data Flow tab.

Simple Data Flow Example

Procedure: How to Validate a Flow

From the Data Flow tab:

  1. Click the Validate Flow button.

    The flow is checked for errors.

  2. If there are no errors, the Valid window appears, as shown in the following image.

    Valid flow window

    If errors are found, a warning message appears, as shown in the following image.

    Validation Error Window

  3. To exit the windows, click OK. For more information about the error, click Details in the Warning window.

Reference: Data Flow Objects in the Workspace

Data flow objects appear as follows in the workspace:



Data Source Object

Data source - sourcename (Tn) or appdir/sourcename (Tn)

Indicates a data source for the data flow, where sourcename is the name of the synonym and Tn is the table number.

A key icon in this object indicates that the synonym has a key identified.

Inner Join Object

Inner Join

Indicates that two data sources are connected by an inner join and that only rows that appear in both tables used in the Join are extracted.

Left Outer Join Object

Left Outer Join

Indicates that two data sources are connected by a left outer join and that all rows are extracted from the left data source, as well as the columns from the right source that match.

Right Outer Join Object

Right Outer Join

Indicates that two data sources are connected by a right outer join and that all rows are extracted from the right data source, as well as the columns from the left source that match.

Full Outer Join Object

Full Outer Join

Indicates that two data sources are connected by a full outer join and that all rows are extracted from both data sources.

Cross Join Object

Cross Join

Indicates that two data sources are connected by a cross join, or Cartesian product of two tables. It consists of all possible pairs of rows between the two tables.

SQl/Select Column Object

SQL/Select Columns

Contains the generated SQL used to extract the data, based on selected columns, filters, and sorts used in the data flow.

A filter, or sort, icon in this object indicates when a filter or sort has been specified.

Union Object


Indicates that two SQL objects are connected by a union intersect or minus.

Target Object

Target - targetname or appdir/targetname

Indicates a target for the data flow, where targetname is the name of the synonym.

A key icon indicates if the target table has key columns identified.

Working With Columns, Variables, and Functions

How to:

DataMigrator features a number of calculators for creating transformations and filters using columns, variables, and functions. These columns, variables, and functions can be used in the Synonym Editor to create virtual columns.

These items can be displayed either in a tree or in a list. When displayed in a list, they can be sorted either ascending or descending. You can also search for items.

You can customize the information that is available for columns, as well as how they are displayed.

Note: Tree view is the default for the calculators and for the Synonym Editor. List view is the default for Join Properties and Column Selection (SQL object).

Procedure: How to Change the Display of Columns and Variables in a Calculator

Calculators are typically opened by clicking the Insert Insert Button or Add Compute Add Compute Button buttons or by selecting Filter from the SQL Object right-click menu.

The Fields/Variables tab defaults to the tree view. To change it:

  1. Right-click the Name heading bar.

    Name Context Menu

  2. Select List View.

    The fields and variables are now shown in a list.

    List of Fields and Variables

  3. Optionally, you can choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  4. Optionally, you can choose Best Fit, which will resize the column to fit its data.

    Note: Either sort order will still list columns first, followed by variables.

Procedure: How to Change the Display of Functions in a Calculator

Calculators are typically opened by clicking the Insert Insert Button or Edit Edit Button buttons or by selecting Filter from the SQL Object right-click menu.

Calculators open to the Fields/Variables tab using the default tree view.

To change the display of functions:

  1. Click the Functions tab.
  2. Right-click the Name heading bar.

    Name Context Menu

  3. Select List View.

    The functions are now shown in a list.

    List of Functions

  4. Optionally, you can choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  5. Optionally, you can choose Best Fit, which will resize the column to fit its data.

Procedure: How to Change the Display of Columns in the Synonym Editor

Double-clicking a synonym opens the Synonym Editor.

  1. Right-click the Name heading bar.

    Name Context Menu

  2. Select Field View.

    The columns are now shown in a list.

    List of Columns

  3. Optionally, you can choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  4. Optionally, you can choose Best Fit, which will resize the column to fit its data.

Procedure: How to Change the Information Displayed for Columns

The information displayed for columns is controlled by the Column Management pane of the Options dialog box.

In a calculator or the Synonym Editor:

  1. Right-click the Name heading bar.

    Customize Options

  2. Select Customize, then select a column to add or remove from the fly-out menu.
  3. Optionally, select More to add or remove multiple columns or reorder them.

    The Column Management pane of the Options dialog box opens.

    Column Management Options

  4. Select the columns you want to appear using the check boxes.
  5. Optionally, you can change the display order of the columns by moving them up or down in the Selected Columns field.
  6. Optionally, you can change the Column Name Display Strategy to control what appears in trees and grids. You can have columns listed by Name, Title, or Description. If no Title or Description exists the display will default to the Name.
  7. Click OK.

    The columns will now appear in the order you specify in calculators or the Synonym Editor.

Top of page

Process Flow Tab


The Process Flow tab is where you build process flows. Arrows connect the objects and support the flow.

This is a sample of a simple process flow in the Process Flow tab.

Example of Simple Process Flow

Reference: Process Flow Objects in the Workspace

Process flow objects appear as follows in the workspace:



Start Object


Indicates the start of the process flow. The Start object can be preceded only by a Schedule object, otherwise, Start is the first object in the process flow.

Data Flow Object

Data Flow

Indicates an embedded data flow that contains data source and data target objects, along with business rules that govern what is extracted and moved from source to target objects. You can open the data flow by right-clicking it and selecting Open.

Note: This icon appears when the data flow is embedded in a process flow.

Schedule Object


Contains the scheduler attributes for the process flow. You can schedule a flow to run once, on a recurring basis, or on a specified days of the week or month, on an interval you define.

Only one schedule is permitted per flow. When used, the Schedule object must precede the Start object.

Flow Object


Indicates that a complete data flow or another process flow is being executed from the current process flow. You can nest one flow within another. You can open the flow by right-clicking it and selecting Open.

Note: This icon appears when a previously saved data flow or process flow is executed from the current process flow.

Parallel Group Object

Parallel Group

Indicates that a group of flows will be executed simultaneously. The group object is generally followed by a Wait object.

Wait Object


Indicates that processing of the next object in the flow will wait until execution of all processes in the parallel group have been completed.

A Wait objects generally follows a Parallel Group object, but is not required.

E-mail Object


Indicates an e-mail message is sent at the designated point(s) in the flow.

E-mail can be sent to multiple e-mail addresses at any point in a process flow. Remember that the server must be configured for sending e-mail.

Stored Procedure Object

Stored Procedure

Indicates a saved procedure (other than a data or process flow). The stored procedure can be any 4GL program that is executed during a process flow.

Connector Object


Represented as arrows, connector objects specify the logic that governs what is executed next in a process flow. In some cases, the logic is unconditional. In others, the logic is conditional (set either by defaults or by conditions you define). The color of the arrows indicates these relationships: black indicates unconditional; green indicates a success condition; red indicates a failure condition; purple indicates a custom-defined condition.

Set Variables Object

Set variables

Set default values for global variables used by other objects in the flow.

Text View Tab

The Text View tab allows you to view the underlying code for a flow.

Note: You can use CTRL + F or select Find from the Edit menu to search the text. After you close the Find dialog box, you can use F3 to find the next occurrence and Shift + F3 to search backwards.

Text View Tab

iWay Software