Rolling Up Calculations on Summary Rows

How to:


Using SUMMARIZE and RECOMPUTE, you can recalculate values at sort field breaks, but these calculations use the detail data to calculate the value for the summary line.

Using the ROLL. operator in conjunction with another prefix operator on a summary line recalculates the sort break values using the values from summary lines generated for the lower level sort break.

The operator combinations supported are:

ROLL.prefix on a summary line indicates that the prefix operation will be performed on the summary values from the next lowest level of summary command.

If the ROLL. operator is used without another prefix operator, it is treated as a SUM. Therefore, if the summary command for the lowest BY field specifies AVE., and the next higher specifies ROLL., the result will be the sum of the averages. To get the average of the averages, you would use ROLL.AVE at the higher level.

Note: With SUMMARIZE and SUB-TOTAL, the same calculations are propagated to all higher level sort breaks.

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Syntax: How to Roll Up Summary Values
[field1 field2 ...|*] [ROLL.][prefix2.] [fieldn ...]


BY field
[field1 field2 ...|*]



Indicates that the summary values should be calculated using the summary values from the next lowest level summary command.


Is a BY field in the request.

prefix1, prefix2

Are prefix operators to use for the summary values. Can be one of the following operators: SUM. (the default operator if none is specified), AVE., MAX., MIN., FST., LST., CNT., ASQ.

field1 field2 fieldn

Are fields to be summarized.


Indicates that all fields, numeric and alphanumeric, should be included on the summary lines. You can either use the asterisk to display all columns or reference the specific columns you want to display.

Example: Rolling Up an Average Calculation

The following request against the GGSALES data source contains two sort fields, REGION and ST. The summary command for REGION applies the AVE. operator to the sum of the units value for each state.

TABLE FILE GGSALES                           
   SUM UNITS AS 'Inventory '                 
     BY REGION                               
   BY ST                                     
   ON REGION SUBTOTAL      AVE.  AS 'Average'
   WHERE DATE GE 19971001                    
   WHERE REGION EQ 'West' OR 'Northeast'     
   ON TABLE SET PAGE NOPAGE                  

On the output, the UNITS values for each state are averaged to calculate the subtotal for each region. The UNITS values for each state are also used to calculate the average for the grand total row.

Region       State  Inventory 
------       -----  ----------
Northeast    CT          37234
             MA          35720
             NY          36248
Average Northeast             
West         CA          75553
             WA          40969
Average West                  
TOTAL                    45144

The following version of the request adds a summary command for the grand total line that includes the ROLL. operator:

TABLE FILE GGSALES                           
   SUM UNITS AS 'Inventory '                 
     BY REGION                               
   BY ST                                     
   WHERE DATE GE 19971001                    
   WHERE REGION EQ 'West' OR 'Northeast'     
   ON TABLE SET PAGE NOPAGE                  

On the output, the UNITS values for each state are averaged to calculate the subtotal for each region, and those region subtotal values are used to calculate the average for the grand total row:

Region       State  Inventory 
------       -----  ----------
Northeast    CT          37234
             MA          35720
             NY          36248
Average Northeast             
West         CA          75553
             WA          40969
Average West                  
TOTAL                    47330

Example: Propagating Rollups to Higher Level Sort Breaks

The following request against the GGSALES data source has three BY fields. The SUBTOTAL command for the PRODUCT sort field specifies AVE., and the SUMMARIZE command for the higher level sort field, REGION, specifies ROLL.AVE.

TABLE FILE GGSALES                        
SUM UNITS                                 
BY REGION                                 
BY PRODUCT                                
BY HIGHEST DATE                           
WHERE DATE GE 19971001                    
  WHERE REGION EQ 'Midwest' OR 'Northeast'
  WHERE PRODUCT LIKE 'C%'                 
  ON PRODUCT SUBTOTAL AVE.                
ON TABLE SET PAGE NOPAGE                  

On the output, the detail rows for each date are used to calculate the average for each product. Because of the ROLL.AVE. at the region level, the averages for each product are used to calculate the averages for each region, and the region averages are used to calculate the average for the grand total line:

  Region       Product                 Date  Unit Sales                                                                           
  ------       -------                 ----  ----------                                                                           
  Midwest      Coffee Grinder    1997/12/01        4648
                                 1997/11/01        3144
                                 1997/10/01        1597
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Coffee Grinder                    3129                           
               Coffee Pot        1997/12/01        1769
                                 1997/11/01        1462
                                 1997/10/01        2346
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Coffee Pot                        1859                           
               Croissant         1997/12/01        7436
                                 1997/11/01        5528
                                 1997/10/01        6060
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Croissant                         6341                           
  *TOTAL REGION Midwest                            3776
  Northeast    Capuccino         1997/12/01        1188
                                 1997/11/01        2282
                                 1997/10/01        3675
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Capuccino                         2381                           
               Coffee Grinder    1997/12/01        1536
                                 1997/11/01        1399
                                 1997/10/01        1315
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Coffee Grinder                    1416                           
               Coffee Pot        1997/12/01        1442
                                 1997/11/01        2129
                                 1997/10/01        2082
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Coffee Pot                        1884                           
               Croissant         1997/12/01        4291
                                 1997/11/01        6978
                                 1997/10/01        4741
  *TOTAL PRODUCT Croissant                         5336                           
  *TOTAL REGION Northeast                          2754                           
  TOTAL                                            3265                           

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Reference: Usage Notes for ROLL.

iWay Software