Preparing the Microsoft SQL Server Environment

In this section:

How to:

In order to take full advantage of the features available through the Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, we strongly recommend using MS SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 1 (2005.90.2047) or higher. To determine which version of MS SQL Server you are using, please refer to the following article:

You can set up the Microsoft SQL Server Environment on Windows and UNIX.

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Procedure: How to Set Up the Environment on Windows

The Microsoft SQL Server environment is set up during the installation of the Microsoft SQL Server, Client, and MDAC software.

No additional setup steps are required.

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Procedure: How to Set Up the Environment on UNIX

Identify the location of the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver files using the environment variable $CLASSPATH. For example, to set the location of the JDBC Driver files to /usr/driver_files, specify:


Identify the installation directory of the Java Development Kit using the environment variable $JDK_HOME. For example, if you want to set the location of the Java Development Kit to /usr/java, specify:

export JDK_HOME

Identify the installation directory of the Java Virtual Machine using the environment variable $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example, if you want to set the location of the java virtual machine to /usr/j2sdk1.4.2_01/jre/lib/i386/server, specify:


Note: If the server is running with security on, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is ignored. In this case, you must use IBI_LIBPATH.

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Accessing Microsoft SQL Server Remotely

You can access Microsoft SQL Server on a remote node. To access Microsoft SQL Server remotely, you must:

All Microsoft SQL Servers installed are defined by using a unique NetBEUI name. The server can access any Microsoft SQL Server on the network, provided you define a valid user ID and password, as well as the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance. You can define these parameters in either the server global profile or a user profile.

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XA Support

Read/write applications accessing Microsoft SQL Server data sources are able to execute transactions managed in XA-compliant mode.

To activate the XA Transaction Management feature, the server has to be configured in Transaction Coordination Mode, using the Web Console configuration functions. Using Transaction Coordination Mode guarantees the integrity of data modification on all of the involved DBMSs and protects part of the data modifications from being committed on one DBMS and terminated on another.

For complete documentation on XA compliance, see XA Support.

iWay Software