Starting and Using the Server

In this section:

After configuring for secured mode (if desired), the server is started and managed using the same server startup and Web Console startup steps used for validating the server (steps 1 - 6 in Step 5. Verifying the Server Installation).

If the server has not been configured for adapters, now is an appropriate time to do so using the Web Console and Server Administration for UNIX, Windows, OpenVMS, IBM i, and z/OS manual. For current information about which adapters are supported:

  1. Go to

    The Information Builders Technical Support home page opens.

  2. In the Quick Links section on the right side of the page, click Supported Systems/Adapters.

    The Supported Systems and Adapters page opens.

  3. Click the link for the server release you want.

    The Supported Systems and Adapters page for that release opens.

  4. Click the link for your platform.

    The support chart for that platform opens.

Commonly used edastart options and functions are as follows:

Command and Option



(No parameters) Starts the server with the line mode console to actively view the server log (edaprint). Also allows dynamically issuing edastart options, such as show, traceon, traceoff, quit, and stop. Use Ctrl+C to receive the console command prompt to enter commands.

edastart -start

Starts the server in background. Only a short message appears.

edastart -sstart n

Starts the server, but waits n seconds for actual startup.

edastart -show

Shows general status of the server and agents.

edastart -stop

Stops the server.

edastart -quit

Exits the server line mode console log (edaprint) and returns to the operating system command prompt, but leaves the server running.

edastart -console

Re-enters the server line mode console log (edaprint).

edastart -traceon

Turns on tracing. May be used at initial startup or after start. Tracing should not be turned on (due to overhead) unless there is a problem that needs to be traced. It is always preferable to start traces at initial startup time unless instructed otherwise.

edastart -traceoff

Turns off tracing.

edastart -?

Displays edastart options (those on this list, and more).

edastart -?s

Displays support information and support-related options.

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Other DCL Programs

The commands below may be used to start or manage the server environment in a batch mode using DCL.

The process of installing a server also creates DCL sources so that server functions such as start, stop, show, and tracing may be activated with a single keyword. The start command starts the server as a batch job (SUBMIT) issued to the SYS$BATCH queue, and is particularly useful for automatically starting a server at boot time or with minimal effort.

The sources are created and permanently assigned to the configuration bin directory. The core EDASTART program is generic for any installation and is driven by the defaults within the command files. The basic commands and functions are listed in the table below.



edastart -stop
edastart -show
edastart -showlog
edastart -traceon
edastart -traceoff
edastart -clear
edastart -cleardir
edastart -savediag

To use any of the commands, type an "@" and the full path name of any of the DCL scripts.

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Adding JOB, GROUP or Other Defined Environment Values (EDAENV.COM)

At server startup, all Process level logicals are copied to the startup job stream; System level logicals are present by default. If a server must be configured to "see" Job or Group level logicals, or there are Process level logicals that should only be declared for the server, they must be individually declared in an EDACONF [.BIN]EDAENV.COM file. The contents of this file must be valid DCL syntax (typically just consisting of logical declarations). An example of EDAENV.COM follows:


Note: If EDAENV.COM is needed, you must create it. An empty template is not supplied.

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End-User Requirements

IDs connecting to a server (secured or unsecured) have requirements in terms of specific setup and privileges. The requirements are as follows:

iWay Software