Server Installation for HFS & PDS

In this section:

Before installing the server, read the topics in this section for:

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Choosing How to Deploy the Server

The unified server for z/OS provides you with a choice of deployment environments. You can deploy the server using either:

The following table compares the benefits of each way of deploying the server on z/OS.




file management:

Server run-time and configuration files

In the UNIX Hierarchical file system (HFS).

In partitioned data sets (PDSs).

file management:

User data, metadata, and procedures

In the UNIX HFS and, optionally, in a PDS.

In a PDS and, optionally, in the UNIX HFS.


Standard security packages are supported (RACF, eTrust™, CA-ACF2®, and eTrust CA-Top Secret).

All directories and files must have their user/group/world attributes correctly set.

A user ID with a UID of 0 (that is, a superuser) is required when running the server with security set to OPSYS or a special UNIXPRIV userid can be used.

Standard security packages are supported (RACF, eTrust CA-ACF2, and eTrust CA-Top Secret). No additional security is required.

user IDs

A UID of 0 (that is, a superuser) can install, but not administer or connect to, the server.

Each user ID that will install, administer, or connect to the server requires an HFS segment with sufficient space and appropriate file permissions for the tasks that the ID will perform.

Any user ID can install, administer, and connect to the server.


Use a mixture of USS-based and MVS-based libraries/APIs.

Use MVS-based libraries/APIs.

The exception is DBMSs that support only USS-based libraries/APIs, such as DB2 CLI and Java-based adapters, such as MS SQL Server, which use vendor libraries/APIs residing in the hierarchical file system.

Traces and Server Log

Accessible from Web Console

These are available on the JES output of the server job.

Web Console Stress Tool

Available from Web Console

Feature not available.

PDS deployment also requires each user of the server to be identified to USS by means of a default segment definition. For more information, see USS Segment Requirements.

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Server File Locations

In this section:

The server includes several groups of files used for installation, configuration, and administration. These groups are implemented differently in HFS and PDS deployments:

Supplied Files Location (EDAHOME)

The server programs and related files are stored in a location referred to as EDAHOME. The server installation process copies the server software into EDAHOME.

Configuration Files Location (EDACONF)

The server configuration files are stored in a location referred to as EDACONF. Each server instance has its own EDACONF, which controls the behavior of that instance.

Profile Files Location

Server profiles are stored in the following location:

Administration Files Location

The file that specifies server administrators is located in:

Application Files Location (APPROOT)

The server application files are stored in a location referred to as APPROOT. APPROOT may be shared by applications created with other Information Builders products.

Two applications are generated automatically during installation: IBISAMP, which is populated with sample files, and BASEAPP, a default application space.

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Step-By-Step Installation Overview

The installation process differs somewhat, depending on how you are deploying the server for z/OS. To deploy the server using:

iWay Software