Configuring Source Management and Setting Up Source Control

In this section:

If you have a source control system configured, you can use it to source manage DataMigrator procedures, synonyms, and flows.

To implement source control, all developers and the manager must:

  1. Set up source control folders in your source management system. These folders are called Projects in ChangeMan DS, Perforce, and Visual SourceSafe, Views in ClearCase, and Modules in CVS.

    Note: Source control folders work essentially like DataMigrator application directories. You should create folders in your source control system that mimic your node/application directory structure. Creating folders using your server node names will help you distinguish application directories with the same names on different servers.

  2. Configure DataMigrator to work with your source control system.
  3. Create associations between DataMigrator application directories and the source control folders you created.

You can then add files to your source control system, check them out or in, and see file history, versions, and differences from the Data Management Console.

For detailed information on installing and configuring your source control system, and setting up source control databases and projects/views/modules, see your source control system documentation.

For demonstration purposes, this manual documents some source control procedures using ChangeMan DS, ClearCase, CVS, Perforce, and Visual SourceSafe. Other systems should work analogously.

Top of page

Setup, Configure, and Associate DataMigrator to Work With ChangeMan DS

How to:

Creating a ChangeMan DS project provides a way to logically associate files with a project. Files are associated to the project by attaching them when the project is created.

Note: Source control folders, called projects in ChangeMan DS, work essentially like DataMigrator application directories. ChangeMan DS projects can be created during configuration or when you create associations with application directories.

Procedure: How to Create ChangeMan DS Projects
  1. Log into ChangeMan DS.
  2. From the Tools menu, select System Configuration.

    The Global Process Control window opens.

  3. From the Edit menu, select Users.

    Select New User or New Group from the bottom left of the Global User Configuration window, and create and edit user and group profiles. Provide privileges to the users.

  4. From the Edit menu of the Global Process Control window, select Areas.

    Select New from the bottom left of the Global Area Configuration window. Create and edit areas, such as development, production, QA, and end users. The development area usually represents a directory on the local computer where the development work takes place. Files may be checked in and out of this directory

  5. From the Edit menu of the Global Process Control window, select Projects.

    Select New from the bottom left of the Project Configuration window to create and edit projects. ChangeMan DS projects help to manage logically related files. Attach Files to a Project during Configuration.

    Note: Currently, identical sources cannot be used for the same projects. This feature is planned for a future release.

  6. From the Process Control Window of the new project that was created, select the New Rule icon located right under the File menu.

    Create a rule by adding the appropriate nodes and connecting the Development Area with the Production Area.

Procedure: How to Configure DataMigrator to Work With ChangeMan DS

To use a source control system to source manage your DataMigrator flows, stored procedures, and synonyms, you must have a source control program and database configured. The source control program will then appear as an SCC Provider.

In the Data Management Console:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Configure Source Control.

    Note: If you have not properly configured ChangeMan DS Client, this option will not appear on the Tools menu.

    The Configure Source Control dialog box opens.

  2. Select ChangeMan DS as the SSC Provider from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Selecting none removes source control from your system.

  3. Optionally, click Test to make sure you can connect to the source control system from the DMC.

    Note: If you do not have a license for the Source Control, you might be prompted to get one at this time.

  4. Click OK.

    The Set Source Control Provider dialog box opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    Once a SSC Provider has been set, source control options appear on the right-click menus.

Procedure: How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and ChangeMan DS Projects

Creating a source control project provides a place to manage your DataMigrator files. Creating an association between your application directory and that project tells DataMigrator where to manage those files.

Note: Developers must associate application directories inside their user home directory, while only the manager associates to the central application directory.

In the navigation pane of the Data Management Console:

  1. Right-click an application directory and select Source Control, and then Create Association with Source Control.

    The Associate Application with Source Control Project window opens.

  2. Click Associate.

    The Changeman DS Login dialog box opens. Type your User Name, Password, and MainServer for your Changeman DS environment

  3. Click OK.

    The SCC Project Path from Changeman DS dialog box opens.

  4. Enter Local Area and Project and click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Associate Application with Source Control Project Dialog box.

    The Application Directory icon displays a lock to indicate the source control association.

At this point, you have associated your application in DataMigrator with a project in ChangeMan DS.

Top of page

Setup, Configure, and Associate DataMigrator to Work With ClearCase

How to:

Source control folders, called views in ClearCase, work essentially like DataMigrator application directories. You should create folders in your source control system that mimic your node/application directory structure. Creating folders using your server node names will help you distinguish application directories with the same names on different servers.

Procedure: How to Create ClearCase Views
  1. From the Start Menu, select Rational Software, then Rational ClearCase, then Create View.

    The View Creation Wizard's Choose a Project dialog box opens.

  2. Click Next.

    The View Creation Wizard's Choose Snapshot View or Dynamic View dialog box opens.

  3. Select Dynamic and click Next.

    The View Creation Wizard's Choose Name and Drive dialog box opens.

  4. Use the default view name or enter an alternate name.
  5. Select a drive. In this example, the default drive Z is used.
  6. Enter a comment for the view.
  7. Click Advanced Options.

    The Advanced View Options dialog box opens.

  8. Enter the name of your ClearCase storage share and click OK.
  9. When the Choose Name and Drive dialog box reopens, click Finish.

    The Confirm dialog box opens.

  10. Click OK.

    The ClearCase View Tool dialog box opens.

  11. Click OK.

Once you have created a ClearCase view, you should navigate to its drive/folder and create subfolders that match the application directories that you want to source manage.

Procedure: How to Configure DataMigrator to Work With ClearCase

To use a source control system to source manage your DataMigrator flows, stored procedures, and synonyms, you must have a source control program and database configured. The source control program will then appear as an SCC Provider.

In the Data Management Console:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Configure Source Control.

    Note: If you have not properly configured ClearCase Client, this option will not appear on the Tools menu.

    The Configure Source Control dialog box opens.

  2. Select ClearCase as the SSC Provider from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Selecting none removes source control from your system.

  3. Optionally, click Test to make sure you can connect to the source control system from the DMC.

    Note: If you do not have a license for the Source Control, you might be prompted to get one at this time.

  4. Click OK.

    The Set Source Control Provider dialog box opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    Once a SSC Provider has been set, source control options appear on the right-click menus.

Procedure: How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and ClearCase View Folders

Creating a source control folder provides a place to manage your DataMigrator files. Creating an association between your application directory and that folder tells DataMigrator where to manage those files.

Note: Developers must associate application directories inside their user home directory, while only the manager associates to the central application directory.

  1. Right-click an application directory and select Source Control, and then Create Association with Source Control.

    The Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box opens.

  2. Click Associate.

    The Browse for Folder dialog box opens.

  3. Select the folder that you want to associate with this application directory and click OK.
  4. Click OK to close the Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box.

    The Application Directory icon displays a lock to indicate the source control association.

You are now ready to use ClearCase for source management.

Top of page

Setup, Configure, and Associate DataMigrator to Work With Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

How to:

CVS is an open source system widely used in the UNIX world. It has a Windows implementation called CVSNT. Since CVS is a command-line system, it cannot be used directly by DataMigrator (or any other application that uses the SCC API). To use CVSNT, the PushOK CVS SCC Proxy is needed to convert the SCC API calls into CVS commands. Source control folders, called modules in CVS, work essentially like DataMigrator application directories.

Procedure: How to Create Concurrent Versions System (CVS) Modules

Before you can create CVS Modules, you need to create a repository and add users. A repository needs a root directory which both the files under version control and auxiliary files for use by CVS server are stored. After creating the repository, create users that can access (store and retrieve) files from the repository. Once this is complete, there are two ways to create modules:

Note: CVS modules can be also be created when you create associations with application directories. For details, see How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and CVS Modules.

  1. You can add a new module through the command line. For instance, to add a new module with the name app1:

    mkdir $CVSROOT/app1 # makes an empty module.

    cvs checkout -d ./ app1 # checks it out to the current directory

  2. Use a CVS client tool such as TortoiseCVS. This tool allows you to work with files under CVS directly from Windows Explorer, thus eliminating the need to code. Other CVS client tools include CVSGui, SmartCVS, and many others.

Procedure: How to Configure DataMigrator to Work With CVS

To use a source control system to source manage your DataMigrator flows, stored procedures, and synonyms, you must have a source control program and database configured. The source control program will then appear as an SCC Provider.

In the Data Management Console:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Configure Source Control.

    Note: If you have not properly configured PushOk CVSSCC NT Proxy, this option will not appear on the Tools menu.

    The Configure Source Control dialog box opens.

  2. Select PushOk CVSSCC NT as the SSC Provider from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Selecting none removes source control from your system.

  3. Optionally, click Test to make sure you can connect to the source control system from the DMC.

    Note: If you do not have a license for the Source Control, you might be prompted to get one at this time.

  4. Click OK.

    The Set Source Control Provider dialog box opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    Once a SSC Provider has been set, source control options appear on the right-click menus.

Procedure: How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and CVS Modules

Creating a source control folder provides a place to manage your DataMigrator files. Creating an association between your application directory and that folder tells DataMigrator where to manage those files.

Note: Developers must associate application directories inside their user home directory, while only the manager associates to the central application directory.

In the navigation pane of the Data Management Console:

  1. Right-click an application directory and select Source Control, and then Create Association with Source Control.

    The Associate Application with Source Control Project window opens.

  2. Click Associate.

    The Please select a CVSROOT, module and local path dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    Please Select Dialog Box

  3. Enter the repository information in the CVSROOT field. CVSROOT describes the physical location of repository, the directory that stores the master copies of the files.

    The syntax for the CVSROOT is:




    For a Windows server, the recommended protocol is sspi.


    Is the name of the machine running CVS.


    Is the location of the CVS repository.

    An example of a complete syntax is:

  4. Click Check.

    If CVSROOT is valid, the following message should appear:

     The CVSROOT is OK.
  5. Click Properties.

    The PushOK CVS Proxy properties window opens.

  6. Select the CVS Options tab, deselect the Enable file remove monitoring check box, and click OK.
  7. Create a new module or specify the existing module name. Module is a specific directory (tree of directories) in the main repository, CVSROOT.
  8. Click Check.

    If Module is valid, the following message should appear:

    The MODULE is OK.
  9. Set the local path to c:\ibi\srv77\dm\etlgtemp\server. Local path is where the source managed files temporarily reside.
  10. Click OK to close the select a CVSROOT, module and local path dialog box.
  11. Click OK to close the Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box.

    The Application Directory icon displays a lock to indicate the source control association.

You are now ready to use CVS for source management.

Top of page

Setup, Configure, and Associate DataMigrator to Work With Perforce

How to:

Perforce does not store directories. Directories are simply components of the filespec which uniquely identify each file. However, we recommend that you create folders in your source control system that mimic your node/application directory structure. Creating folders using your server node names will help you distinguish application directories with the same names on different servers.

In order to create an empty directory or structure of empty directories, you need to anchor those directories using a place-holder file. The place-holder file is added to Perforce, and then deleted, creating a deleted revision that anchors the directory.

You can do this by using P4V or using the command line.

Procedure: How to Create Perforce Projects

Create Perforce Projects Using PFV:

  1. Launch P4V and connect to the server using proper connection settings.
  2. Select a workspace whose view includes the area of the depot in which you wish to create directories.
  3. Create the new directory by right-clicking (in your system file tree) the folder where you want to create the directory, and selecting New Folder... When prompted, enter the directory name Empty.
  4. Open a text editor of your choice and create a new file in the Empty directory named .place-holder. Using a period (.) in front of the name makes this a hidden file on Linux, UNIX, or Mac operating Systems, though it remains visible in Windows workspaces. The file can be empty, it just has to be present.
  5. In P4V, right-click the .place-holder file and select Mark for Add.

    Right-click .place-holder again and select Submit.... A submit dialog opens, enter something in the description (such as "Create Empty") and click Submit.

    Note: If the .place-holder file is visible, right-click Empty and select Refresh Empty.

  6. Click Depot tab.

    In the depot, you see the Empty directory and the . place-holder file it contains.

  7. Right-click .place-holder and select Mark for Delete. Right-click it again and select Submit....

    A submit dialog opens.

  8. Enter a description in the appropriate field and click Submit.

    The .place-holder file disappears from the directory, leaving an empty directory in the depot.

  9. If you do not see the directory in P4V, confirm that Show Deleted Files is selected from the Filter Depot menu at the top of the depot tree.

    The following image shows an example of what the tree structure should look like.

    Tree Structure Example

Create Perforce Projects Using the Command Line:

The following commands reproduce the procedure described above. Issue these commands from the directory where you wish to create the new directory.

mkdir Empty
cd Empty
vi .place-holder (on Windows, try edit .place-holder)
p4 add .place-holder
p4 submit -d "Create Empty"
p4 delete .place-holder
p4 submit -d "Create Empty"

Procedure: How to Configure DataMigrator to Work with Perforce

To use a source control system to source manage your DataMigrator flows, stored procedures, and synonyms, you must have a source control program and database configured. The source control program will then appear as an SCC Provider.

In the Data Management Console:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Configure Source Control.

    Note: If you have not properly configured Perforce Client, this option will not appear on the Tools menu.

    The Configure Source Control dialog box opens.

  2. Select Perforce SCM as SSC Provider from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Selecting none removes source control from your system.

  3. Optionally, click Test to make sure you can connect to the source control system from the DMC.

    Note: If you do not have a license for the Source Control, you might be prompted to get one at this time.

  4. Click OK.

    The Set Source Control Provider dialog box opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    Once a SSC Provider has been set, source control options appear on the right-click menus.

Procedure: How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and Perforce Project

Note: Developers must associate application directories inside their user home directory, while only the manager associates to the central application directory.

In the navigation pane of the Data Management Console:

  1. Right-click an application directory. Select Source Control and then Create Association with Source Control.

    The Associate Application with Source Control Project window opens.

  2. Click Associate.

    The Open Connection dialog box appears, as shown in the following image.

    Open Connection Dialog Box

  3. Enter the Server, User, and Workspace connection information:
    • Server. The name of the computer where you Perforce server is running.
    • User. Your Perforce user name.
    • Workspace. Folders or directories on the client computer where you work on revisions of files that are managed by Perforce.

    Note: To display a list of existing users and workspaces, click Browse. (The server and port must be specified before clicking Browse). Click New to create new users and workspaces.

  4. Click OK to close the Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box.

    The Application Directory icon displays a lock to indicate the source control association.

You are now ready to use Perforce for source management.

Top of page

Setup, Configure, and Associate DataMigrator with Subversion

How to:

Subversion is an open source revision control system and successor to Concurrent Versions System (CVS) that can run on cross-platform Operating Systems. This section will discuss the Windows implementation. Subversion is a command-line system and cannot be used directly by DataMigrator. To use Subversion, PushOk SVN SCC Proxy is needed to convert the SCC API calls into Subversion commands. It is recommended that the source control folders, also known as modules, are structured the same as the DataMigrator application directories.

Procedure: How to Create Subversion Modules

Before you can create Subversion modules, you need to create a repository and add users. Once this is complete, you can create the modules through the Subversion command line, Subversion client, or at the DataMigrator configuration. The following procedure shows how to create a module with a Subversion client, TortoiseSVN. For details on how to create modules at DataMigrator configuration, see How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and Subversion Modules.

  1. Install TortoiseSVN.
  2. Right-click Subversion Repository from Windows Explorer, select TortoiseSVN, and then select Repo-browser.
  3. Right-click on top tree path and select Create folder, as shown in the following image.

    Repository Browser

  4. Enter the folder name. This should be the same as the DataMigrator Application Directory, such as ibisamp.

Procedure: How to Configure DataMigrator to Work with Subversion

To use Subversion from client, you must install the client program. In Windows environment, this would be PushOk SVN SCC Proxy. Once this is installed and configured, the PushOK SVNSCC provider will show as an SCC Provider.

In the Data Management Console:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Configure Source Control.

    Note: If you have not properly configured PushOk SVNSCC Proxy, this option will not appear on the Tools menu.

    The Configure Source Control dialog box opens.

  2. Select PushOk SVNSCC as the SCC Provider from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Selecting none removes source control from your system.

  3. Optionally, click Test to make sure you can connect to the source control system from the DMC.

    Note: If you do not have a license for the Source Control, you might be prompted to get one at this time.

  4. Click OK.

    The Set Source Control Provider dialog box opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    Once a SCC Provider has been set, source control options appear on the right-click menus of the application directories.

In PushOK SVNSCC configuration plug-in:

  1. Open the SVNSCC plug-in by going to Start, All Programs, PushOk Software, SVNSCC, and Configure Plugin.
  2. Select the SVN Options tab and verify that the options are set the same, as shown in the following image.

    SVN Options tab

Procedure: How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and Subversion Modules

Creating a source control folder provides a place to manage your DataMigrator files. Creating an association between your application directory and that folder tells DataMigrator where to manage those files.

Note: Developers must associate application directories inside their user home directory, while only the manager associates to the central application directory.

In the navigation pane of the Data Management Console:

  1. Right-click an application directory. Select Source Control and then Create Association with Source Control.

    The Associate Application with Source Control Project window opens.

  2. Click Associate.

    The Select SVNURL, module and local path dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    Select SVNURL, module and local path dialog box

  3. Enter the repository information in the SVNURL field. SVNURL describes the physical location of the repository. The repository is the directory that stores the revision copies of all the files.

    The syntax for the SVURL is:




    The recommended procotol for a Windows server is svn.


    The name of the machine running Subversion.


    The location of the SVN repository. An example of a complete syntax is:


    Note: Each developer must connect with unique username and password set in Subversion.

  4. Click Check.

    If SVNURL is valid, the following message should appear:

    The SVNRUL is OK.
  5. Create a new module or specify the existing module name. Module is a specific directory (tree of directories) in the main repository, SVNURL. This should mimic the name of the DataMigrator application directory for consistency.
  6. Click Check.

    If Module is invalid and does not exist, click Create. The module needs to be created only once by the developer who is the first to associate application directory with Subversion module. The rest of the developers need to connect to, and work with, the created/pre-existing module created by the first developer.

    If Module is valid, the following message should appear:

    The MODULE is OK.
  7. The local path can be set to any local directory, such as C:\temp, but a different local path for each module must be specified. It is recommended that you create and keep the same module name inside a single local path, such as C:\temp\ibisamp.
  8. Click OK to close the Select a SVNURL, module and local path dialog box.
  9. Click OK to close the Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box. If association is successful, the Application Directory icon should display a lock to indicate the source control association.

You are now ready to use Subversion for source management.

Note: When you disconnect and reconnect with a different user to the DMC under source control, PushOK SVN Proxy might re-prompt you for a username and password to Subversion repository. If this occurs, re-login with the appropriate Subversion user credentials.

Top of page

Setup, Configure, and Associate DataMigrator to Work With Visual SourceSafe

How to:

Source control folders, called projects in Visual SourceSafe, work essentially like DataMigrator application directories. You should create folders in your source control system that mimic your node/application directory structure. Creating folders using your server node names will help you distinguish application directories with the same names on different servers.

Note: Visual SourceSafe projects can be also be created when you create associations with application directories. For details, see How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and Visual SourceSafe Projects.

Procedure: How to Create Visual SourceSafe Projects
  1. Open Visual SourceSafe Explorer.
  2. On the File menu, click Create Project.
  3. In the Create Project in dialog box, type the project name in the Project field.
  4. Optionally, enter a brief description of the project in the Comment box.
  5. Click OK to create a single empty project.

    Visual SourceSafe Explorer

    Normally, SourceSafe requires you to set a working folder, but since DataMigrator is a client/server application, that is not required. DataMigrator sets an internal working directory for files under source control and pushes those files to the server when they are changed.

Procedure: How to Configure DataMigrator to Work With Visual SourceSafe

To use a source control system to source manage your DataMigrator flows, stored procedures, and synonyms, you must have a source control program and database configured. The source control program will then appear as an SCC Provider.

In the Data Management Console:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Configure Source Control.

    Note: If you have not properly configured Visual SourceSafe Client, this option will not appear on the Tools menu.

    The Configure Source Control dialog box opens.

  2. Select Microsoft Visual SourceSafe as the SSC Provider from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Selecting none removes source control from your system.

  3. Optionally, click Test to make sure you can connect to the source control system from the DMC.

    Note: If you do not have a license for the Source Control, you might be prompted to get one at this time.

  4. Click OK.

    The Set Source Control Provider dialog box opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    Once a SSC Provider has been set, source control options appear on the right-click menus.

Procedure: How to Create Associations Between Application Directories and Visual SourceSafe Projects

Creating a source control folder provides a place to manage your DataMigrator files. Creating an association between your application directory and that folder tells DataMigrator where to manage those files.

Note: Developers must associate application directories inside their user home directory, while only the manager associates to the central application directory.

In the navigation pane of the Data Management Console:

  1. Right-click an application directory and select Source Control, and then Create Association with Source Control.

    The Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box opens.

  2. Click Associate.

    The Visual SourceSafe Login dialog box opens.

  3. Type your User ID, Password, and Path to the srcsafe.ini file for your SourceSafe database.

    Tip: For convenience, it is recommended that you use the same user ID and password for both DataMigrator and SourceSafe.

  4. Click OK.

    The Add to SourceSafe Project dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    Add to SourceSafe Project Dialog Box

  5. Select a project folder and click OK. If you have not created a project through Visual SourceSafe Explorer, you can do so here by specifying project name and clicking Create.
  6. Click OK to close the Associate Application with Source Control Project dialog box.

    The Application Directory icon displays a lock to indicate the source control association.

    Note: While the Data Management Console lists application directories according to their position in your Application Path, SourceSafe lists project folders alphabetically.

iWay Software