In this section: How to: |
You can create a new scorecard using the New Scorecard Wizard or by cascading from a parent scorecard. The New Scorecard Wizard quickly sets up all of the basic records you need to create a scorecard including the scorecard record, the four standard Kaplan/Norton perspectives, and the desired objectives.
The scorecard wizard appears, as shown in the following image.
Field |
Description |
Scorecard Name |
Type a name for your new Scorecard. The maximum number of characters is 50. |
Scorecard Type |
Select Performance or Risk. |
Parent Scorecard |
If the Scorecard should be cascaded from a parent, select the desired parent scorecard. All scorecards that you have access to are shown in the drop-down menu. |
Owner |
Select the user ID of the owner of the scorecard. By default, your owner ID is used. |
Today Page |
Select the default Today Page for the new scorecard. |
Objectives |
Select the shape to use for Objectives in the Strategy Map. Choose Oval, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Wide Oval, Wide Rectangle, or Wide Rounded Rectangle. |
Risks |
Select the shape to use for Risks in the Strategy Map. Choose Oval, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Wide Oval, Wide Rectangle, or Wide Rounded Rectangle. |
Mission Statement |
Optionally, type text to describe the fundamental purpose of the new scorecard. This information is displayed in the Strategy Map and in some views. |
The next page, used to add perspectives, is displayed in the new scorecard wizard.
Note: You can click Previous at any time before the Finish step to go back and make changes.
The next page, used to add objectives, is displayed in the new scorecard wizard, as shown in the following image.
You can also do any of the following:
When Create standard metrics is not selected, the Scorecard Wizard creates objectives without creating new standard measures and bypasses the step, which means you will have to manually link each objective to an existing measure or a new measure that you will create.
If the Create standard metrics check box was not selected, you will bypass this step.
When you click Finish, a summary page is displayed for the new scorecard you just created. You can click Go to card to view the new scorecard or click Another new to create another new scorecard.
Your new scorecard is now set up and ready to use.
For information on editing a scorecard created by the Scorecard Wizard, see Editing, Deleting, and Creating Scorecards. For example, you can add a mission statement to the scorecard or select the shape for displaying objectives on the Strategy Map.
How to: |
You can organize scorecards in a hierarchical linkage called a cascade. Cascaded scorecards enable you to drill up and down through the various scorecards set up for your organization, which allows users to view scorecards both higher up and lower down in the hierarchy of the organization. There is almost an infinite number of ways to combine scorecard cascading with data security in PMF. You can customize cascading to permit individual users to view specific metrics from other organizational scorecards, in addition to their own scorecards.
Typically, you cascade scorecards along an organization org chart or company/departmental structure. For example, if your company is in manufacturing, you might create a scorecard cascade like this, in which the parent is the Corporate card, with children representing Support, Sales, Production, and other departments.
You can add, change, or delete the parent child relationship between any two scorecards by changing the properties from the child scorecard panel. After you set up a parent child relationship between two scorecards, you can begin to drill back and forth between them.
You can create a new child scorecard by making an exact copy of an existing (parent) scorecard and the two will be automatically cascaded. You can then modify the copied (child) scorecard, changing perspectives, objectives, themes, and metrics, without affecting the parent.
In both read-only and read or write Strategy Maps, if a scorecard has a parent and one or more child scorecards, you can use the Strategy Map to navigate to the parent using a link, and the child or children using a menu.
If a scorecard has a parent and one or more child scorecards, you can use the Card drop-down menu to navigate between the parent and children or between the children. This capability is available on the Today, Analytics, and Author tabs.
Field |
Description |
Scorecard Name |
Type a name for the new scorecard. The maximum number of characters is 50. |
Scorecard Type |
Choose from Performance or Risk. |
Parent Scorecard |
Select a parent scorecard from which the new scorecard will be cascaded. All scorecards appear in the drop-down menu. Scorecards to which you have access appear in the list. |
Owner |
Select an owner from the drop-down menu. The default is the owner name of the login ID. |
Today Page |
Select the default Today Page for the new scorecard. |
Objectives |
Select the shape to use for Objectives in the Strategy Map. Choose Oval, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Wide Oval, Wide Rectangle, or Wide Rounded Rectangle. |
Risks |
Select the shape to use for Risks in the Strategy Map. Choose Oval, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Wide Oval, Wide Rectangle, or Wide Rounded Rectangle. |
Mission Statement |
Enter text that describes the focus or fundamental purpose of the new scorecard, if desired. This information is displayed in the PMF Strategy Map and on views. |