Weighting Measures Across Objectives

How to:

An objective can be linked to no measures, one measure, or multiple measures. If an objective is linked to multiple measures, measure weighting controls the percentage that each measure represents as part of the objective to which it belongs. The weight for an individual measure can be set to any percentage, with no decimal places (integral weighting) or with 1 or 2 decimal places of precision. The sum of the weights for all the measures that make up an objective indicator will always be 100%.

The number of significant decimal places on the weighting form is set by an administrator. For more information, see Performance Management Framework Administrator.

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Procedure: How to Weight Measures Across Objectives

To set the priority of measures across objectives, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Author tab, click Objectives and expand the objectives folders.
  2. Click an objective, for example, Customer claims down.
  3. Click the Adjust Measure Weights button.

    The Measure Weights form opens.

    Measure weights form

  4. Click and drag the sliders to re-assign the weights, or type the weighting percentage in the input field.

    Tip: Typed percentages are recognized when you move the mouse off the input field and click it.

    Note that the weights are automatically balanced across all the objectives. For example, if you change the Claims measure from 100.0% to 30.0%, the Employee Self Score measure will automatically change to 70.0%.

    Measure weights balance

    The Total Weighting Percentage is displayed at the bottom of the weights column as a guideline when you make percentage adjustments.

  5. Click Re-balance weights to assign an equal percentage to all measures.

    Note: If you do not want to re-balance a particular measure as you drag the sliders or type percentages, click the Lock button to the left of the measure to lock the weight of that measure.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

    If you try to save weights that do not add up to 100%, PMF automatically makes adjustments in proportional amounts so that the total adds up to 100%. It displays a message that gives you an opportunity to view the adjustments (by clicking Cancel) before saving them.

  7. Click Objective to return to the Edit Objective form.