Working With Measure Tasks

How to:

To enhance your ability to collaborate in PMF, you can create a list of action items (tasks) for Measures. Measure tasks help facilitate common work-flow options and enable you to assign, update, change status of, and view tasks, whether you are the assigner of the task or the person currently responsible for performing the task.

To find your tasks, select Measure Tasks in the action block. A list similar to the following opens.

Measure Tasks

The Measure Tasks list includes the name of the task, the assigned owner, the due date, and the owner who assigned the task. Selecting the task name opens the Edit Task form where you can edit the task to change the status, reassign it, change the due date, and more. Selecting the New Task New Task icon icon opens the form for creating a New Task. Above the New Task icon are the following three icons:

Note: These three icons are removed from the view when you click anywhere outside the action block.

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Procedure: How to Create a New Task
  1. Select Measure Task in the action block.

    The Measure Tasks list displays in the action block.

  2. Click the New Task New Task icon icon to the right of Measure Tasks.

    The new task form displays, as shown in the following image.

    New task form

  3. Complete the new task form and select values for the fields that are listed and described in the following table.




    Type a name for the task.


    Select the Measure to which the task is aligned.


    Type a description for the task including instructions and any other necessary information.

    Performed by

    Select the owner who will perform the task.

    Percent complete

    Type in the percent complete for the task.


    Choose one of the following status values from the drop-down menu:

    • Assigned. Task is assigned to an owner for action.
    • Complete. Task was completed.
    • Deferred. Task is on hold.
    • In Progress. Task is currently being performed.


    Select a priority from Low to High.


    Choose one of the following task types from the drop-down menu:

    • PMF action required.
    • Metric Follow-up.
    • Technical work.
    • Internal work.
    • Work with customer.
    • Other.

    Start Date

    Type a date or click the calendar control to select a start date for the task. By default, the task start date is today.

    Currently due

    Type a date or click the calendar control to select a due date for the task.

    Assigned by

    Select the owner who is assigning the task. By default, you are the owner assigning the task.


    Select a value from the drop-down menu next to each of the dimensions displayed at the bottom of the new task form. The selected value is used for linking the task. The available dimensions are Location, Organization, Product, and Supplier.

  4. Click Save when the new task form is completely filled out.
  5. Click Close to exit the new task form.

Procedure: How to Edit a Task
  1. To edit or delete an existing task, select Measure Task in the action block.

    The Measure Tasks list displays in the action block.

  2. Click the task name in the action block.

    The edit task form displays, as shown in the following image.

    Edit task form

  3. To delete the Measure task, click Delete, then click OK when the delete confirmation dialog box appears.
  4. To edit the Measure task, change any of the previously entered information and selected values in the edit task form as needed.

    Note: The edit task form contains the same fields as the new task form. In addition, it displays the original due date (in the event the date is changed). For details about the fields in the new Task form, see How to Create a New Task.


    • The Percent complete and Status fields provide a good indicator of how much progress is being made on the measure task.
    • To reassign a Measure task to another owner, you must be the owner in the Assigned by or Performed by fields, or an administrator.

  5. Click Save when the new task form is completely filled out.
  6. Click Close to exit the new task form.

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Procedure: How to Create a New Measure Task From a Measure

From a report that displays Measure data:

  1. Click a data field. A pop-up menu opens, as shown in the following image.

    New Task Option

  2. Select New Task.

    The New Task panel opens.

  3. Complete the new task form and select values for the fields that are listed. For more information on setting up Measured Tasks, see How to Create a New Task.

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Procedure: How to View a Measure Task from a Measure, Objective, or Risk

A Measure Task icon Measure Task Icon indicates if there are Measure Tasks linked to the measure, objective, or risk you are viewing.

  1. Click the measure that is linked to a Measure Task. A pop-up menu opens, as shown in the following image.

    Aligned Tasks

  2. Select Aligned Tasks.

    The Tasks - Measures report opens, as shown in the following image.

    Tasks Measures report

    This report lists the linked measure tasks, their descriptions, and their current status.