Displaying Static Tabs With Dynamic Dashboards

How to:

Multiple dashboards can be displayed in a single portal session and each dashboard can contain gadgets that are personalized for the owner (user). You can also create fixed dashboards that the owner cannot personalize.

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Procedure: How to Create a Static Tab With a Dynamic Dashboard
  1. Run a query against the GADGET_PAGES table and locate the number stored as the GADGET_PAGE_ID for the dynamic dashboard you want to launch.

    If you are a developer, you can use the WebFOCUS Server Console to run a query against your PMF data mart.

  2. Log on to the MRE applet.
  3. Navigate to the Performance Management Framework domain in the MRE applet and create a new Standard Report.
  4. Save the Standard Report with an appropriate name, for example, Operational Dashboard static launcher, then close the report.
  5. Open the report with the Editor and add the following lines of code:



    Is the specific GADGET_PAGE_ID of the dashboard you want to launch.

  6. Save and close the Standard Report.

    You cannot test the functionality of the report until it is launched from inside the PMF environment.

  7. Log off MRE.
  8. Log on to the Business Intelligence Dashboard View Builder.
  9. Create and assign a name to a new page for the group view that will become the new static tab.
  10. Create a new launch block and reference the new Standard Report (Operational Dashboard static launcher) you created in the Performance Management Framework domain.
  11. Save the new page and the group view.
  12. Log off from the Business Intelligence Dashboard View Builder.
  13. Log on to PMF as a user for the group view.

    Users can save their preferences for the new dashboard, but they cannot switch preferences to point to a different dashboard.

    Important: Do not replace the PMF Today page with the new static tab page in the group view. This would cause serious errors and make the PMF application inoperable. The Today page must run additional application logic, point to the Today Page bounce report, and be the first page that users view.