Browser Configuration File

In this section:

The browser.xml configuration file enables you to adjust the presentation of data per each entity. The browser is can start without writing a complex configuration file. It is sufficient to use an empty structure of the browser.xml file, as shown in the following example.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

All entities and columns will be displayed with basic relationships between tables (placed in child entities only). All entities are shown in a high level entity list (equal to topLevel=true setting).

For a detailed visual and logical result, extend browser.xml, defining the settings for each entity on both the instance and master layer, as shown in the following syntax.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
			<layer name="Master" description="The master data view.">



Is the setting for instance entities related to browser.xml.


Is the setting for master entities from a particular layer related to browser.xml.


Is the name of the layer from model.xml


Is the legible name of the layer.

Note: Both <name> and <description> pertain to <layer>.

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Entities Definition

There is a definition of entities for both instance and master layers. It consists of the following major parts:

<entity name="party" topLevel="true">
	<description>Contains consolidated master data of the party entity.z</description>
	<displayTemplate>${cmo_first_name} ${cmo_last_name}</displayTemplate>
		<column name="cmo_ssn" label="SSN" />
		<column name="cmo_id_card" label="ID Card#" />
		<column name="cmo_first_name" label="First Name" />
		<column name="cmo_last_name" label="Last Name" />
		<col name="addresses" label="Addresses" relationship="addresses" />
		<column name="cmo_first_name" />
		<column name="cmo_last_name" />
		<column name="cmo_ssn" />
		<column name="cmo_id_card" />
		<group name="Identity">
				<column name="cmo_ssn" />
				<column name="cmo_id_card" />
				<column name="cmo_first_name" />
				<column name="cmo_last_name" />
				<column name="addresses" />
<entity name="address" topLevel="false">



Is the name of the entity from model.xml.


(Boolean) Specifies the visibility of the entity. Only the topLevel=true is shown in the high level entity list. If set to false, the entity is available only using the drill-through from the topLevel entity. For example, it defines a way of browsing navigation.


Entity description shown in the high level entity list when topLevel=true. If topLevel=false, the description is not used.


Are the strings and variables used to create named links between entities. The variable can also be created this way: ${cmo_first_name}.


Defines column labels. If not specified, the column technical name is used instead (optional).

  • name. Name corresponding to the column name in <model.xml>.
  • label. Legible name of the column.

Enables you to define a link from a parent to a child entity. Links from the child to the parent entity are shown in the child entity automatically when the appropriate foreign key is shown.

  • name. Pseudocolumn name used as a relationship link placeholder in <listColumns> or <detailColumns> elements. If these elements are missing, the relationship is added at the end of the column list.
  • label. Legible name of the relationship column
  • relationship. Relationship name corresponding to reverseName in model.xml

Are the columns shown in a record list. If not specified, all columns will be shown.


Is the drill through from the record list to the record details. Detailed information could be shown in logical groups. If it is not specified, the all attributes will be shown within one group.


Defines the name of a group and a list of attributes shown within it.


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Sample Browser.xml File
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
			<entity name="party" topLevel="true" >
				<description>Contains instance data of all customers, employees, and
trade partners.</description>
					<column name="master_id" label="Master ID" />
					<column name="std_ssn" label="SSN" />
					<column name="std_id_card" label="ID Card#" />
					<column name="std_name" label="Full Name" />
					<column name="std_first_name" label="First Name" />
					<column name="std_last_name" label="Last Name" />
					<col name="addresses" label="Addresses" relationship="addresses" />
					<column name="master_id" />
					<column name="std_name" />
					<column name="std_ssn" />
					<column name="std_id_card" />
					<group name="Identity">
							<column name="master_id" />
							<column name="std_ssn" />
							<column name="std_id_card" />
					<group name="Demographics">
							<column name="std_name" />
							<column name="std_first_name" />
							<column name="std_last_name" />
							<column name="addresses" />
					<group name="Source Data">
							<column name="src_name" />
							<column name="src_ssn" />
							<column name="src_id_card" />
							<column name="sco_name" />
							<column name="sco_ssn" />
							<column name="sco_id_card" />
							<column name="exp_name" />
							<column name="exp_ssn" />
							<column name="exp_id_card" />
			<entity name="address" topLevel="false">
				<description>Address information for linked party records.</description>
				<displayTemplate>${std_street}, ${std_city}, ${std_state} ${std_zip}
					<column name="master_id" label="Master ID" />
					<column name="pty_source_id" label="Party Record" />
					<column name="std_street" label="Street" />
					<column name="std_city" label="City" />
					<column name="std_state" label="State" />
					<column name="std_zip" label="ZIP" />
					<column name="master_id" />
					<column name="pty_source_id" />
					<column name="std_street" />
					<column name="std_city" />
					<column name="std_state" />
					<column name="std_zip" />
					<group name="Identity">
							<column name="master_id" />
							<column name="pty_source_id" />
					<group name="Address Data">
							<column name="std_street" />
							<column name="std_city" />
							<column name="std_state" />
							<column name="std_zip" />
					<group name="Source Data">
							<column name="src_street" />
							<column name="src_city" />
							<column name="src_state" />
							<column name="src_zip" />
		<layer name="Master" description="The master data view.">
				<entity name="party" topLevel="true">
					<description>Contains consolidated master data of the party entity.
					<displayTemplate>${cmo_first_name} ${cmo_last_name}
						<column name="cmo_ssn" label="SSN" />
						<column name="cmo_id_card" label="ID Card#" />
						<column name="cmo_first_name" label="First Name" />
						<column name="cmo_last_name" label="Last Name" />
						<col name="addresses" label="Addresses" relationship="addresses" />
						<column name="cmo_first_name" />
						<column name="cmo_last_name" />
						<column name="cmo_ssn" />
						<column name="cmo_id_card" />
						<group name="Identity">
								<column name="cmo_ssn" />
								<column name="cmo_id_card" />
								<column name="cmo_first_name" />
								<column name="cmo_last_name" />
								<column name="addresses" />
		<entity name="address" topLevel="false">
			<description>Contains consolidated address data for master party
		<displayTemplate>${cmo_street}, ${cmo_city}, ${cmo_state} ${cmo_zip}
			<column name="pty_id" label="Party Record" />
			<column name="cmo_street" label="Street" />
			<column name="cmo_city" label="City" />
			<column name="cmo_state" label="State" />
			<column name="cmo_zip" label="ZIP" />
			<column name="pty_id" />
			<column name="cmo_street" />
			<column name="cmo_city" />
			<column name="cmo_state" />
			<column name="cmo_zip" />
					<group name="Address Data">
								<column name="pty_id" />
								<column name="cmo_street" /><column name="cmo_city" />
								<column name="cmo_state" />
								<column name="cmo_zip" />

iWay Software