Creating a Configuration

How to:

iWay Service Manager provides model configurations that you can use as is, or edit to create a custom configuration. When you install iSM, it includes the following configurations:

You can base your new configuration on one of these two model configurations or on another existing configuration. To avoid conflicts with other configurations, the system automatically assigns the next available port as the console port for the new configuration. This port is used for internal communication and cannot be accessed directly. You can override this value. If you override the port with a value already assigned to another configuration, then you are prompted to make a different selection.

Based on the template you use, the configuration software generates the new configuration and the required folders and files. You can also add other components to your configuration. Before you can use a configuration effectively, you must define its channels and business logic.

To create a configuration:

  1. Add the configuration to the console.
  2. Create a Windows service for the new configuration.
  3. Start the Windows service for the new configuration.

In order to take advantage of performance enhancements, Service Manager configurations can be installed to run as services in separate Java processes. In order to do this:

  1. Uninstall the configuration that you wish to modify.
  2. Create a service for the new configuration with Java running in a separate process. This is explained in How to Create a Windows Service for a New Configuration.
  3. Start the service for the new configuration.

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Procedure: How to Add a Configuration to iWay Service Manager

To add a configuration to iWay Service Manager:

  1. In the top pane, click Management.

    The Deployments pane opens by default, as shown in the following image.

  2. In the Server Management section, click Servers, as shown in the following image.

    The Servers pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click Add.

    The Servers configuration pane opens, as shown in the following image.

    1. In the Name field (required), type a name for the configuration, for example, TestConfig.
    2. In the Description field (optional), type a description for the configuration, for example, Configuration for testing.
    3. In the Based On field (required), select an existing configuration from the drop-down list, or provide and absolute path to a dictionary file.
    4. In the Port field under Console Attributes, type the port number on which the console is listening.
    5. In the Bind Address field (optional), provide a local bind address for multi-homed hosts.
    6. If you want to secure the console port via SSL, select the On check box (optional) in the Secure section.
    7. In the Keystore field, type the keystore pathway containing the server certificate for securing the console port using SSL.
    8. In the Keystore Password field, type the password for accessing the keystore.
    9. In the Keystore Type drop-down list, select the keystore type (either JKS or PKCS12).
    10. In the Console Idle Limit field, type the period in minutes that the console can remain idle before the user is logged off. Default is 20 minutes.
    11. In the Console Tracing field, check On to enable component output traces.
    12. In the Authentication Realm drop-down list, select the Authentication Realm to be used for console security.
    13. In the Console Admin ID field, type the User ID to be used for internal communication with the iSM console. The ID must be valid in the specified authentication realm and should have iSM admin authority.
    14. In the Console Admin Password field, type the password for the console admin account.
  4. Click Finish.

    The new configuration, TestConfig, appears in the Configurations list, as shown in the following image.

    After your configuration is created, you can create a Windows service to start the configuration. This is optional.

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Procedure: How to Create a Windows Service for a New Configuration

To create a Windows service that can be used to start a new configuration:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the iWay home bin directory. For example, on Windows, if iWay is installed in C:\Program Files\iWay7, go to
    C:\Program Files\iWay7\bin

    The iwsrv command starts iSM in a command window and allows you to create a Windows service.

  2. At the command prompt, type
    iwsrv config_name -s install

    To create a service with Java running in a separate process, type

    iwsrv config_name -s install -l java



    Is the name of the configuration for which you are creating a service.

    A message appears, indicating that the service was installed successfully.

    Your next task is to start the configuration as a service. For more information, see How to Start a Configuration as a Service on Windows.

Procedure: How to Syntax: How to Manage a Configuration With IWSRV

The full syntax for the iwsrv command is:

iwsrv [configuration] [-s service] [-l launch] [options]



Is the name of the server configuration that is loaded for this instance. The default value is base.


Is the name of the service that is executed. Valid values are:

start: Starts the server configuration (default).

stop: Stops the server configuration.

install: Installs the server configuration.

remove: Removes the server configuration.

query: Queries the server configuration.


Specifies the launch method. Valid methods are:

java: Loads Java in a separate process and uses the JVM options, NT dependencies, and other preferences found within the iSM configuration that are configured through the console. For example: iwsrv.exe base -s start -l java

script file: Specifies a script file that defines the run-time preferences. This script file must be located in the iWay Service Manager installation directory. For example: iwsrv.exe base -s start -l iWay7.cmd

Both of the above uses of -l will force the service to load Java in a separate process. When the service is stopped, both iwsrv.exe and java.exe are terminated.


Specifies tracing or server back-up information. Valid values include:

-b: Indicates that Service Manager is a back-up server, for example:

iwsrv.exe base -s start -b

-c: Turns tracing on. In this mode, you can display useful error messages on the console. For example, you can display a message that says the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not properly installed. For example:

iwsrv.exe base -s start -c

-d: Limits tracing to debug only, for example:

iwsrv.exe base -s start -d

-f: [PATH] filters the system path when invoking JAVA. [RESTART] suppresses the JVM fault restart capability.

-h: iWay7 home directory.

-t: The amount of time (in seconds) to process service shutdown.

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Procedure: How to Start a Configuration as a Service on Windows

To start a new configuration as a service on Windows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Services.

    The Services window opens.

  2. Scroll down to display the iWay Service Manager services, as shown in the following image.

  3. Right-click the service you created, for example, iWay Service Manager - TestConfig and then, select Start (if it is not already started).

    The service status changes to Started. The default start-up type is Automatic.

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Procedure: How to Start a Configuration as a Service on a Non-Windows Platform

To start a new configuration as a service on a platform other than Windows:

  1. Locate the default start-up file, which is supplied for the base configuration, in the iWay7/bin directory.

    On UNIX, this file is called:

    On other non-Windows platforms, the name may vary.

  2. Create a copy of the start-up file for your service.
  3. Edit the copy of the start-up file using an editor and navigate to the following section in the file to replace base with the name of your configuration:
    # Init
    # Setup global variables and signal handling
    # Edit following lines to point to install dir and change user ID"
  4. Navigate to the following section in the file and change the log file name, serviceOut.txt, to be unique to this service:
    cd $IWAY7/config/$IWAYCONFIG 
    if test 'uname' = 'OS400'; then
     	java $REMDBG -cp $CLASSPATH -DIWAY7=$IWAY7 
      com.ibi.service.edaqmSilentService -config $IWAYCONFIG >>
    &elif test 'uname' = 'OS/390'; then
     	java $REMDBG -cp $CLASSPATH -DIWAY7=$IWAY7 
      com.ibi.service.edaqmSilentService -config $IWAYCONFIG >>
    &else	su $IWAYUSER -c "java $REMDBG -cp $CLASSPATH - -DIWAY7=$IWAY7 
      com.ibi.service.edaqmSilentService -config $IWAYCONFIG >>
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Execute the start-up file for your service.

    The service is started.

iWay Software