Introducing iWay Service Manager Configurations

In this section:

Each instance of iWay Service Manager (iSM) is called a managed server. You can create multiple managed servers. Each configuration has a name, which you can access through the iWay Service Manager Administration Console.

Each configuration is defined, started, and stopped independently. However, the iWay Administration Services Console is used to control them all. You can have one or more configurations operating simultaneously within iSM. Each operates as its own process and does not depend upon or affect any other configuration. You must avoid conflicts that may arise by incorrectly defining configurations, for example, using the same file directories or TCP ports.

You must configure each instance for the task it is to accomplish. For example, you might have a production instance and a test instance. You can develop elements used in iSM to process messages in the iWay design-time tools, and then deploy them to the appropriate instance for execution. You can test the message in the test instance and then deploy the software and configuration to the production instance.

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Management Option

The Server Management pane enables you to add configurations or users to iSM. Through this pane you can add users (administrators and non-administrators) with read/write or monitor access to specific configurations.

Configuration management enables you to:

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