Configuring the Telnet Listener

How to:

The following section describes how to configure the Telnet Listener.

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Procedure: How to Configure the Telnet Listener

To configure the Telnet Listener:

  1. Click Registry.

    The Registry pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  2. Click Listeners in the left panel.

    The Listeners list pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click the Add button at the bottom of the list.

    The Select listener type pane opens.

  4. From the drop down list, select the Telnetd listener type, as shown in the following image.

  5. Click Next.

    The Configuration parameters for new listener of type Telnetd pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  6. Leave the defaults for the listener properties, then select Next.

    A pane opens with a name and description field for the listener.

  7. Give the listener a name and description and click Finish.

    This listener will then be added to an Inlet and then a Channel.

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Reference: Telnetd Listener Configuration Parameters



Port *

The TCP port to receive Telnet requests. The default Telnet port is 23.

Local bind address

Local bind address for multi-homed hosts. This value is usually left blank.

Session Timeout*

Period in seconds of inactivity after which the connection will be timed out. The default value is 600.

Maximum Number of Connections

Rejects any new connections after the specified number of connections are active. The default value is 1.


Allowable Clients

If supplied, only messages from this list of fully qualified host names and/or IP addresses are accepted. Enter as comma-separated list or use FILE().

Authentication Realm

Name of a configured authentication realm to validate logins. For full access to management commands, the user must be assigned the admin role. If not supplied, logins will be delegated to the user database of the web console.

Secure Connection

Determines whether to use SSL to secure the channel.

SSL Context Provider

If SSL is enabled, the specified iWay SSL Context Provider will be used to secure the channel. Leave blank for default SSL Context Provider.

SSL Client Authentication

When SSL is enabled, if true, the client's certificate must be trusted by the Telnet server for a connection to be created. The permitted values are true and false.

iWay Software