Configuring a PGP Preparser for Decryption

How to:

The following section describes how to configure a PGP preparser for decryption.

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Procedure: How to Configure a PGP Preparser

To configure a PGP preparser:

  1. In the left console pane of the registry menu, select Preparsers.

    The Preparsers pane opens as shown in the following image.

    The table provided lists any existing preparsers and short descriptions of each.

  2. Click Add.
  3. Select PGP Decrypt {com.ibi.preparsers.PGPDecrypt} from the list, and then click Next.

  4. Provide the required configuration parameters for the new preparser, as described in PGP Preparser Configuration Parameters.

    If the Decrypt method is set to Keypair, then the pass phrase (private key) should be entered in the Key Phrase field. In the example that is used, the pass phrase is hello. If the Decrypt method is set to Passphrase, then the pass phrase should be entered in the Pass Phrase field. In the example that is used, the pass phrase is hello.

  5. Click Next.

    The Name and Description pane opens.

  6. Enter a name and an optional description for the preparser and click Finish.

    The preparser is added to the list in the Preparsers pane.

    After a preparser is added to iWay Service Manger, you can assign a preparser to an inlet that is used to construct a channel.

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Reference: PGP Preparser Configuration Parameters



Decrypt method

Selects the form of decryption to be used. In this example, select Keypair from the drop-down list.

Pass Phrase

For simple encryption, this is the agreed upon pass phrase. For key pair decryption, this value is ignored.

Public key ring

Full path to the public key ring. Used for key pair encryption. In this example, the following path is used:

C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\keys\pubring.gpg

Secret key ring

Full path to the secret key ring. Used for key pair encryption. In this example, the following path is used:

C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\keys\secring.gpg

Key Phrase

Phrase used to unlock the secret key ring. Used for key pair encryption.

Flow form

Determines the flow form to be used. In this example, select XML from the drop-down list.

iWay Software